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CleanLight promises Powdery Mildew and Bud Mold control without chemicals


Active member
. One could grow strains outside in 1985 and nothing would get pm, but the same strains grown in 95 would easily. I was talking to reeferman about it one time and he said that it came in on mandarin oranges from out of the country, and now we have it in our area.

PM has been around on a global scale befor monkeys even started to think about growing and that inc canada, even in ice cores you find mold spores in low amounts, its a part of the ecosystem and the change of seasons..

If pepol study the science of mold how it works and its life cycle, you understand that its going to be real tricky to aviod it even, when you use fungicides.

The pH value of the leaf surface dictates if PM will thrive or not, it will be on the surface but it need certain conditions to start to grow.

I cant talk much about indoor strains but in Denmark mold has been an issue since pepol started to grow drug type cannabis, in every country i have seen mold, even in thailand i saw a whole field of plants that was molded due to a cold spell and then they started to bud again, it was a nightmare for the farmer..

Same stuff i have seen in the 1000 islands, Laos, where they cultivate on large point bars that form small islands in the mekong river, there it was heavy rain that made the 4m high plants down to the ground and they where starting to mold so they harvest the plants..

Newer been to Afghanistan, but i have seen plenty of mold in wild and cultivated plants in pakistan, india and nepal.

To finish my point, i think that mold has been around always and there are no such thing as a mold resistant plant, but some are more resistant. The most important thing is to breed with plants that are healthy in general all around..

Maby some of those mold issues you talk about where due to breeding and selection was properly done with a focus on budsize, ect and not so much with PM mind. In general i think that pepol have become more aware of PM when selecting in breeding and this has improved the plants, also in the early 90s most indoor strains had poor PM resistans some thing i think has changed

Merry X-Mas to ya all


Active member
there seems to be alot of ideas about orgin and control methods, i think it's a on going proplem at least in the NW, and i have a nice little sulpher burner routine i use, there are some strains that will pop the spores easily and others that have strong resistance, as i work my way through the amazing assortment of available genetics and decide what i'm breeding for i will always put PM resistance as one of my goals. it can be overcome. orovergrown. Merry Xmas!


It's not UV-B. It's UV-C,
yep lol,PHILIPS UV-C LAMP 3MFILTER AND IONIZER. they have two units for hobby? big systems are used in warehouses of flowers etc out on farm rigged to tracters . these are made for hobby?? inside outside, do your walls in grow ,floors the fuk'n lot lol.


Well-known member
The thing that interested me most about this product when I saw it a few years ago was they claim it can kill tobamoviruses and things like clavobacter. This would be a great tool for vegetable production while using resistant varieties. The most use I think for this product for cannabis though would be for mother stock and clones, stock plants before being sold/given or grown for medical patients (or recreational) to ensure that there are as few contaminants as possible especially when send off to other people. This combined with resistant varieties, proper sanitation during crop changes and good growing practices would be about all you can do I think to keep things clean, there are sulfur burners which work great, but who wants to use sulfur on a flowering plant that someone will smoke or eat? Works great for foliage though.


New member
there seems to be alot of ideas about orgin and control methods, i think it's a on going proplem at least in the NW, and i have a nice little sulpher burner routine i use, there are some strains that will pop the spores easily and others that have strong resistance, as i work my way through the amazing assortment of available genetics and decide what i'm breeding for i will always put PM resistance as one of my goals. it can be overcome. orovergrown. Merry Xmas!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The most important thing is to breed with plants that are healthy in general all around.. [/FONT]


Mold plays a very important role in nature without it we would die!! It's everywhere PM spores activate when conditions (temps etc...) are right. It has plagued farmers since the beginning, when you chop down all the trees, divert the water, till the land etc... You are working against Mother Nature. Instead of giving the land a break, farmers keep pounding the land. Mother Natures wants to get rid of the crop & put back the trees, plants, bugs, etc... This is why we have Transgenic modified organisms but now know it's not working example cantaloupe we've modified it many times. MJ same thing Mother Nature will only allow Soo much. Old timers bred (GMO) their plants to fit the environment, in other words they worked with Mother Nature not against her which includes how much they altered the environment. That's the main problem within that overriding problem greedy breeders keep on creating useless hybrids in other words retards are breeding out the plants defenses that guys like Sam bred into the plant!! Did you think we can chop chop, dig dig, spray spray spray & not have any consequences? This is why we are loosing ALL the Orange crop (no cure) this why the worlds entire wheat crop is on its way out! We are in the midst of major food shortages!!


Active member
I think more people are growing from clones these days and i notice when i do seed runs and have a couple kush clones in the run, some times the kushs get a bit of pm but the longer flowering girls{from seed} never seem to get it. Know i have seen my haze cutting get pm after a month or so of being exposed to pm planties. but normally if everything is healthy she does not get it but i have seen it. My thinking is seeds have something that the clones do not, in terms of pm.....


Some environments have more PM spores in the air than others! When temp, humidity etc reach ideal levels the spores activate seeking weak plant material, soil etc to continue its life cycle. Pollin chuckers are breeding out modern MJs plants defenses that the old timers bred into MJ! Healthy plants with strong immune systems(genetic) have the best chance of avoiding PM. When a farmer clears an area of what Mother Nature put in that area, whatever the farmer put in that environment is gonna be under attack by Mother Nature she's gonna put back in that environment what man took out of the environment over time. If you create a PM resistant strain over time Mother Nature will create a New PM strain to counter....it's the same concept with pest.

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