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Colonoscopy Prep

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ICMag Donor
I've had to get this done twice so far. The worst part for me was not eating during the prep. The last one was scheduled for something like 9 in the morning. I got to the hospital and waited for a few hours, hungry the whole time. They finally rolled my bed down to the place where they do it around noon.

Then the nurses took an hour break and ate their lunches right in front of me. Lol. What an evil thing to do to someone who's fasting.

The actual procedure was easy. They put midazolam and something else into my IV, it felt nice, then I woke up and it was over.


Active member
Word of advice, try not to sneeze after taking the colon cleanse.

Mine was split dose. Flush the evening before and then again in the morning two hours before procedure.

After doing the evening flush, I thought I had it down. So, after flushing in the morning for a couple hours I showered and got dressed to go to the hospital.

I opened the door and the bright morning sun hit my eyes and I sneezed. Oops, back to the shower and a change of clothes.

You may think you got a good clamp on your sphincter after experiencing two doses, but a good solid sneeze that surprises you, will double surprise you.


Well-known member
fuk that prep shit... just eat one of my Carolina reaper peppers, and I guarantee u will be cleaner then any prep they give u..:moon::moon:


What were we talking about?
Got mine scheduled for next month. It's been about 15 years since my last one.

I hope they give me some of what they did the last time. I went from anxious to couldn't give a shit less about anything in seconds. Truly awesome buzz.

Oh, and yes the farting afterwards is epic. Some thunder to be proud of. :biggrin:

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
You can do some superb farts afterwards... truly epic, I didn't go under for mine but it felt like it could burst out at anytime....

That was my favorite part....sort of summed up how I felt about the "hole" experience


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Both were in their late fifties, LostTribe.
One had no real symptoms but when he finally went they discovered his cancer. He was gone in less than a year.
The other buddy was a Marine in Vietnam, heavily exposed to Agent Orange.He had a variety of problems attributed to that exposure later in life. Skin problems,blood problems, liver problems. When the VA finally checked his colon it was too late for him. He lasted about 8 months. Warrior to the end though.

How old were your friends? What symptoms did they show prior to diagnosis?


Hi ho here we go
Rectal Cancer..

Rectal Cancer..

Get that Colonoscopy if you are 50 or over..

I was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer about 5 months ago with a large tumor a few centimeters from my anus. I have gone through Radiation treatment and Chemotherapy (the best money can buy) for 6 weeks and I am now ready for surgery to remove the shrunken tumor. (It has been a pain in the ass)

I have lined up one of best Colorectal Surgeons in the Valley. I we have the surgery scheduled December 30th.

If anyone has any particular questions I think I could probably answer them for you.

I have educated myself pretty throughly on Rectal Cancer :tiphat: alternative cures, etc.

P.S. - I have made a bunch of CanaCookies to help with my recovery


Active member
^^^^^^^Are you using full spectrum oil as part of treatment? Supposed to be good results with that type of cancer.


Hi ho here we go
At this point... No

At this point... No

So far I have found no evidence that oil treatment would be more effective than Radiation and Chemotherapy and the surgery.

So I have chosen this approach because failure is not an option for me at this point.

I'm going to start with THC Oil after my surgery and follow up Chemotherapy if required.

I have a friend who has been through this and has has been advising me along the way. After his recovery he has become a certified counselor. I have a juicer and a NutraBlender and am ready for my new diet.

Looking forward to a New Year :tiphat:


Well-known member
Premium user
So far I have found no evidence that oil treatment would be more effective than Radiation and Chemotherapy and the surgery.

So I have chosen this approach because failure is not an option for me at this point.

I'm going to start with THC Oil after my surgery and follow up Chemotherapy if required.

I have a friend who has been through this and has has been advising me along the way. After his recovery he has become a certified counselor. I have a juicer and a NutraBlender and am ready for my new diet.

Looking forward to a New Year :tiphat:

Best of luck to you and your fight! Stay strong!

As for oil treatment I think ol Gray Wolf said something in my sig post about the use of suppositories. He is very knowledgeable on the use of oil for treating cancer related illness.

The nutrablenders are really great just throw in some fruit, carrots, herbs, yougurt etc and you are good to go. Can even put some quinoa in there for added protein but i would cook it in boiling water first. I even use one to make soup broth with veggies and lots of garlic and onions.


Active member
So far I have found no evidence that oil treatment would be more effective than Radiation and Chemotherapy and the surgery.

So I have chosen this approach because failure is not an option for me at this point.

I'm going to start with THC Oil after my surgery and follow up Chemotherapy if required.

I have a friend who has been through this and has has been advising me along the way. After his recovery he has become a certified counselor. I have a juicer and a NutraBlender and am ready for my new diet.

Looking forward to a New Year :tiphat:

Understood. I didn't mean instead of conventional treatments, but rather in addition to it. You could do both together, but I understand your choice. Good luck to you. Hope everything works out. Sounds like you have a good handle on it. You will beat this.


Hi ho here we go
Understood. I didn't mean instead of conventional treatments, but rather in addition to it. You could do both together, but I understand your choice. Good luck to you. Hope everything works out for you. Sounds like you have a good handle on it. You will beat this.

I have been using Cookies made with CocoCana Oil for pain control and they have been working fine. Due to the location of my tumor, the use of opiates was out of the question. Before my tumor was shrunken with the radiation treatment when taking a shit I would have pain kinda like being kicked in the asshole with a Cowboy Boot, and it would linger for 5 minutes or so. A couple or three times every morning.

My Cookies are about 60mg THC from tested Indica Bud.

I have a pound and a half of CocoCanna Oil in the freezer. I've been thinking about suppositories, butt my pain has gone away.

When I get the pathology back from my Lower Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer (watch the video on YouTube) we will then have a better idea of my options.

When they remove what's left of the tumor they will take samples of local lymph nodes and see if it has spread at all.

I'm cautiously optimistic :biggrin:

I am ready to buy a RV and start my early retirement!



The Tri Guy
No, there are some things that are just a flat no. That's one of them. Mid 40s, and no, forget that, forget prostate stuff, forget cameras down the throat, just no. They have scanners that can see every fiber in your body. Yeah it costs, even in the UK where health is supposed to be free its £700 now, but for fucks sake, we are not in the stone age.
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