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Close prisons.


Well-known member
Also the ENTIRE "science" of Ballistics is BULLSHIT - unless it is used to extract a legit confession.

Forensics in general is sketchy, misused by prosecutors to get people convicted when there isn't enough real evidence. Here's a link to an article at skeptoid about how it pretends to be scientific when it's not.


St. Phatty

Active member
Forensics in general is sketchy, misused by prosecutors to get people convicted when there isn't enough real evidence. Here's a link to an article at skeptoid about how it pretends to be scientific when it's not.


There's a lot of PRETEND in shows like "CSI: Miami".

If you collected every piece of brass of a certain caliber, e.g. 9 mm, that was ejected on a given day, and then borrowed all the handguns used to eject that brass ...

well I'd like to see some ballistics "expert" bet his HOUSE and his RETIREMENT on his ability to match every piece of brass to every handgun.

And that's just for one day.

How many American court cases have relied on Ballistic Evidence ? I would release 99.9% of the prisoners jailed based on "Ballistics".

Of course, I would also Shut Down 50% of the US government. :groupwave:


Well-known member
It's all in the barrel.you cannot fack the the rifling on a barrel on any gun.its like a finger print.theres no getting around that.period

St. Phatty

Active member
It's all in the barrel.you cannot fack the the rifling on a barrel on any gun.its like a finger print.theres no getting around that.period

So every bullet with the marks from 1:7 rifling, that wasn't destroyed on impact -

since most of them are lead, encased in copper -

is identical to every other bullet with 1:7 rifling.

Then THOSE bullets can be broken down into varieties of rifling -
4 grooves, 5 grooves, 6 grooves
hexagonal rifling vs. pentagonal rifling vs. grooves

So every 5 groove 1:7 bullet looks like the bullets that come out of every other 5 groove 1:7 rifle.

And there are MILLIONS of those.

As if there millions of people with identical fingerprints.


Well-known member
So every bullet with the marks from 1:7 rifling, that wasn't destroyed on impact -

since most of them are lead, encased in copper -

is identical to every other bullet with 1:7 rifling.

Then THOSE bullets can be broken down into varieties of rifling -
4 grooves, 5 grooves, 6 grooves
hexagonal rifling vs. pentagonal rifling vs. grooves

So every 5 groove 1:7 bullet looks like the bullets that come out of every other 5 groove 1:7 rifle.

And there are MILLIONS of those.

As if there millions of people with identical fingerprints.

Yeah well then why do Japan and whoever else use it as such? Maybe you need to learn.maybe learn how milling works? It's impossible to perfectly reacreact it.im already mad enough.tell me how to fucking mill something that's damn near impossible to recreate.dont be dumb brother


Well-known member
ya i thought it was the micro, milled edge of the barrel and grooves that was microscopically different. interesting though, i have no idea...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
So every bullet with the marks from 1:7 rifling, that wasn't destroyed on impact -

since most of them are lead, encased in copper -

is identical to every other bullet with 1:7 rifling.

Then THOSE bullets can be broken down into varieties of rifling -
4 grooves, 5 grooves, 6 grooves
hexagonal rifling vs. pentagonal rifling vs. grooves

So every 5 groove 1:7 bullet looks like the bullets that come out of every other 5 groove 1:7 rifle.

And there are MILLIONS of those.

As if there millions of people with identical fingerprints.

Ummmm, each barrel has unique rifle surfaces, which leave their unique marks. Forensics look at not only the number of rifles, but the marks that they leave due to their imperfections..


Well-known member
Ummmm, each barrel has unique rifle surfaces, which leave their unique marks. Forensics look at not only the number of rifles, but the marks that they leave due to their imperfections..

you beat me to it, greywolf. it is the FLAWS in the barrel that act like fingerprints. if you are going to shoot someone, take the barrel off and melt that MF down...or use a shotgun with handloads, and no shot cup. they used to have sub-caliber rifle ammo (mostly in 30-30, .308, and 30-06), typically a .22 bullet in a plastic sabot cupping the bullet as it zips down the barrel. bullet never touches rifling, so no engraving. the plastic sabot might not show the flaws in the rifling...IF they found it. stuff shot pretty bad RE accuracy out of my 30-06...


Well-known member
I'm pretty damn sure you can't replicate a barrel using cnc.so I'm gonna BS. No barrel is gonna be the same.think about it.


Active member
Some people are very dangerous and have to be put in prison. The real bad ones you can't see because they're already in prisons. If you have ever been to prison you would see what I'm talking about. There's a kind of sickness that's out there in the world and has to be separated from people without sickness. Thank God for prisons that house violent people that want to hurt others. I did six years and I know what I'm talking about. We need prisons Friend! 😎

Or your team leader ends up retiring and going around to shoney's and TGIF Fridays with his wife looking for couples to murder and subjugate,torture then chop into fish food pieces.....human nature I think it is got caveats for violence because there are some instances in society where kids gloves and timeouts are not inappropriate handling of the situation now am I saying go out and eviscerate people for looking at you the wrong way absolutely not it's funny how our species is hell bent on destruction the majority of it and the rest just have to sit back and watch while it happens it's horrible


Active member
PS: I've been called for jury duty multiple times and before retirement I declined with a letter from my aerospace/defense company explaining my key role in national defense, and after retirement I was never selected because one or the other of the attorneys did not like my honest answers to their selection questions, or that my wife was a legal assistant.

You want to know what I hated most about going into state and federal prison for growing massive amounts of cannabis when I told the good old boy Network f*** you your bunch of inbred pieces of s***? The realization as I sat in those facilities that it was a corrupt f****** good old boy Network set on making people recidivists because without those people coming back they got no way of holding their job down so that they can be a correctional officer high on the seniority level sucking up more overtime than you dude it's a money game not any kind way shape or form of reformation it's all about finding stupid laws that you know you can keep your police officers quotas your court officers quotas your judges your self-appointed judges you're self-appointed judges judges and all the other clowns who call themselves interested individuals or interested persons I agree with gray wolf we definitely need an overhaul but I think it needs to start in the country's government first might be too late there's no way in hell I could ever be on a jury and look people straight in the face and without laughing

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