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coco beds...adjusta wing 2 wire converts kits...oh snap


Active member
Hey Sure...You make it tough not to be envious. Nice work. Wow. Are you reusing your coco beds or fresh each cycle? If reusing, what is your cleaning regiment like? Using enzymes to process dead matter, etc. ? Also, what is your nute regime like? When I tried drips in the past there was constant plugging. Any issues? How do you avoid it? OK, thank you.
heya yes i reuse it, i add a bag in cuz i lose a bit during root pull..i just dig out the rootballs, then till the coco by hand and pull out root clusters, i dont really worry about getting every root, i add beneficials and they will eat the roots..i flush with clearex and then canazym but not a whole lot really..i use heavy 16 base,prime,roots and finish 2-3 times a week..and aptus bloom peak and finale boosters 3-4 times a week..i run benefials too i make caps tea..on non aptus days in weeks 4-7 i use moab, oh and calmag 1ml and pekacid which is drip clean..i dont really use drippers i use sprayers from bowsmith, u can always drill out your dripper hole with a 1/16 bit to improve flow and prevent clogging..are you running dtw?


Active member
how'd this end up dude? Did you still pull good numbers with the 3 DE over two tables set up?

yea those 2 tables were 9 lbs of gg, the sfv did pretty good too 1.6 per, im doing mostly gg this round with some of obsoul33ts cherry wifi in a 4x4, just flipped on monday

i missed your question before on the ceiling height..i run a smaller room with gavitas with low ceilings, for a drain catch i use those concrete mixing tubs from home depot, theyre really low and wide, i forget the dimensions pf them, probably 10 inches in height..t my tables are about 14 inches off the ground, so imo yea just build your setup low and youre fine and control your canopy height


New member
Thanks for the info! So 9 GG from 3 lights over two tables end to end? That's killer man! Great work! I've run SFV in coco in 3 gal for years and I'm seriously considering beds! You run co2? Thanks for all the replies! Great thread!!!


Active member
Thanks for the info! So 9 GG from 3 lights over two tables end to end? That's killer man! Great work! I've run SFV in coco in 3 gal for years and I'm seriously considering beds! You run co2? Thanks for all the replies! Great thread!!!
yea thanks man i had a good pull for my 1st run with gg, yes i use co2 my room is sealed so it must be supplemented,i wouldnt run a room without it really its like youre losing yield on purpose if youre not using it, beds are the shit, my sfv does the same in beds as it does in pots,some plants really like the free range root mobility and get huge like gg4 i ran it in pots in a diff room and huge difference, if you need help with a bed setup holler at me
and thanks father earth appreciate it :tiphat:


Just Say Grow
awesome work dude...making me feel a lot better about stuffin some gavitas in a shipping container...I'm going to be limited to about 7'8" of head room but I'm planning on going with the DE adjust-a-wings to get em a bit closer to the ceiling...I can run my tables/beds practically on the floor and run drains/plumbing through the floor easy enough so I can maximize my workable height. I'm sorry if you've already answered this question but how do the DE bulbs compare heat wise to a normal bare bulb hps? I've heard/read that the light intensity is the main reason to have a significant amount of space between lights and canopy but I just wanted your thoughts on that...9# from 3k....nuff said.


nice grow sureshot66 I don't see many 3lb per k grows good skills

some great ideas on irrigation here guys thanks for sharing


Active member
This set up is crazy! You just made me change my whole grow. Looking at your grow, I realize that I can run 4 less lights than I thought that I needed as well so now I can expand the space and add 4 more lights. I also really like the double SCROG! Thanks for all the ideas!


hey sureshot... sorry if these have been asked before but i was curius.

how many plants per 4x4 bed and how long do you veg them in the beds before flip (if at all)?


AW's with the DE socket kit is the way to go! (or should i say "Grow"). i have been using them since they came out and have had better yields with these than the standard HID bulbs which is why i moved away from vert in most of my rooms.

Killer setup sureshot66


Active member
LDJ, the gg is really good, different nose than im used but frosty as hell

Cl, ive had mixed results with og's, ive done an sfv for awhile that did the same in beds as pots..ive run ghost which did ok, alien and wifi did really well, i have a face off in there now thats bigger than my gg's, but i havent run it in pots yet i will soon tho so i can compare

Green ligh

New member
I'm setting up now.. How big a Rez for a 4x8 geopot bed? Its on a wire rack drains to corrugated to gutter to waste. I'm in NorCal and they are restricting water usage... Probably a bad time to switch to coco bed from soil pots but... Sure sounds sexy!!! I wasn't planning on hydroton but would it use much less water...? Help or hinder yeild?


Active member
pure coco would technically hold more water longer. you could do a low/no drain waste system. essentially like a blue mat feed.