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CO Report on Impact of Marijuana Use Could Hurt MJ Industry


Active member
The report from Colorado is out. It seems to be just restating already existing reports.


A 188-page report issued in Colorado that highlights the negative health effects of marijuana use could give anti-cannabis groups fodder to oppose legalization and the MJ industry itself.
The report – spearheaded by a panel of doctors under a directive from state lawmakers – says that marijuana impairs memory, may increase psychotic disorders in children and increases the risk of motor vehicle crashes. It also found that marijuana legalization in Colorado has led to increased hospital and emergency room visits tied to cannabis, according to Time.

The report analyzed existing research on marijuana use but does not include any new information.
Almost all published research to date is focused on the negative impacts of marijuana, so the report does not include information about the possible health benefits. The study cautions that the overall lack of research introduces a “bias” into marijuana studies in general.
The report also says there is little information on edibles or concentrated marijuana.
With so little data available, the study suggested further education and surveys about marijuana use. Colorado has commissioned eight studies on the health benefits of cannabis to the tune of $8 million, but results may not come for several years, according to the Associated Press.


ICMag Donor
Just looking at that lil blurb above reminds me of "The Pot Book" by Julie Holland.

A damn good book exposing a bunch of pot myths.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
There was a joint research project done between the Universities of Montana and Colorado which studied motor vehicle incidents in both states before and after relaxation of cannabis prohibition. Their finding was that greater access to marijuana led to a decrease in motor vehicle accidents. Their conclusion was that people were choosing to imbibe cannabis instead of alcohol, and this led to fewer drunk drivers on the roads.

The hospital visits probably all resulted from people overdosing on edibles. It's easy for the inexperienced to do. Concentrates in sweet edibles are attractive to children and will continue to be an issue in the future.

People need to emphasize that the memory effects are temporary, and only upon short term memory.


if it smells like fish
children shouldn't be smoking dope,,,,your not supposed to drive stoned anyhow and if you crash most likely its slow speed crash,...weed aint nowhere as bad as alcohol and booze is everywhere and advertised to death..one day the superbowl will have a weed commercial ....yeehaw....

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
children shouldn't be smoking dope,,,,your not supposed to drive stoned anyhow and if you crash most likely its slow speed crash,...weed aint nowhere as bad as alcohol and booze is everywhere and advertised to death..one day the superbowl will have a weed commercial ....yeehaw....


Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The biggest problem with CO MJ are the criminals that sell and ship their product out of state; this happens in all Med states, but it hurts OUR cause on a national level.



Active member
Old bugaboos, rehashed for 188 pages.

My fave is the whole thing about "more" emergency room visits. They never mention that there's no reason to go there over cannabis other than being an attention whore.


Active member
...well some people do get way too high and have panic attacks which can lead to other health issues, but that's all seated solely in the mind.

Yeah thay sounds like propaganda for sure. I wonder what else is going on in colorado. Maybe this a straw man tactics to avert to attention of the older voting populous.

Jan irvin, who's a very intelligent man if you ever have read or seen his material, has often quoted a highway patrol study that gave new officers some profiling guidelines. In that is a statement that people high on herb often exhibit perfect driving, especially when a squad car is behind them. I know when I was younger driving a little stoned I was always accidently driving way under the speed limit.

Booze and cigs are still legal because the government already has an established infrastructure to get their cut from it. This might be scare tactics to get people to keep signing away their rights, leading to more government regulation of Mary


Well-known member
When I was younger driving stoned was normal everyday life, but I avoided highways to avoid police and always found myself driving slower than the posted limit, I ended up get right of that but haven't done it in years, seems fun when you're young now it's more of a burden.


Active member
This will not stop cannabis. This just sets the bar for how much the G man has to profit from it in order for the public to have it. That's why it won't be legal like tomatoes.


Active member
...well some people do get way too high and have panic attacks which can lead to other health issues, but that's all seated solely in the mind.

Yeah thay sounds like propaganda for sure. I wonder what else is going on in colorado. Maybe this a straw man tactics to avert to attention of the older voting populous.

Jan irvin, who's a very intelligent man if you ever have read or seen his material, has often quoted a highway patrol study that gave new officers some profiling guidelines. In that is a statement that people high on herb often exhibit perfect driving, especially when a squad car is behind them. I know when I was younger driving a little stoned I was always accidently driving way under the speed limit.

Booze and cigs are still legal because the government already has an established infrastructure to get their cut from it. This might be scare tactics to get people to keep signing away their rights, leading to more government regulation of Mary

When people get flippy & go to the emergency room, there's nothing the staff will do other than maybe weird them out more than they already are. And it's always from edibles, which really aren't for beginners, at all, particularly alone in your hotel room like Maureen Dowd.

I'll just let Willie explain it-


I haven't done edibles for a very long time, certainly not since I came back to cannabis a couple of years ago. Comes on too slow, lasts too long, might be more intense than I like. Yeah, sure, I could hang with the best of 'em back in the day, but I've been there, done that. This isn't a contest, it's just me gettin' on my groove, letting the smoke take me right where I want to be.


Active member
This will not stop cannabis. This just sets the bar for how much the G man has to profit from it in order for the public to have it. That's why it won't be legal like tomatoes.

In Oregon, it'll be even better, just like homegrown tomatoes. Expect amazing homegrown cannabis.


Active member
Above post #13. Educate yourself on Canada's changing laws. When those started changing then so did America's wave of acceptance. The law does not want to give up there piece of the pie. Those pigs have been grazing the pot industry for to long. It will be the same monster under a guise.

Hopefully not

Hope your right

Much respect
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan irvin, who's a very intelligent man if you ever have read or seen his material, has often quoted a highway patrol study that gave new officers some profiling guidelines. In that is a statement that people high on herb often exhibit perfect driving, especially when a squad car is behind them. I know when I was younger driving a little stoned I was always accidently driving way under the speed limit.

too true. there have been a few instances around here where the police pulled people over for "excessively legal" driving. they used the fact that they were not doing anything wrong as an excuse to pull them over. once you roll the window down , they then claim to "smell cannabis" & seek to search you. so, basically, you are damned if you do & damned if you don't. break the law in any way, you get pulled over, searched & arrested. drive perfectly legally, get pulled over, dog sniffed, searched & arrested.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
When people get flippy & go to the emergency room, there's nothing the staff will do other than maybe weird them out more than they already are. And it's always from edibles, which really aren't for beginners, at all, particularly alone in your hotel room like Maureen Dowd.

I'll just let Willie explain it-


Maureen Dowd said:
Trying to prevent any more deaths, emergency-room trips or runaway paranoia, the Marijuana Policy Project has started an educational campaign called “Consume Responsibly.”

"Deaths"? Maureen Dowd, what a tool.


Active member
too true. there have been a few instances around here where the police pulled people over for "excessively legal" driving. they used the fact that they were not doing anything wrong as an excuse to pull them over. once you roll the window down , they then claim to "smell cannabis" & seek to search you. so, basically, you are damned if you do & damned if you don't. break the law in any way, you get pulled over, searched & arrested. drive perfectly legally, get pulled over, dog sniffed, searched & arrested.


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