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Coffee lovers poll


Active member
Best coffee in the world? I prefer colombian/Guatemalan that smells like oranges...from chi chi village.
Id be very interested to hear others opinions and expertise.


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ICMag Donor
I have tried many gourmet and world coffees but in retirement, I now just buy big bags of 8 o'clock original beans on sale. I grind it daily with a burr grinder on expresso grind and then I use a small cone filter machine to make strong tall coffee. And I drink it black . . . of course.


Well-known member
i like medium roast antigua as a delicacy it has a very smooth fruity flavor without much sourness. of course with coffee every region and district is different but i have a shop near me and i like the antigua they sell. its a little expensive though so usually i just go with colombian because i’ll drink it as long as its coffee.


Well-known member
I prefer the caffeine profile of a good Ethiopian.
I agree I like Ethiopian too.

Coffee is one the few things I spend money on. I buy all my clothes from goodwill but spend $18.50 for 12oz of a good light roast Ethiopian Coffee. Burr grind it and use a french press. Smells and taste like strawberries.

You havent had coffee until you go to a local roaster who doesn't just sell expresso. Dark roasted coffee is over rated. Coffee, like grapes, the flavor is from the terroir. If you going to dark roast it your losing all the depth of flavors with in it. Might as well get your steak well done too.

Do your self a favor and drink something besides a starbucks style coffee.
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Active member
Too much caffine today experimenting locally got some robustas that were seriously jittery type effects little too much for me if im fair. Tasted great but when I added milk i could see what looked like fuel on top of water type oil on top of my cup was prob a massive dose of caffine lolol


ICMag Donor
Trung Nguyen Vietnamese coffee

Used to drink cage bustello but then had the trung and dat was dat


Well endowed member
@Petrochemical Some guidelines, time wise. I have developed a few markers over the years from trial and error for roasting in my 6qt enameled cast iron pot that I roast in. I measure my green beans with a half cup measure, 3-1/2cups heaping.
Keep the beans moving all the time so they do not scorch. You want your roast to come in under 15 minutes usually, depending on the bean type or it'll taste baked when you brew. I look for smoke starting between 4-5 minutes depending on bean type. first crack heard about 8-9 minutes. I prewarm the pot to ~425°, measure with a laser gun thermometer, start with just above medium flame on my gas burner, throw the beans in start the timer on my phone and keep the beans stirring. As the first crack starts in earnest I start lowering the flame, till at the end of the roast when the first crack stops the flame is down to low, I usually go a bit after the first crack finishes but before the second crack.
This is what works for me, in my environment with the tools I use. I have 4-5 12 oz. cups from 4-5 different varieties every day, I am addicted. My cups are smooth, no bitter, creamy like they have milk and sugar but I drink black, 24g dose made in a Aeropress, no additives.
There are many, many variables, use the above clues to tailor the procedure to your tools, conditions and environment. My methods were perfected over time for my setup by trial and error but I have never thrown away any coffee.
Ask if you have questions.

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