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Classic Seeds... the long road...


New member
Hello Classic!!!! hows it going bro? So my 3 romulans have recovered there looking 100% better and it took like 3.5 weeks to recover just like u said-- now one big plant one medium and one very small..In canna COCO and just like u said the dont like alot of water and -ph at 6.3 to 6.5... my new questions are how well does romulan clone? and is this the rom u said was federation rom crossed to new genertions ROm MAXX?
sorry u get so manty questions like this?

Classic Seeds

hi gulfdiver hard to answer that question if they came here a long time ago that is what they are it would say on the pack if they came from tsd and say romulan joes they are different and what I grow for my self from seeds I got from surfers on the island who were friends with joe and have did a batch for release they stay short and are not like anything else I have seen from old federation or the next generations romulans .it has almost no stretch when flowered indoors and it clones easy in rapid rooter plugs or those spray cloners they have developed those root any thing faster than any other method.my friends who have grown this strain say it should come with a warning on the label .its one of the strongest strains I have ever grown and I have grown plenty of strains over the years but seem to always have a few of these going for me .hope alls well out in the gulf I saw where a spill closed the ship lanes to get oil in and out of the shipping channel down there hope its all cleaned up now and we don't get even higher gas prices from the temporary shut down .aloha cls oh as a ps the size is probably a direct link to the amount of stress a indivual plant got and its ability to bounce back from the stressing so when you do clones keep that in mind so you get robust fast growing clones

Classic Seeds

hi surfdout everything is going to be 30 euros when these new one get listed so it will be a price drop on the old and the new to try and help out people with tight budgets .there is not a lot of anything but I am working on correcting that as soon as I can ,wish I had a magic wand I could wave to make time excellrate forward but I don't so new listing after this drop will be a awhile yet ,but it will let me do one more back crossing on the ones I am doing at present to keep them similar in their charactoristics so they stay like they are with out any big changes in the strains so when people grow the new ones they will be like what they got before no surprises or hunting for keepers ,just stable plants all alike .I can only do so much at a time because of plant limits and space to allow them to grow out in .but they will get done a few at a time as it progress's I will do new releases aloha cls


New member
BIG THANKS CLASSIC!!!! I got my CS Romulan Joes from tsd a year before u had the problems with tsd maybe even longer than a year.. im looking forward to these your roms its like there already a favorite :)

Classic Seeds

hi Clarence I want to thank you and asia for getting these up once I could point the way towards the pictures and discriptions . I sure hope your feeling better and back to 100% again people never have any idea how many hats you wear till your not there to fill the spots .all the best and thanks again .I am glad we could do the price drop so more people can afford my work.

i am so glad to be back and knowing I will get paid puts some of my lost ability to move forward and incentive to work a little harder in motion once again ,besides the fact I do it mostly for sick people a little money keeps my lights on and a piece of meat in the stew pot so I can keep on growing breeding and not starve as a result of my commitment to breeding and doing whats right for others instead of just thinking about my own well being

till TSD it had always equaled out without losing ground or falling behind in my bills .my goal is simple make the best strains I can for the lowest prices I can to spread the love and reverence I have for this plant and the miracle god made when this plant was created I can think of no other plant that touches and cures so many of our human frailitys and diseases and helps us not suffer on so many different levels .this plant truly is a holy gift from our creator aloha cls
Nicely said there Classic and hope to see your stock up soon as many I'm sure. I would also like to say that I have bought Classics stock a few times and med to very high grade smoke and all very stable, some large producers and are as he says. Some mid grades like DP blue and orange bud I love for taste and perfect high for some, but my tolerance is higher and love his old Thai hybrid and is my fav so far and a beauty in bloom now. A 3oz average inside yield and potent tasty smoke like alot of his stuff. The Chem mixes and all sound very good, especially the Mex landrace as I spent time there years back. Got A couple older stock Classics going now and all very nice and unique, vigorous, some big yielding, and very nice variety and great prices and deals. Many blessings your way and hope your freezer stays stocked full of stewin meat. Just wanted to say you can't go wrong with his stock in my opinion. Curious to the new packaging you used. Great genetics, great prices. peace... :tiphat: SR

:cool: I have done many different drugs and all of them have basically the same high in their category no matter the mix or flavor. From drinking, pills, to shootin up. Most all are very addictive and can and do cause death daily. Marijuana is the only drug I have ever done that not only has so many more flavors and tastes and breeding possibilities, but the only one with so many varied types of high and for so many variety of ailments. Not to mention you can make the worlds best paper and rope etc and can't do that with the others either. True God send for sure.The less doctor reliant I am the better. I do like one cold beer on occasion, but otherwise alcohol is only good to be used in painful surgery, drag racin and in monster tractor pulls and apparently wine for stomach problems, according to Paul. More peace...

Classic Seeds

hi speedracer if your talking about the dutch pride blue berry x my berry indica the dp has tested at 18% and I have never tested my berry indica but its higher and I don't have a orange bud in my strains I have released .I think coastal might have passed out some testers crossed to cali orange but I am not sure of that fact .glad your stoked about the last release they are up at seed boutique now. I hope my freezer stays full and my belly always has a nice round full feeling .ha ha the new packs are labeled and sealed and the seeds depending on the size are either in one or two crush proof colored plastic snap top containers most of the packs have at least 12 seeds in them ,some one or two more but all have more than 10 aloha cls
High Classic. I was only refering to Dutch Passions Blueberry and the Orange bud not there Cali orange. I liked both for there taste and high, but was mid grade for me even though knockout for many. I have a very high tolerance and had some literal resin dripping DP blue and looked very nice. Totally knocked some of my friends and great blue taste. I am sure your Brazilian Berry beauty was a great add and will have to try when I can. Gave the rest of my DP's Blueberry away and friend has 2 going now that look good. May have to see and hit them with some of my very potent Blue Santa pollen I still have. Hit a very beautiful Thai Gold Columbian C99 Romulan of yours today with the Blue pollen and hope to keep the Thai size and hope to create a Big Strong Blue Thai monster. I Finally got a Blue Mango(Blue Santa x Brooklyn Mango) curing and smells like the fist one I did, like Juicy fruit gum, and also was hit with the Blue pollen. So good tasting and very potent for the Brooklyn Mango being mid grade to me too before being hit with the Blue which is fire. I imagine the Blue x Thai hybrid will be even better and hotter fire I'd assume as each is so good alone. Barely gettin by, plant to plant it seems, but not runnin out either and blessed the same and thankful for what I got and the quality of bud, but I do hope to be able to fill some more bowls soon. Spring has sprung, I guess. Have a great and safe season. :tiphat: peace... SR

Classic Seeds

hi speedracer the old dutch passions is a 1978 80% indica blue berry I don't know what they have now I have not bought any seeds now from them for over 10 years but the olderseeds they used to make were mostly good .your sure in love with that blue you found I hope it and all the crosses your making from it keep your bowl filled and keep putting a smile on your face .it almost felt like a early spring here last month for a week then its been nothing but rain since we got a little taste of sun to remind us it was still in the sky even if we don't see much of it .hope you found a new job since you got a car to get to work again .out side of a little liquid sunshine its all good here in Oregon .

I just hope the dispensary act our legislature did does not back fire on the medical program like it started to do in Washington, politicons smell new tax money and they seem to forget what we voted for here in Oregon we never passed a sell to the sick proposition that is all on our sneaky legislature and who knows how the dea is going to act about pot stores here

they are already here in force going after over growers and dealor growers so stores seem like a easy bust for them . it will probably make for more of them here looking at satellite photos and counting the plants and getting warrants and coming for the people who think its no big deal if they have over the amount they are allowed or try the coop angle to have more than 24 plants it just seems like we had it pretty good before the state went against peoples wishes about allowing dispensorys aloha cls
High again... Already told the liar to take the job and shove it, but in other words. Can't work for man that lies to his wife. If he lies to her, you can bet he's lying to you. Not gonna get rich that way, but do have another interview next week and more $$$. So many alcoholics and drug addicts anymore and liquid lunches etc and not my gig. I do work harder and better than most so I'm sure I'll find my gig. Very sorry to hear bout the f'd up politics out there that are ultimately only going to screw the little guy and votes, people etc are all for sale to the highest bidder which includes mostly very greedy people sad to say. I wish I could have more faith in man, but until they get it that they are not God and humble themselves there will never be true peace or freedom. Even if legalized here I can't see giving out my name as I will never trust those in power as seen by there fruit they are full of pure greed etc. Everyone seems to have gotten sooo spoiled in my opinion and I thought people were spoiled 30 years ago. Guess thats why I'm so happy though broke. More thankful, grateful for the sooo many little things and laugh as much as possible and is good medicine too and free. I know where I've been and with Gods help will get to where I'm goin. Glad to meet you in my journey and for sure smokin your weed is a real pleasure. Smokin, Tokin, and thats no Jokin. Ok lots of jokin. peace... :tiphat: SR


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hi there Speed Racer. Remember you from SD. Did you run the Humboldt Purple?

You seem to know potency very well and I wondered what you thought of it. It is one of my favs and one of the most potent for me. I think of it as being a cross of sativa and indica, both in plant form and high. Know Classic says it is indica only, but not for me.

The JacaRom listed is as potent as the Romulan or close? Classic is saying the Romulan is his most potent strain, so wondering about that one too.

Classic Seeds

hi yesum some indicas have a little sativa in their anciestery from the monsoon winds that come in yearly and is the rainy time in that region of the word but it has large over lapping leafs which is diffinative of indica .the romulan is one of my most potent strains for me but some would argue their favorites are stronger like the mallian x[ gold columbian x sour diesel] the people who shared it with a dispensary in Hawaii all said it was in the top 5 of anything they had ever smoked .its what mix of things in a strain that makes it stronger to some and over powering to others .

its also dependant on what you like sativas or sativa dominates or indica or indica dominates everyone is different even with the same strain as to how it hits them how its grown has a lot to do with flavor and strenght also
I have found smoke anything even hash to much and it will start to lose the affect as your body and brain get used to its profile of resins etc that's why growing multipul strains is better to keep getting the most bang for the time and energy spent growing thanks for the questions and input the jaca rom out doors is stronger than the romulan joes but indoors the romulan joes is stronger under my 400 watt lights they might be the same under 600 or 1000 but I like a smaller electric bill and more small lights for better coverage aloha cls
Nice info Classic. I always told the misses I needed more strains for the same reason. Smoked the same for a long time before growing and is not the same after a while. Mixing it up is what I am trying to do and with potent plants.Never did get any Malain gold sour Diesel which sounds great too. Really do like your Thai hybrid for potency and high. I use a 600 watt hps on top and I use Home depots 65/300 watt cfls and plants love them for side lighting or over a newbie and can direct light right where I want using a small chain in the side hole and pull what way I want. I also have drop down mylar for side reflecting light and working well. Also a T5 for finishing plants on the side too so to get more penetration inside for bigger popcorn buds. I only like the Blue Santa so much cause of its potency. May be even lower THC I don't know as is a DJ Short blue mix. Still as one guy said there, that was the most potent all he had bought and I agree, no offense of course and your THai hybrid is its rival potency wise and now they hooked up yesterday.
. I thought the DP Blue did taste better though. Yesum, regarding the Humbolt Purple, WE liked it very much and was potent, but not like his Thai hybrid for me. You may have gotten a different pheno. I had the tall pheno and barely stopped her at 6ft. Large producer too. The HP also was a very zoned, F'd up high and would be good for not thinking, but I still need to work without doing dumb stuff. My tolerance has already gone down a little from smoking so little since tsd and growing only just enough to get by. Like anything a tolerance can be built up and more is needed. That is why I use laughter, God etc for my inner peace. Outside stimuli can only do so much for inner pain.I try not to let anything outside be my master and addicted to something most are whether legal or not, still will not satisfy the inner mans needs. peace...
Tell if I am wrong Classic, but yesum I think if you want high potency and yield I would try one of his new Chem mixes. I'm looking at the Chem Sour Desiel and the Columbian Mexican sounds crazy good too. Hard talkin the misses into anthing, but still trying. Got a catch her on a good day and hope what I want is still in stock. Hopefully soon. peace... :tiphat: SR

Classic Seeds

thanks for the pictures surfdout .I definitely have some of these going and they should be sexed in the next few weeks to start back crossing this strain again .I want it as stable as possible and hope to make it and few other diesels I am working on into IBL's over the next few breeding cycles .I have great hopes for the afghooie and jack frost crosses to my strawberry diesel along with the POA's an romulan joes crossed to them .its been worth the efforts so far to continue to get them as stable as is humanly possible and create a new stain thru their blending and rebreeding .aloha and thanks once again for all your posting here and else where aloha cls


Well-known member
Cool beans, if ya ever need help testing stuff let me know....just dropped a pak of NYCD xPOA in water cause it felt right...

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