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Coco watering frequency when transplanting clones


New member
I know this question gets thrown around how to water coco, but I haven't seen much clone watering specific information. And the little I found was split between you can't over water coco and need fresh water daily, pouring to run off to wash any salt build up and bring more oxygen to the roots.

The other side say you can overwater coco while transplanting and should allow wet dry cycles so the roots can go searching for water. Especially if the plant is going from Dixie cup to 5 gal for example, they say you have to be super careful watering it.. then seen others say hammer it with water around the root zone until 20% runoff 1x per day.

Can anyone chime in on what the better method is?

I've done a successful coco run 6 years ago but I can't quite remember what I did during the cloning stage. I do remember watering them 1x per day but this was later on when they were bushes and not small.


Well-known member
I don't know what the correct answer is but I can tell you what I do...
I use the hempy bucket method with daily watering and I don't water to runoff often
After transplanting from 1L pot to 10L pot of pre-watered coco I keep it fairly average to low on the moisture so the roots have a chance to grow. Too much water at this point seems to stop root growth and from there it's down hill but if the roots flourish and the plant grows well it can drink large amounts of water and clear the back log if a watering is too generous
I also drill my hempy holes about 1" up as opposed to the accepted 2" from the bottom and I have a bottom watering tube inserted with drainage substrate to about 2"


Well-known member
I take it easy at the beginning and whenever the pot is filled with roots I start watering with runoff, till the end...every day one big watering per day in 15l pots with about 1L runoff. If they get more thirsty I adjust to that