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Coconut water as fertilizer and bloom booster


See the world through a puff of smoke
To expensive where i live if they have them.The Grace pack above is just pasteurized, nothing more.


Active member
Do you think it would have a good effect on landrace sativas?

No. Somebody explain why coconut would even be a consideration. Potassium? Okay, if you have free coconuts.. Cytokinins? Yeah kelp sellers said the same about kelp too which is dominant in auxins. Cannabis hormones are largely determined by an intersection of nutrition and transcription, cytokinin dominant in bloom regardless of internode, most growers veg for 2 weeks so don't act like that's a major concern. Easiest way to get plant that resembles what you're looking for: Indian ganja genetics, or blue light to oxidize auxin.

Almost everything 'extra' a Cannabis grower thinks he needs to do has already been considered by the fertilizer. You're gonna worry about Cytokinins and finish the plant with calcium chloride? Okay, kids.. The fertilizer clown will make or break your entire 3 ring circus. Those are my observations. Cannabis growers wanna add silica and end up with white crusty runoff. They wanna add sugars and end up with ants. They wanna brew up weird fermented shit in their home when the fertilizer use already charged them an ass load for the nasty smelly hassle. It's like.. If your fertilizer sucks that fuckin bad, switch brands maybe? Nah, season the witches kettle we go home made shit to fuck around with.


The Tri Guy
Diluted to 10ml/L
N-P-K-Ca-Mg would be approximately 40mg/L - 10mg/L - 70mg/L - 24mg/L - 15mg/L, but varies as coconut water is not consistent.
Can I just ask where you got those numbers?
I've seen powdered coconut milk, and cartons of the milk, but I've never seen coconut water itself on sale. Is it sold as is, or do you need a supply of coconuts and DIY?
They are really handy numbers for mid flower.


Well-known member
Can I just ask where you got those numbers?
I've seen powdered coconut milk, and cartons of the milk, but I've never seen coconut water itself on sale. Is it sold as is, or do you need a supply of coconuts and DIY?
They are really handy numbers for mid flower.
Often it's in cans


Well-known member
Can I just ask where you got those numbers?
I've seen powdered coconut milk, and cartons of the milk, but I've never seen coconut water itself on sale. Is it sold as is, or do you need a supply of coconuts and DIY?
They are really handy numbers for mid flower.
Coconut water is sold as is. Cartons, cans and bottles where I am.

Figures vary. These are different to mine, as I’ve given upper end of averages: https://coconuthandbook.tetrapak.com/chapter/chemistry-coconut-water
& another: https://tools.myfooddata.com/nutrition-facts/170174/wt1 (open minerals table).

Protein is about 16% nitrogen (more likely to find protein listed than nitrogen).

The mg/L are just the resulting math.
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Invertebrata Inebriata
Thanks for responding! What kind of dosage per gallon did you use? For the whole growing cycle, the whole flowering cycle, or?


Well-known member
About a tablespoon/2 gallons for bio bloom and teaspoon/gallon fish mix. But again this is landraces. Modern hybrids can handle much more im sure.

Coconut water sounds interesting but im gonna need someone to post up a journal before i ever try that


Well-known member
For a few years at low doses. It goes well with landrace sativas. You know they can be sensitive
Ive read but no experience.

Well I guess this would be my season for experience, 3 Ace ethiopia but I'm afraid I cooked them.

Either I got a little heavy handed when I mixed the soil for cooking or being as my last season was a dud (heatwave cooked my plants, I'm watering better this go round) there was more nutes left in it.

The winter was wetter than usual and I use rain water to the best of my ability when letting the soil rest, so I was thinking I was heavy handed. To many varibles to be sure though....

They live but damn they are sad looking. The heat isn't helping. It's a seed run so I'm hoping to just get some seeds.

I think my female bangi was happy til transition but I have some minor tip burn now after feeding her. The leaves darkened up though and that's what I was after so I'm just watching.

Dr earth nutes here btw. Oh I grabbed some montery fish and guano. Didn't think to check if it was at least ORMI marked as I needed something now for the bangi. Will look another time as I hope to keep using it.