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Coastal Blueberry

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Well the 11 ladies are getting thier roots into my reammended recycled soil and seem to be liking it just fine. Pretty happy with progress so far
2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 1 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 2 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 3 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 4 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 5 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-03 Coastal Blueberry pic 6 - Copy.jpg


Well-known member
Well, it looks like the summer weather is about to begin, at least here in southern bc.

Your plants have good color and healthy looking, the long hours of summer should bring out the best in them. Looking good!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Well the plants survived nearly 2 weeks of mid 30C weather here. Was wayyyy hotter in the greenhouse but everything stayed on track. I was giving them about a gallon every 2 days from the well but now with the explosive growth they are getting 2 gallons every 3 days. Has cooled off considerably and night time temps have dipped to 7C a couple nights. Last few days highs have been mid 20's. Today it;s raining lightly and 19C.
Wild fluctuations in temperature are what I have to deal with here being at nearing 52N/3000ft elevation
The ladies are set to explode now so it's time to start adding stakes and string ;)
There are a few that have real nice tacky stem rubs with that distinct smell of a fat juicy ripe blueberry squished between the fingers. There are a couple that impress me so I may take a couple clones.
The runt (first picture) has turned out to be a really nice plant and has caught up to her sisters big time. This is one of the true blueberry smelling ones too.
another couple weeks and fowering should trigger.
2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry (the runt) pic 1 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry  pic 2 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry  pic 3 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry  pic 4 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry  pic 5 - Copy.jpg

2024-07-28 Coastal Blueberry  pic 6 - Copy.jpg

I'll throw down another update in a week or two. ;)

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Been a bit over a month since I updated this thread.
The plants have made great use of the time.
They have still been fed only water from my well since being moved outside as young plants.
Very pleased with the results this year in the basic soil recipe from @Tom Hill in the old overgrow archives.
I reammended this year , adding back the ingredients in amounts I felt were appropriate and it seems I nailed it ;)
These ladies are well into stretch and I figure initiated flowering a week n change ago.... maybe 2 weeks. Just going by flower size at this stage to guess when the trigger point was but I would say between august 16 and 20 the magic began to happen.
Hopefully looking at harvest in the middle to 3rd week of october
2024-08-28 Garden Left Side - Copy.JPG

2024-08-28 Garden Right Side - Copy.JPG