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Co2 at or above 1500 ppm,effective or overkill?!


Well this is my first post on here, here we go.
First off, I've read many articles and spoken with many "knowledgeable" growers. For some reason I can't seem to find the answer to this and many other questions lol, I either hear bullshit or opinions, and I want FACTS!Haha or some sensible suggestions. During night hours,I'm running co2 at atmospheric (450-500ppm) and during the day running around 1000-1200 ppm ,and this should be enough to give hopefully around an extra 10% in yield from word of mouth.first off I wanna know what your guys' take on this is, and if you've heard of increased yields from raised night co2?Recently I found out from a friend( just pulled down 3lbs per light), he's running his co2 at like 1500 ppm then turns it down to like 1000 ppms for the last 3 weeks is this overkill or what? I don't wanna think so ,I mean he's got his shit dialed in but I just wanna get a little more info on this subject ..
Thanks for your time !


Well this is my first post on here, here we go.
First off, I've read many articles and spoken with many "knowledgeable" growers. For some reason I can't seem to find the answer to this and many other questions lol, I either hear bullshit or opinions, and I want FACTS!Haha or some sensible suggestions. During night hours,I'm running co2 at atmospheric (450-500ppm) and during the day running around 1000-1200 ppm ,and this should be enough to give hopefully around an extra 10% in yield from word of mouth.first off I wanna know what your guys' take on this is, and if you've heard of increased yields from raised night co2?Recently I found out from a friend( just pulled down 3lbs per light), he's running his co2 at like 1500 ppm then turns it down to like 1000 ppms for the last 3 weeks is this overkill or what? I don't wanna think so ,I mean he's got his shit dialed in but I just wanna get a little more info on this subject ..
Thanks for your time !

what temps are you running? Also what strain(s)?


72-74 night ,74-78 day: got some madanuskan thunderfuck, purple erkle, and moonwreck

sounds good man, you should try it. a lot of people say that cant use the extra co2 without more heat, but i know several people that do well at 1500 and close to your temps. I have always tried to run higher temps to get that absolute blast out the gate (you can see it damn near before your eyes at 83 with 1500 60-65% rh) the problem i have had is that the actual canopy temps ir at the higherst tops, got to hot and it slowed everything down. try it at those lower temps,i think you will like it. ime too much can go wrong at the scary high temps, (flowers can stoop pretty hard, bugs are terrifying at those temps, and pm can kick off pretty tough at the point where you are avoiding vpd.

btw some varieties do not mind the increased 80+ degree canopy temps, but most of the ones i love tend to hate it.


$$ ALONE $$
Overkill.... unless your temps are at 95 degrees. The warmer it is, the more Co2 they use.
Plants dont use Co2 at night. At all. Nothing.
A safe bet would be temps at 80 -85max with 1200 ppm Co2, for a bigger % return.
You could get as much as 20-30% more.

The norm temps are 74 -78 degrees with 900 -1100 ppm's Co2 for 10 - 20% increase.

the gnome

Active member
i'm in my 1st sealed room, i ran 900ppm veg+bloom, veg, ambient room temps were ran 80-85 so canopy temps were 85F +, Rh 65-70% I saw very good grow rates in soil.
every day or 2 i saw definite growth!
bloom for 2-1/2wks same routine and as budz started swelling temps were gradually lowered and Rh below 60% til 6 wks then 45-50% rh and 75F
I have gotten the biggest buds ever, my keeper strains that have proven track records for 2+yrs have colas that are overall 50% bigger or more comppared to growing with out Co2.
of course before i didn't have near the control over temps or Rh so they are also definite factors along with Co2
but I am amazed at what I'm seeing with 1st run in this room.

jackmmayoffer over sees multi 20,000w grow running 1500ppms and 85 temps in veg.
he sez those temps allow the Co2 to kick it hard and your wasting Co2's potential running temps to low
here's a link, he is talking about temps-Rh from page 60-65ish.. great read and sooo much info if you have the time to go over it.
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Thanks for your responses, and yea man I think for me at least, 60-65 rh is a little high ,I was running at that last time, and had some problems with powdery mildew, and recently installed a 5 ton ac( running a 32k watt setup) , very rarely will my temps get over 80 but might need to try that at some point if I'm gonna keep my c02 that elevated. Rh for me is about at like 50-55 sometimes 60 which I try to avoid just from past experiences


Thanks for your responses, and yea man I think for me at least, 60-65 rh is a little high ,I was running at that last time, and had some problems with powdery mildew, and recently installed a 5 ton ac( running a 32k watt setup) , very rarely will my temps get over 80 but might need to try that at some point if I'm gonna keep my c02 that elevated. Rh for me is about at like 50-55 sometimes 60 which I try to avoid just from past experiences

Sounds good man I like your plan, you seem knowledgable about the risk reward side of things. I have just felt the wrath of nature when shit goes wrong. The growth is incredible but I have never gotten through a flower cycle with those numbers, something always starts to go a little wrong. For me know it's all about 1250-1500 with temps in the mid 70's and rh around 50. I don't even mind atmospheric levels if the air is always exchanging.

That 5 ton cools 32k for you? That's impressive. I guess 2k btu per air cooled hood is 30 for a 5 ton. Does it get hot there?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i'm in my 1st sealed room, i ran 900ppm veg+bloom, veg, ambient room temps were ran 80-85 so canopy temps were 85F +, Rh 65-70% I saw very good grow rates in soil.
every day or 2 i saw definite growth!
bloom for 2-1/2wks same routine and as budz started swelling temps were gradually lowered and Rh below 60% til 6 wks then 45-50% rh and 75F
I have gotten the biggest buds ever, my keepers strain that has a proven track record for 2+yrs has colas overall are 50% bigger and more with some over growing with out Co2.
of course before i didn't have near the control over temps or Rh so they are also definite factors along with Co2.

jackmmayoffer runs multi 20,000 w grow running 1500ppms and 85 temps.
he sez those temps allow the Co2 to kick it hard and your wasting Co2 running too low a temp.
heres a link to where he is talking about temps-Rh from page 60-65ish.. great read if yoiu have the time

Going to bump my temps tonight!


Sounds good man I like your plan, you seem knowledgable about the risk reward side of things. I have just felt the wrath of nature when shit goes wrong. The growth is incredible but I have never gotten through a flower cycle with those numbers, something always starts to go a little wrong. For me know it's all about 1250-1500 with temps in the mid 70's and rh around 50. I don't even mind atmospheric levels if the air is always exchanging.

That 5 ton cools 32k for you? That's impressive. I guess 2k btu per air cooled hood is 30 for a 5 ton. Does it get hot there?

Not really man, I'm out in seattle so it's pretty much shity fucking weather all the time lol, and yea it's working great so far. Temps were running a little low for a bit, like 69-70 F and my rh was up to like 75-80 at different points of the day. So I just took the ducting off two rows to give off some heat and kick the ac on and act as a dehumidifier . Now I'm like 75.5 F and 50-55rh most days sometimes I'll get up to 78F but thatlle just make my ac run more and bring my rh down to like 50