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Colombia 2012


Active member
Sounds good Red. Colombianas are something else eh?

What a coup it would be to find a bag of some real solid Gold or Redbud.

I find it hard to believe classic Colombian strains are much less than today's upper echelon hybrid plants. Most likely the Colombians share genetic backgrounds with the African strains. Even today the malawi's, mozambique, durbans, etc are known to be quite powerful. I would bet same for most landrace colombians. Problem is/was that they were mass produced and by the time they got to US markets probably had been through hell. But yeah, you're right, the effects are outstanding and if that's at 8% thc, so be it.

By the way, have you heard of or had Colombian Chiba or Cohiba? Just curious... also, ever had or heard of Black Colombian over there?


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Colombian Black

Colombian Black

Sounds good Red. Colombianas are something else eh?

What a coup it would be to find a bag of some real solid Gold or Redbud.

I find it hard to believe classic Colombian strains are much less than today's upper echelon hybrid plants. Most likely the Colombians share genetic backgrounds with the African strains. Even today the malawi's, mozambique, durbans, etc are known to be quite powerful. I would bet same for most landrace colombians. Problem is/was that they were mass produced and by the time they got to US markets probably had been through hell. But yeah, you're right, the effects are outstanding and if that's at 8% thc, so be it.

By the way, have you heard of or had Colombian Chiba or Cohiba? Just curious... also, ever had or heard of Black Colombian over there?


Hello my friend, years ago when I was living here (02-07) I had a Colombian friend that traveled around the country as a pharmaceutical salesman. He was able to obtain some very nice samples of different strains from remote regions in Colombia. One time he came back from Manizales in the department of Caldas with a few ounces of some very dark stringy bud. He didn’t call it black he only told me where it was from and that it was said to be the best from that region. It was grown out at a very high altitude and was very seedy with a strong odor that is difficult to describe. It looked really bad but the effect was strong, long lasting and very narcotic. I believe this was the fabled “Colombian black”, however I didn’t care for it’s over powering effect and didn’t keep any of the seed from it. My friend brought me several strains but he only told me where they were from and most times he never had a name for them. I have heard of “Chiba” but only in the states not down here. The Punta Roja from Cauca was the best of the best, better than any Colombian I have ever had even in the 70s. Then of course the Santa Marta gold’s (I had like ten different samples from that region ranging from dark green to the beautiful yellow blonds) and many others that he may have named but I don’t remember. I know the fine original Colombian landrace Sativa is here but it’s very difficult for me to find at the moment. Unfortunately it will be early next year before I can start growing and searching again but I hope to re connect with my Colombian friend that helped me in the past.
Peace from Colombia


Active member
Beautiful Red. Hoping to visit Medellin and Cartegena one of these days. I hear very good things about both cities. And no, I'm not with the Secret Service. :)

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Come to Colombia

Come to Colombia

Beautiful Red. Hoping to visit Medellin and Cartegena one of these days. I hear very good things about both cities. And no, I'm not with the Secret Service. :)

Cartegena: Safe, easy to get to and you can get good bud there. But its very touristy and you have to watch out for the cops. If your discret and not foolish then no problem.

Medellin: Better, beautiful city and OMG the women.....bud is better there but you really have to be careful.

First time to Colombia go to Cartagena to get the feel for the country.

Spanish is a must!

Peace from Colombia

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I just found my old connection and he told me he would start getting "samples" for me again once he starts traveling again next year. I talked to him about the new "creepy" weed that is being produced here now and he said that it's what the young people like. However he assures me that the pure Colombian strains are still being grown in remote areas and he knew where they were. So I hope to start seeing so fine pure Colombian strains the begining of 13 and around that time I hope to get some seed to soil.

Peace from Colombia

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thank you all for your interest. I would like to add that my friend gave me a big fat joint of some bud the he had from Santa Marta. The taste was just was just like I remebered, very "old school" and the effect classic. I have been burning this same joint all weekend. Its so differnt then the 20 gms of super strong Creepy I just obtained.....
Peace from Colombia


New member
hey,how is it going people, I'm writing from Medellín, just to let you knowa bit(i think you allready know this)but the "creepy" is an indica strain that was brouht here like 10 years a go. The farmers where introduced to those strains by some greengos. I been in Caloto and Corinto where most of the weed comes from and you can still find some good landracers. I also been to a mayor grow up operation, on the mountains on Antioquia, and I see those guys crop the most amazing weed that I have seen,the problem is it is only for exportation, so none of that weed is goingto be consumed here in Medellín, it's going tobe most likely ending up in chile or costarica, where a pound reachs 4tousand dollars.

I get my "cripa" with a collective buy and i get the gram forabout 2000 pesos or 1 dollar more or less. the regular weed is like 25us dollar a pound. or .25 cents a allready rolled spliff.

hey peacefrom Medellín

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hi loko thanks for the info, I've only been to Medellín once in the ten years I've been living in Colombia but I loved it there! I have some really good friends that live there now but their not big smokers. I pay about 5mCOP a g for my cripa here in Bogota and really prefer to grow out my own. Theres nothing better than your own Colombian grown Colombian. I love living here and hold the upmost respect for the people and their culture.



New member


Do you have any automatics by any way ? I'm waiting for some from spain to start again my grow. I'm starting in a farm!!! wich is awesome, cause the soil in those mountains is unique,everithing grows there, I would like to cross bread some autos with landracers.


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


Do you have any automatics by any way ? I'm waiting for some from spain to start again my grow. I'm starting in a farm!!! wich is awesome, cause the soil in those mountains is unique,everithing grows there, I would like to cross bread some autos with landracers.

Hi loko, right now all the seeds I have are from here. However in 2005-2007 I ordered seeds from Nirvana and some other Dutch seed companies and grew them out here as well as other strains sent to me by some very genourse friends from around the world. I don't know if its differnt now but you should be able to buy seeds that auto online and have them sent to you. But really you have the best climate to grow in and I would work with some of the local strains if your not already. I would be happy to help you cause I think you have the perfect growing climate but you have better access to seed then I do. Anyway let me know how it goes, I would love to have a reason to go there again.

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New member
this thread is making me drool. i have been in Bogota 2 weeks, and while I have gotten a few good whiffs, i haven't met anyone who has been able to introduce me to a regular supply. any advice for a girl in need?

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


this thread is making me drool. i have been in Bogota 2 weeks, and while I have gotten a few good whiffs, i haven't met anyone who has been able to introduce me to a regular supply. any advice for a girl in need?
PM me and I'll see what I can do.

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