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Close prisons.


Well-known member
Some people are very dangerous and have to be put in prison. The real bad ones you can't see because they're already in prisons. If you have ever been to prison you would see what I'm talking about. There's a kind of sickness that's out there in the world and has to be separated from people without sickness. Thank God for prisons that house violent people that want to hurt others. I did six years and I know what I'm talking about. We need prisons Friend! 😎

St. Phatty

Active member
If you want to never get called for Jury Duty, put up a website advocating that all prisons be closed.

You might also have to express strongly held opinions that related to Civil trials.

The website has to have your real name, and be registered with search engines.

One web search for your name during a Jury trial, and the defense and or prosecutor/plaintiff lawyer will probably choose to remove you from the jury pool.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I was on jury duty for a week. I was on an elevator at the courthouse, and on comes the judge who lectured us about how important we were earlier that day.

I asked him what he thought about "jury nullification" of laws. He said he thought it was interesting. I have never been called back.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
In the words of Abraham Maslow, father of Humanistic Psychology, "It is a mistake to forget that there is pathology in the populous."

We have people imprisoned that shouldn't be but what are the proven alternatives to confinement with violent criminals preying on society? None that I am aware of beyond death.

What we need is judicial and prison reform, just like we need to keep the police in check, but we also need them for protection.

It would be simpler if the justice system always worked. We could part the irredeemable out for their valuable organs and focus on reforming the dull witted and misguided, but alas look at how many releases from prison there have been from new DNA evidence. Besides the irredeemable, dull witted, and misguided brothers and sisters, we have the unlucky.

Portland, OR is a perfect example of what happens at the far left extreme where the outlaws have taken over, the police force is depleted and demoralized, and the awoke DA's are not prosecuting most of the arrests that are made. Many in our prisons and jails were released early due to Covid and our lame Gov commuted some violent criminals with no discussion and a stroke of her pen.

Don't bother to call the police on property crime, but don't shoot the criminals attacking you, or you will be charged with murder and discharging a firearm in the city limits.

The homeless abound and are supporting themselves somehow. Many of the meth addicts and the gangs supplying those drugs continue to fight it out with barrages of gunfire. Thieves push shopping cart loads of goods out of the stores, while store employees stand and watch and the understaffed police are too busy to respond to. "911! Please hold........."

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
PS: I've been called for jury duty multiple times and before retirement I declined with a letter from my aerospace/defense company explaining my key role in national defense, and after retirement I was never selected because one or the other of the attorneys did not like my honest answers to their selection questions, or that my wife was a legal assistant.


Well-known member
Government man speaks with forked tongue.

Eye for an Eye
Do unto others
There are many others.

Why keep a killer alive, if it's absolutely certain they did it.
A lessor version is fingers then hands. That way, compensation can be paid if it were proven to be wrong.

St. Phatty

Active member
...or be on a jury 12 years ago; that ended in 'hung jury..(my idea :D) on a trafficking charge! They NEVER forget, that....:dance:

Do you think your name goes on a database that is shared OUTSIDE the county ?

Of course the court where you were on the jury will (probably) keep records.

But, if you move - do they TRACK you ?

Will a DA or defense attorney in your current home have access to court records from your past in other states ?

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Mention Jury nullification just once and no more jury duty. When I talked about it in court the last time the prosecutor immediately dismissed me. That case probably warranted it to as it was a trial for Possession/distribution of Marijuana.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You could always send a clear signal with kooky dress or by showing up in your PJ's, unbathed with a week's stubble. If push comes to shove, you could try wearing nothing but a speedo under an overcoat and carrying a bag of candy.

Three Berries

Active member
You could always send a clear signal with kooky dress or by showing up in your PJ's, unbathed with a week's stubble. If push comes to shove, you could try wearing nothing but a speedo under an overcoat and carrying a bag of candy.

They would just think you are wearing your WalMart gear....

St. Phatty

Active member
Mention Jury nullification just once and no more jury duty. When I talked about it in court the last time the prosecutor immediately dismissed me. That case probably warranted it to as it was a trial for Possession/distribution of Marijuana.

I would bring up the subject of Equal Treatment under the Law, and then cite cases where people were discovered to commit the same crimes, and allowed to go free.

i.e. the US does not have Equal Treatment under the Law. Therefore very few court cases are valid.

Also the ENTIRE "science" of Ballistics is BULLSHIT - unless it is used to extract a legit confession.

When they ID a bullet, for example a 308 with a 1:12-5 rifling, that was then sent speeding through a human body - which tends to ding up the bullet a bit.

The best you can do is narrow the pool of potential murder weapons to, all the 308's with 1:12-5 rifling in the US, or in a 1000 mile radius. In this case, the -5 indicates the number of grooves that make up the rifling.

If you fired the same weight bullet from ALL the similar rifles in the US, and then put ALL those bullets in front of the "ballistics expert" - there is no way he could tell which bullet came from which gun.

It would involve comparing Thousands of bullets, or more.

Therefore there is no "proof beyond a reasonable doubt".

Part 2 - everybody convicted on ballistics evidence alone, must be released from prison.


Well-known member
I would bring up the subject of Equal Treatment under the Law, and then cite cases where people were discovered to commit the same crimes, and allowed to go free.

i.e. the US does not have Equal Treatment under the Law. Therefore very few court cases are valid.

Also the ENTIRE "science" of Ballistics is BULLSHIT - unless it is used to extract a legit confession.

When they ID a bullet, for example a 308 with a 1:12-5 rifling, that was then sent speeding through a human body - which tends to ding up the bullet a bit.

The best you can do is narrow the pool of potential murder weapons to, all the 308's with 1:12-5 rifling in the US, or in a 1000 mile radius. In this case, the -5 indicates the number of grooves that make up the rifling.

If you fired the same weight bullet from ALL the similar rifles in the US, and then put ALL those bullets in front of the "ballistics expert" - there is no way he could tell which bullet came from which gun.

It would involve comparing Thousands of bullets, or more.

Therefore there is no "proof beyond a reasonable doubt".

Part 2 - everybody convicted on ballistics evidence alone, must be released from prison.

supposedly, our legal approach (based on Englands Blackstone) is that "better ten guilty go free than one innocent suffer". but as a nation, we have never really embraced that; the desire to see punishment is so strong that we cheerfully send innocents to prison & willingly execute them from time to time. Texas & Virginia actually fought all the way to the Supreme Court trying to keep death row inmates from trying to prove their innocence via DNA testing after being found guilty. "you got a fair trial, you were found guilty, that is all that we need to know. now, shut up & sit down so we can electrocute you, you fucking whiner..."

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