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Cloning secret(what the pros never told ya)

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Ok the time has come to fullfil the prophecys in which the secrets of the ancient hanging gardens of Babylon flourished.

You all are familiar with aquaculture, right?. Well if you are that will help on your quest of enlightenment. The acient master mason caretakers of the hanging gardens used a form of it that precursors the dinosuars. Also helped win the battle of planet x.

Anywho its called bug culture. When you got your cloning dome incubating your lil babies with a tray n heat mat underneath nice and warm. You throw a couple flys under the dome and shut it real quick. This locks in the flys and they buzz around in thier and there wings act as lil fans moving air around inside the cloning chamber. Now i know of at aleast 2 other ancient cultures that learned this technique from the babylonians and put there own twist on it. The mayans uses bumble bees and the japanese used butterflys.

This is just the very basic basis to bug culture. So if you would like to be enlightened more on the ancient practice of bug culture please look for my book "Cannabis: The Green Fetus Of Life" which should release before the end of the world.

The master mason care takers of the gardens had a saying. "You reap what you sow, so dont be no hoe!" taco sniff.


that's it!! I need more fucking flies in my garden. some maggots too. and some dog shit for the flies to eat, so they don't die.

I'm getting my cloning gel ready right now.


Active member
As I eat this meatloaf and think deep into the multi universe of infinity. It becomes clear as a crystal skull how little time there is for negativity.. I am hear to tune in.

Yummybud was a good man...

One egyptian dancer per person please. And I count 5 so far, thank you for seeking the truth in our on going quest of enlightenment

I think that's the fastest a new member has ever reached my ignore list.

Only 20 posts. Wow. :D Congrats!

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I believe I will couple this with what crush does, and have "Rock Hard Mode.":)


wow what annoying philosophical hippy bullshit primo. all these potsnobs are going to take big bite with post like that


Don't forget to pee on em too! I might try a fan and some more modern technology like a repeat cycle timer but, I'm leaving the bugs outside.:dance013:

Good luck, Peace


, The Ghost of
small fan vs house full of bugs... hmmm...
lets see, if I take a dump in my clone tray, flies will come and Ill have better success ratios.
AWESOME! F that! Ill go to the dump rip an old puter fan for free and the flies will come w/ it!
Wait, if Ive got the fan, why do I need the flies?
Title it 'The dummies guide to growing weed like the Ancient Aliens of Babylon'.
Page 1 : You are a dummy for buying this book. The End.


this thing should be binned jesus i knew it whould waste time even if he did try to reveal his secret babalonian shit trick im sure it will be a great book lol


Wildgrow bro, you can cultivate some shrooms in your shit in the clonebox at the same time! :D Thai style! :D muhahahaaa goddamn flies my ass!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Primo thanks for letting the bug out of the box. Very entertaining thread buddy. I'm afraid you may have accumulated more negative rep than posts though. Members here like to share information freely without all the hype and suspense.
I use hummingbirds under my dome, they're much better than flies or bumble bees and move around ten times as much air! Cheers...DD



, The Ghost of
Wildgrow bro, you can cultivate some shrooms in your shit in the clonebox at the same time! :D Thai style! :D muhahahaaa goddamn flies my ass!
Good freakin idea! $ Nuk! Then I could compost the failed shrooms w/ the shit and have some nice humanure. This is my P.Chunk x e.coli: I call it Upchuck!
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