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cloning outdoors

i still havnt cloned ever, and due to the fact that i have a monster plant outside, i wanted to clone it several times. due to this, i have several questions
1. is it possible to clone completely outside or if brought indoors only for a very short period (a few days at most) i dont really have a spot to put them for an extended period of time
2. can i cut 4 or 5 clones off the plant at once or is that too much stress on it?
if theres already a thread set up for this ill take it i really appreciate the help guys


Active member
1. it would be possible if you had a way to keep whatever medium your using moist and not let it dry out....if you brought it in for only a few days it wouldn't root in time.

2. it shouldn't be a problem taking a few cuts..it's just like pruning.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
theres a way but i totally forgot what its called let me do some searching
okay so i cut, place immediently in water then put in a soupy mix of dirt and water? is it for sure it will come out okay or is there a decent chance it will die?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
that will most likely kill it, the method i saw involved rooting it while its on the plant.


jaykush said:
that will most likely kill it, the method i saw involved rooting it while its on the plant.
that sounds crazy cant wait to learn... my bro tried cloning outside and the only problem is are u gona be able to keep it humid enoughf.


Active member
lookimrory said:
okay so i cut, place immediently in water then put in a soupy mix of dirt and water? is it for sure it will come out okay or is there a decent chance it will die?

yup, that will work as long as you keep it moist.....it's basic cloning....there isn't a difference if it's in your house or outside...it's still cutting a clone off your plant and keeping it alive.
yes im just trying to get all the info before i do this....i dont want to cut 5 branches off my monster tree and have them all die
ive already had a shitload of bad luck this year....


all praises are due to the Most High
lookimrory said:
but i thought clones had to be under 24 light to root?

what? not at all! maybe if they are in some real cold weather and need the heat from the light, but they definetly do NOT need 24hrs of light, that's ridiculous...

get your cuttings with clean scissors, place them in unfertilized soil, water that soil real well, and place under a tree where they get shade and no direct sunlight. in about 20 days they will have rooted, your chances increase if you add some kind of rooting hormone for herbs. don't let the soil dry up, don't over-water it either, maybe add some vermicule to the soil to help it retain moist. it is real easy to clone, just do it.


Bakin in da Sun
most likely you will not be able to clone outside, unless you have a greenhouse.... every time ive tried, the sun has just been too damn hot, and fried the cuts.
2 all depends on how big of the plant is, if its a monster, 4-5 is nothing....

clones need very little light... lol the sun imo is just a bit tooo much.
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all praises are due to the Most High
yes, what bartender says is true, to be able to keep your cuttings from getting fried by the sun, you must place them where no direct sun light will hit them. you can even improvise a small camo-roof in case the vegetation around doesn't provide enough shading throughout the day. peace.


Active member
i got 50% rooting so far. out of 2 clone's one rooted, the other doesnt look so good. basically i just cut it dipped it in powder and put it in the ground with a bottle over it. i look at it the other day it had a root bump emerging. i will say the lcone get's direct light most of the day. it has shown some browning leave's from the sun. but it has a root so i just need to let them get bigger for a few day's and relocate her.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
ok i cant find the link but i can try to explain it. first off you would go as if you were going to take a clone, find the right one. then scrape a inch near the bottom. then you would wrap soil/peat then netting to keep the soil in place ( i think it was peat? and i think there was plastic around that to keep it moist) around the scraped area. the plant will naturally root beacuse its in soil. when u see roots popping out, cut the already rooted clone from the plant. plant in whatever medium and grow away.

now i havent done this to mj but to a tomato and a lemon bush, im almost 100% posative itl work for mj ive just never needed to clone outside.

hope that helps. and is worth a try.


Active member
sounds like a form of grafting...if you do a search on it i'm sure you'll find the method your talking about....i'm just to lazy today to look, basically you graft the plant until roots come out then finish your cut taking the already cloned stalk off of your plant....that or normal cloning will work...it isn't that hard really...u just gotta try and if you mess up try again...eventually you'll be a pro.