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Coins are for more than buying bud!


Kiss My Ring
Yes I paid less then 15$ about 4 years ago..I dont plan on saling it anyway. I want to add to my collection. My problem is I want to get at least a 25% return. That's the hard part finding the desperate people willing to sale cheap.

I want a Gold American Eagle 50$ 1oz gold coin. Im loking to pay no more then 700$. Like this one for 700$ lol...


hey Head! there's a problem getting a return if you plan on keeping it. lmao.
the rolls of silver $s i've got were about 20$ per coin. in about ten years their worth has doubled. that is what you could expect.
over the last 30 years silver has increased in value about 400%.


One of those get rich guys sells a book for a few bucks $37? and his idea is to go to banks and buy rolls of half dollars and hoping you will get a few silver coins in the process...get rich quick! ...lol


Active member
theres folks buying pennie rolls and keeping the copper ones and whey pennies. lot of work sorting through em all


Active member
Roll Searching is much harder these days, need someone at the Bank to order them for you, Must will not...

Cents... 1982 and before are 90% copper and worth 3 Cents in melt, Congress last year made it a Felony to melt Cents. They have machines that separate the 90% Copper Cent by weight, see you tube...

SL... I agree, I'm in the AU58 Crowd...

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I really just started in the coin collecting game. I don't really have a theme or any reasoning behind the coins I have collected. But, I do like the silver bullion type coins. I prefer to buy them slabbed and at a 70 rating.

Went to a coin show recently looking for a 2013 Reverse Proof Silver Eagle PR70. I had found one on line but thought I could pick it up at the show and look at all the other coins. 300 vendors and not a one of them had what I was looking for. So I picked up the coin shown and a 1964 Kennedy half dollar proof. I just like the art work on this Australian Kangaroo Silver Dollar. It also is a little smaller in diameter than a normal dollar coin making it a little thicker. Maybe they make them like that all the time.



Legend ⭐
Doesn't anyone collect silver or gold coins with Cannabis on them?
I have dozens of different ones....
A few copper also.
Here are some non-Cannabis ones from India from the East India Company three the silver rupee is one Tola, two from N Pakistan, one China, one Roman, the Pakistan two are pretty nice I got them 40 years ago in a market in India. They are Greek on one side and Mogul? on the other.


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Active member
All I have is a bunch of german marks....shame I can't cash these in.......big bag of them.

Oh and lots of silver olympic coins, both sets and loose...good investment...easy to buy when silver was cheap

I have a gold Krug but it was a gift so it isn't in the investment pile.


Well-known member
ive got a shoe box full of coins and bills from diff countries, but sadly im not sure how to cash them in lol


i collect silver gold an bronze roman coins and early silver hammerd coins but i do not pay for them i only collect the ones i find with my detector here is a couple of them

1st pic a roman silver coins part of an hoard i found

2nd pic is a king john hammered short cross from 1199-1216

3rd pic is the only gold roman coin iv found so far

4th pic is a king henry hammered long cross from 1279-1281


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Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
A couple of coins I picked up recently. These are a couple with odd denominations no longer in use today. The first one is a half cent and the second one is a half dime. The half cent is almost 200 years old.






ICMag Donor
Nice! Had a small coin collection at one time...a few moves, a few thieves, I 'll just admire behind the glass case now. Nice specimens!

Green Squall

Well-known member
I have a decent coin collection from when I was a kid. I pull it out every few years to look at lol. Mostly morgans and other "junk silver". I have an envelope of silver certificates also. Don't think they are worth much though.

My grandfather used to give me morgan silver dollars for my birthday/Christmas every year when I was younger. I used to think it was lame but now I realize how special it really was.

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