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cloning outdoors


ICMag Donor
I cloned outdoors last year. It worked well despite not tending to them at all. Wait until there is a few days of rain forcast if you can. Also make sure your mother plants are well fed and watered. This will help your success rates. If you can, cut the clones so they will have a node underneith the dirt, this is where roots will naturally form. Scrape 1 or 2 sides of the stem lightly, and dip into rooting powder/gel. Then just stick them in cups of potting soil with a hole in the bottom. Cover with a 2 liter bottle with the cap removed and bottom off to keep in moisture. Keep them in very partial sun/shade for a couple weeks, and mist them as often as you can. They should root for ya.

For sure, chicken wire around your cups or animals will get nosy and mess up your project. I wish you luck.
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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
ahh thanks smokateer, the name just slipped my mind couldnt think of it to save my life lol.


Active member
air layering was a pain in the ass for me. it was harder keeping the growth shoot (where the root's grow) moist. everytime i visited it was dry. clipping them off and rooting is easier in my opinion.


Active member
yes there is fun in experimenting. just remember to keep the area you shaved and applied hormone to moist. actually now that i think of it. a good way to root them would be using about 60 percent dirt and the rest water,like mud keep it extra moist there's no reason why they wouldnt root. just remember air layering take's a bit longer than rooting the old fashioned way so dont get impatient.


As soon as my plants are big enough i intend to take clones, I live in an area where water is a must but i can access my plants on a fairly regular basis so which would be best to do airlayering or just the original method of snipping off a branch etc? I need which will ever get the plants started the fastest but also will be relatively safe? Thanks.


excellent idea my friend sm0kateer4204 i will do half the original method and the other half ill try airlayering the branches and then see which comes out best...I like it. Keep blazin everyone :sasmokin: . Thanks


Active member
cloning,rooting, what ever you wanna call it!!!

cloning,rooting, what ever you wanna call it!!!

Right now, whenever I am topping my plants, I take a few extra seconds and poke a hole in the ground just under my plants, say 6 to 8 inches from the plant, and poke any cuttings into the ground, and pack the dirt back around each cutting... sometimes I use rooting hormones but most of the time I don't. My area is in a really dry time of the year, no measurable rainfall, less than 1/10th, for 22 days. I water my grow every 4 days, and I have noticed that I have maybe 15 cuttings that are still green and appear to be doing OK. In past years I have produced 20 or more plants that mature where I started them or where I moved them after they were rooted.... Nothing ventured nothing gained, normally I would "chunk" the topped portions on the ground... I'm transporting 60 gallons of water every 4 days thats alot of work for an old head, nearly 500lbs of water, but I dont want my plants to die, but I know all that work will bring me nearly 5 lbs of excellent smoke in October.. Usually I wait till july to transplant my clones, when they are 24 inches tall and getting root bound.. Listen folks I always tell people " lest we forget this is a weed we are dealing with". all my plants are Sativas and will be nearly 7ft tall when I harvest. Here's hopeing your growing season is not as dry as mine. NO PICS, paranoia strikes deep into your soul it will creep, it starts when your always afraid,, step outta line the man come and take you away. keep your circle of friends small, stretch out your arms, bring your finger tips together, anyone you find in that circle should be the only friend you trust.

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