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Coco Tree's


yes I have. they are brilliant. heath is one of the most skilled and forward thinking growers that has ever graced the forums imo..he had a gift

Big fan of both your methods. Have been running the RDWC in vert with single bushes/trees per run. I don't remember Heath's humidity being above norm. Is this something I should be considering?

Or what would you combine and/or take away from either of the methods knowing what you know today?

Twisted pleasur

Active member
I must be under a rock sometimes...My good buddy sent me over to check it and out and what a surprise to see it was you blowing up the coco now lol... Dj man I remember watching you with the huge tree's in flock I picked your brain several times... Looking great man. You like the Parobotics instead of verts now? by the looks of it you made the right choice...Ive been in coco for over a year now and I love it. Your strait crushing it man. Some nice strains. keep up the great work mang.


Well-known member
Quick one for ya here DJM. Besides obviously using more nutes, thus more money, do you see any harm in having runoff? I guess that could be a two part question, both in a tray/not sitting in runoff and also in a saucer/sitting in runoff. Talking very minimal runoff here not 10 or 20%

Thanks in advance.

Your Purple Cream looks a lot like this cut I got out of Fort Collins that came to me as Trainwreck.

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If you want me to delete those pics just say the word, thought I'd share...

no worries bro. share away!..that cut looks real nice...definitely not real trainwreck though, as im sure you know...there is a purple trainwreck that goes around that would be a closer fit to that look...the clone scene out here is horrible, 3/4 of cuts are renamed or mislabeled...when I first came I ran like 20 cuts of ogs, chems, all the big names...all except one of those 20 were fake..i stopped sourcing cuts locally after that

this purple crèam I selected from an old unnamed bohdi cross two summers ago..its sr71 purple kush x Appalachia) x strawberry cream...got tired of typing that out so I shortened it..still have another pheno aswell that's the most caked up cut ive grown, just yields like shit, this cut was the yielder..strawberry cream is a strawberry cough line made by my good friend CBF with a male and female he found in straw cough s1s

as of now im the only person in the world with this cut :) the same with all my other selections...and in this market, boy that's a good feeling

now for the questions...ive done and do both from time to time...depending on the room and scenario I do different things...at another spot I run coco on a recirculative drip with plenty of run off, because I already had the tables and rezs in place, but its not dtw...levels and ph of the medium are always dead on with whats in the rez....ive also done it with them sitting in the saucers for parts of veg...with run off on tables, there is no harm at all, other than needing tables, drains and using more nutrients..in fact its a good insurance policy for those who don't want to chance any build up or are not watering atleast 4 or 5 times a day..in that case, as with the first grow, id give run off...now with the saucers, its a little more tricky and there is potential for harm depending on how its utilized...for example if you are letting the pot dry out , even slightly, the run off will have spiked levels, and the plant will suck it back up and it will lead to inconsistencies in the medium...also if the pot is large with small plants, it will keep the medium too soggy if the plant isn't drinking enough to suck it up immediately ....pots sitting in run off will work if..A. you are keeping the medium moist at all times and there-for stable and B. the pot is undersized and drinking a lot of water everyday...then sucking up slighter higher levels of run off will not really be a concern...even then in saucers id aim for no run off if possible as I use them in veg, and in veg I aim for wet and dry cycles more than moist all the time, and the dry cycle with cause my runoff to be much higher than in going feeds...so when I use them in veg, I do give run off, but they are on bricks , so they don't suck the runoff back up..but honestly coco is super easy and forgiving and there are millions of ways to use it with great results

sorry for the novel , hope that helps


Well-known member
Big fan of both your methods. Have been running the RDWC in vert with single bushes/trees per run. I don't remember Heath's humidity being above norm. Is this something I should be considering?

Or what would you combine and/or take away from either of the methods knowing what you know today?

thanks a lot man..glad its been inspirational..i do think heath ran high rh, as did many other vert growers the like DHF...the thing with vert bulbs is they encompass more volume of the room being hung down, and dry out the air around them significantly..if you have one room with vert barebulbs and another with horizontal hoods, all in the same environment, id guarantee you the vert will be about 20-30% drier..atleast that's how it was with my vert grows...and larger trees need more moisture to thrive...look at where the largest most vigorous trees in the world are = in rainforests , with very high rh...if large plants don't have adequate moisture , the environment will actually suck moisture from the plant and leave it always on the edge of dehydration..many see signs of dehydration in rooms and diagnose it as everything but..with smaller plants its less of an issue, but with large trees its necessary

I honestly don't really use any of heaths techniques, as we grew plants completely different, so its hard to say..ive just picked up things here and there from reading, experimenting and trial and error ..keeping what works, eliminating what doesn't...my rooms have been in a constant state of evolution for 12 years..my current system is a culmination of this...my biggest realizations came from my biggest failures


Well-known member
I must be under a rock sometimes...My good buddy sent me over to check it and out and what a surprise to see it was you blowing up the coco now lol... Dj man I remember watching you with the huge tree's in flock I picked your brain several times... Looking great man. You like the Parobotics instead of verts now? by the looks of it you made the right choice...Ive been in coco for over a year now and I love it. Your strait crushing it man. Some nice strains. keep up the great work mang.

thanks man, I recognize the handle..glad you enjoyed the flock wool thread

well I never ran trees in vert, always with these same "vertizontal" hoods, with the bulb positioned horizontally..when I did do vert I ran stadiums and collosiums and ran smaller plants on 3 tiered shelves..but I never posted those grows here

coco is a superior medium once you dial it in with quality coco..good luck with youre grows and thanks for the kind words


Well-known member
Thanks for all infos, one question-what about ph, do you have some special routine maybe?:tiphat:

my pleasure...I don't have any one ph I set it at...I let my rez and medium swing between 5.7 and 6.3...lower in veg, higher in flower..a ph swing is far more effective for nutrient uptake of all elements than locking in any one ph..I always did that, regardless of what medium is was in

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Don Juan, I have no questions, but just had to log on here to say thank you ever so much for taking the time to create and maintain this thread. There is so much here for me to learn. Your photos speak for themselves. And your attitude speaks for itself. :thank you:


Active member
thanks man

I transition like this...plug > Dixie cups > 1 gals > 5 gals...usually 2 weeks in cups, 5 weeks in one gals, then up them to 5 gals for 2 more weeks and flip

since I came to Colorado ive designed my system from the ground up to get the most out of my low plant count, to stay legal..there is no restriction on plant size here, only plant count, so I used that to my advantage

one of these plants would fit perfect under a 600 watter, on a sq meter footprint if you are growing for personal use...could easily do a pound or more

Wow, only two weeks in the 5 gallon containers, that is impressive.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
thanks man, I recognize the handle..glad you enjoyed the flock wool thread

well I never ran trees in vert, always with these same "vertizontal" hoods, with the bulb positioned horizontally..when I did do vert I ran stadiums and collosiums and ran smaller plants on 3 tiered shelves..but I never posted those grows here

coco is a superior medium once you dial it in with quality coco..good luck with youre grows and thanks for the kind words

Oh Ok... Ya Im sorry... Idk Im getting old..But I never will forget those monsters lol....I like the PH swing. You really see noticeable difference with letting them swing that high? Interesting.

Baron Greenback

Just to pick up a half thought through bit of an earlier post about the frequent feedings and needing less nutrient, thus leaving no mineral salt build up (sorry) - It's a little like us having all of our daily calorie allowance in one meal, leaving us stuffed and bloated, unable to do a great deal until it's digested, possibly leaving us craving a little more later on, or indeed, coming over all Mr. Creosote if we are offered a little extra.
If the plant gets her "calories" on a regular basis, evenly distributed and readily accessible, then surely this leads to a fit, healthy plant whose "digestive" system is processing just the right amount of everything, not one too bloated to grow.


Well-known member
Don Juan, I have no questions, but just had to log on here to say thank you ever so much for taking the time to create and maintain this thread. There is so much here for me to learn. Your photos speak for themselves. And your attitude speaks for itself. :thank you:

thanks man..i appreciate that


Well-known member
Wow, only two weeks in the 5 gallon containers, that is impressive.

yes. plants explode when put into 5 gallons under main lights, with very high temps and rh.. I mentioned at this time I run as high as 88f and 80% rh...with co2 aswell...without that it would take much longer..last run pictured were only a foot tall and a foot wide when they went into 5 gallons..the individual plant shots posted were 2 weeks to the day after that, the first day of flower..im trying to do a timelapse for next run to show this stage, as many wouldn't believe how big they get , and how fast, unless they saw it..but its impossible to film without the camera fogging up..it feels like a florida swamp in the middle of the summer during that stage


Well-known member
Oh Ok... Ya Im sorry... Idk Im getting old..But I never will forget those monsters lol....I like the PH swing. You really see noticeable difference with letting them swing that high? Interesting.

no worries , we all are :)

6.3 really isn't that high...in fact its far better than 5.7 in flower...two of the best coco growers I know of ph at 6.2 the entire grow...ive never seen one leaf with a single deficiency from their rooms..coco prefers a higher ph during flower...even the canna reps wil tell you to run 6.2-6.3 during flowering...so whoever said 5.5-5.8 was ideal in coco, they are horribly wrong..and usually when I see someone running in that range, their plants show it, negatively


Well-known member
Those buds look like resin bombs!
Can you give us your take on 6/9? As in when to drop the micro and any other tweaks you may make


when I run 6/9 I never drop micro...I run them both till flush, then flush for 2 weeks...I never understood the whole drop micro thing...yes, you are cutting out nitrogen early to allow the leaves to fade easier and leach plants of nitrogen, sure..but what about the phosphorous, potassium, mag, cal and all the other elements in the bloom? do those not need to be leached and flushed out in the same manner? just because youre leaves are yellow and VISUALLY look flushed, that doesn't mean all elements have been leached from the plant, only that N has....p, k, mg , ca ect that is in the bloom need to be leached just as well, but their is no visual reference to know when they have been, like with N...people think just because youre leaves yellow when cutting micro early, the plants are flushed and leached, when they are only really leached of N, but still have all the elements in bloom that wont be leached out as much unless you cut them both at the same time

many will disagree, to each their own..but when my plants are yellowed off after flush, I know ALL elements have been leached from my plants, not just nitrogen, while they are still chocked full of k, p, mg, ca ect from running the bloom longer than the micro...if you tested nutrient levels of their plants after flush, id guarantee these cut micro early folks would have no nitrogen in their plants, but still have everything else...ive done both, cutting them both at the same time with a good long flush gives you the best quality product with 6/9..and I stand by that statement


Well-known member
Just to pick up a half thought through bit of an earlier post about the frequent feedings and needing less nutrient, thus leaving no mineral salt build up (sorry) - It's a little like us having all of our daily calorie allowance in one meal, leaving us stuffed and bloated, unable to do a great deal until it's digested, possibly leaving us craving a little more later on, or indeed, coming over all Mr. Creosote if we are offered a little extra.
If the plant gets her "calories" on a regular basis, evenly distributed and readily accessible, then surely this leads to a fit, healthy plant whose "digestive" system is processing just the right amount of everything, not one too bloated to grow.

nice analogy , I agree

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