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Clones Rotting in EZ Cloner. Please Read.


Well-known member
I see alot of mixed reviews admittedly I'm not an expert on virology. You will see this discussion going both ways. I will present two sides here for comparison. More is welcomed.

We need to identify the cause of rot, chances are it's in/on the mom's and the substrate.
Once the culture is done then action can be taken.

The attached screen shot goes from doubt to explain it as a fact... error or not 🤷‍♂️

Think the important part isn't what virus as much as its a example of causes.
In the attached screenshot they said tmv does infect but many cultivars are not showing visible signs... which means they are carriers? At what weakened point does it cause necrosis?

The other point along the same lines is no till soil which should be bracketed.

My point is this in a natural eco system ok
Let's say a agricultural field no till is a thing
In a indoor system is it container or in ground, green house? Indoors or in a greenhouse, are we expecting mother nature to balance the eco system to a no till health?

Does not really matter but in soils virus can persistent for years, this fact can hardly be argued. Rain water uv sun rays healthy microbes may overrun the harmful ones in the right conditions.

Most want to use natural non toxic grow and be environmentally friendly and organic certified. This comes with higher loses.
Which in a organic conscious market comes at a hopefully inflated selling point for quality to compensate the extra effort.

What do we really need to do, grow organic and still maintain a level of cleanliness.

Of course cannabis is tested for things of concern to human health.

Steaming of soil and reintroduction of healthy microbes is the route id take in this situation.

In addition to making sure the mother plants were clean.

@Ttystikk in no way am I claiming to be an expert and on a viral molecular level who knows what's what it's all subject to change :huggg: We do our best work together!!!

I will agree that hlvd they are saying 80%?
Of stock clones are infected, showing symptoms or not! Your right this is a huge concern in the industry.
I had a strain many years ago that sure showed the signs of tobacco mosaic virus. When I asked my breeder buddy about it, he said it was a "broken strain" but that explanation never fit the facts. I'm just glad it never spread; TMV may just be much less infectious than HLVd.


Well-known member
I had a strain many years ago that sure showed the signs of tobacco mosaic virus. When I asked my breeder buddy about it, he said it was a "broken strain" but that explanation never fit the facts. I'm just glad it never spread; TMV may just be much less infectious than HLVd.
This is a interesting topic and it's similar to the human genome. People can be carriers of virus that are lethal to others left untreated.

The thcas/cbdas synthesis genes are attributed to retro virus being part of cannabis genome.

Many of these virus become part of the plants DNA there's antibodies and resistance, a continual evolution of biological symbiosis. What does not kill us only makes us stronger?

We all want healthy vigorous plants, nothing is more satisfying then planting a seed and being it's steward until the next seed is produced in a long line of healthy plants 🪴

That meristem culture is a sweet route to a single clean clone. How to treat and cure a entire crop or fallow field :thinking:

Always more questions than answers :huggg: I have also had fantastic mutant genetics that start off sickly then outgrow it... are the mutations caused by ☣️ biohazard do virus drive evolution?

Healthy plants pay the bills in commerce
Productive fast growing

To that end plant a sensitive test plant species in the no till soil.

Also set out a petri dish and collect samples
from soil air water plant grow out cultures
Compare to photos, we have these doi files
Will post these
Cheap test methods ! Used to do this in lab.
Answers in a few days,
for bacterial and fungal



Cabana’s bitch
I haven’t taken the time to read the entire thread, but I would like to put my two cents in and see where it goes. I’ve had nothing but nightmares with the Hydro cloner living in Florida because the water temperature is always got up to 80° because of the motor in the water. I’ve decided to strictly root out of rapid router pellets and it’s 100% success across the board… pH is critical in my opinion as well

Osama Bong Loadin'

Well-known member
Premium user
No till will have much more fungal presence vs other media which maybe better for mature plants but not allowing cuts to root before fungus starts decomposing the unrooted veg matter.

Try cloning in rockwool, put half as many clones in cloner so no leaves touch each other and no leaves touch the sides of propagator.

Maybe also try manual misting rather than a constant aeroponic mist which could increase ability for fungus to spread.

Get a fan blowing/extraction over the cloner so fungal spores dont land on it.

Good luck!
I grow organic but clone in Grodan 1.5s.


Active member
I haven’t taken the time to read the entire thread, but I would like to put my two cents in and see where it goes. I’ve had nothing but nightmares with the Hydro cloner living in Florida because the water temperature is always got up to 80° because of the motor in the water. I’ve decided to strictly root out of rapid router pellets and it’s 100% success across the board… pH is critical in my opinion as well
Yep, replied the same exact thing in another thread.


Well-known member
I haven’t taken the time to read the entire thread, but I would like to put my two cents in and see where it goes. I’ve had nothing but nightmares with the Hydro cloner living in Florida because the water temperature is always got up to 80° because of the motor in the water. I’ve decided to strictly root out of rapid router pellets and it’s 100% success across the board… pH is critical in my opinion as well
That's a great method because of the humidity in Florida. In bone dry Colorado, you need some way of keeping humidity up. If you do that, it works pretty well.


Cabana’s bitch
I'm trying air layering. I have no idea what I'm doing LOL so I suspect it will take me a few tries to get it right.
The only way you’re going to learn how to air layer is to screw up a half a dozen times and learn from your mistakes. If I fail enough times and continue trying, I get very good at the end results of eventually.
I just got done bathing Ivan and he has just been a blessing because of his desire to make his daddy happy. He sits there and almost tremble waiting for me to tell him what to do next. He’s gotten quite large and stately looking. I think I will keep him