Lots of fairys in Key West too.
unicorns definitely exist.
plenty of 2 horned mountain goats that lost 1 horn.
probably thousands of unicorns out there.
There is evidence that cannabis was used during Jesus's time. Ceremonies with 'herbs'. Burning bush maybe?
For sure Jesus drank wine. The demonizing of drugs was never associated with Jesus. He hung out with hookers. There would be some ass kicking if Jesus were to show up and hear what people were saying, who act as if they speak for him.
I figure he was a normal human that got elevated to super human status and he had a delusional personality. Nice guy though. There were a number of Jews before Jesus that claimed the same as him.
Smoking pot has made me feel closer to God than going to church. I go with what works. Helped me mentally with anxiety whereas prayer or church was no help.
I do not like the atheists who claim they are against believing stuff. They have the anti God religion based on belief. Just as fanatical as any God believer fanatic. I accept that I do not know or ever will know for sure on Jesus or God.
Fun fact: There are virtually zero atheists who are sure that there is no god. Most of us feel the same way about God as we do about Faeries or Unicorns.
It's *possible* they exist, but there is zero good evidence to believe they do so until that evidence pops up I'm going to assume there's no such thing as faeries or unicorns or gods.
john 3:16, is my personal favorite
-axle robot