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Well-known member
be honest now. given a choice between outright legalization, but with businesses still discriminating against smokers with drug testing; or leaving it illegal but with no jail time & businesses not testing for cannabis, which would you go for? myself, I would pay a fine every damn week/month in order to allow folks to keep their jobs/homes etc. legalizing it without protecting users from discrimination is not half a loaf, it aint but a crust off of a stale slice in my book! what say you, fellow lovers of life?


Is that Marijuana news???
That and the two choices you give are not the only choices anywhere, besides maybe in your mind.
Show me where it is illegal and businesses do not test for cannabis use? Can you?
And if legal sure some people will still be tested like school bus drivers, and others for safety issues. But it will change from the tests done today that can show weeks of previous exposure to tests that only show current intoxication, if you were exposed weeks ago they can tell with a piss test by testing for 11-Nor-Hydroxy-THC the inactive metabolite of THC that is absorbed by fat, but can not get you high from it. They in the future will test for THC or 11-Hydroxy-THC in the blood as that shows you are high to some degree depending on the levels.
I want it legal I am not worried about being tested I am retired. I used to test my employees, and if they did not have enough THC in their blood, I fired them as I suspected they were not working enough in my greenhouse,



New member
I've legalized it inside my head, but know better than to legalize it "outside" my head very publicly. By that I mean smoking in public spaces, etc. Still in a bit of a conservative place, and change, while it is a-comin', is comin' a bit slower than in other places. But I don't mind. I just keep on toking. :)


I'm for legalization, however MJ use as with alcohol should not be tolerated in some work environments.. how'd you like a doctor that was 1/2 fry'd giving you a colonoscopy?? :D :D Legalize it yup but there still needs to be some kind of regulation in some area's.


Active member
No one should go to jail for weed.

But I don't agree with hefty taxes being imposed on weed. In decriminalized states you just pay a fine if they catch you in possession, I am fine with that. In these legal states taxes are a fine every time you buy weed.

25% tax is criminal, I just don't see how anyone could be happy to pay 25% tax on anything. I really don't think weed should be used as a bailout for a failed government.

I wish legal actually meant you are free to grow without fear,regulation or to be able to consume without taxes, but legalization just means a new set of rules to play by and if you don't play by those rules they will still throw you in jail.

I want weed freedom, just like I could grow 10,000 tomato plants, or pine trees on my property without any hassle from the man.


Well-known member
sorry for posting in wrong place, Sam. I just happened to be on this section when the thought hit me. my apologies to all. I realize there are other options, just wondered how folks would pick if those WERE the options. decrim & fines instead of jail & losing job seemed (to me at least) a no-brainer. if any moderators would like to move this, by all means do so.


ICMag Donor
Unfortunately the choices you gave are the choice to be a criminal or be a criminal... there's not much distinction between taxes and fines since they all go to the same groups of people.

What these "legalization" moves entail is seeing how stupid Americans really are! Anybody willing to trade fines for taxes is willing to trade pure slavery for involuntary servitude... they're exactly the same animal wearing different skins.

Government personell are leaches upon society, for they produce nothing useful. The only way they can get a check is if they levy taxes & fines against the ordinary citizen.

Sam... all businesses should drug test like you do... ;D


Well-known member
Unfortunately the choices you gave are the choice to be a criminal or be a criminal...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but....we ARE criminals, each & every one of us. there are laws against so many things these days that a normal person just trying to get through their day WILL break at least one (probably more) law. ignorance of the law is no excuse, remember? and it doesn't matter if you think whatever you did should be legal. aint nobody perfect; not me, not you, nor anyone else. aint a person alive over the age of 5 or 6 that has not broken some law/rule etc that could have repercussions. in a perfect world (it aint) cannabis WOULD be legal, & I'm all for it! but until then, I'd cheerfully pay a fine on those infrequent occasions that I get stupid or the law gets lucky (twice in 57 years, I'm pretty careful) in order to keep my job & home. do not toss out "pretty good" in a futile search for "perfect"...


Well-known member
there's not much distinction between taxes and fines since they all go to the same groups of people.

wrong. your taxes go toward schools, roads, paying the firefighters that save your house/life, ditto the rescue squad, etc. and the fines? they go mostly to law enforcement, true. but until folks behave voluntarily, we are gonna need them. and I would rather pay a $100 fine (or more) than the $750 plus $46 per month probation fee for a year that simple possession gets you here where I live. do the math yourself & tell me how it comes out. THEN, toss in losing your job...how do you like me now?


if it smells like fish
legalize it already... I will always grow my own so I aint getting taxed... and I have yet to ever take a drug test so I aint gonna start now...


ICMag Donor
I dont think crime has anything to do with breaking a law. Therefore, I am not a criminal.

In order for a crime to have been committed a few elements must be true the most significant of which must be an injured party making a claim. A state cannot claim to be an injured party just so it can prosecute the very people that created it. It's a huge conflict of interest because the state was created for the express purpose of protecting the Rights of it's citizens.

Unfortunately, the Sixteenth Amendment was passed and allowed corporations the same rights as We The People and we've been screwed ever since because corporations have bottomless pockets (called consumers).


Is that Marijuana news???
That and the two choices you give are not the only choices anywhere, besides maybe in your mind.
Show me where it is illegal and businesses do not test for cannabis use? Can you?
And if legal sure some people will still be tested like school bus drivers, and others for safety issues. But it will change from the tests done today that can show weeks of previous exposure to tests that only show current intoxication, if you were exposed weeks ago they can tell with a piss test by testing for 11-Nor-Hydroxy-THC the inactive metabolite of THC that is absorbed by fat, but can not get you high from it. They in the future will test for THC or 11-Hydroxy-THC in the blood as that shows you are high to some degree depending on the levels.
I want it legal I am not worried about being tested I am retired. I used to test my employees, and if they did not have enough THC in their blood, I fired them as I suspected they were not working enough in my greenhouse,


It is illegal in Canada and business drug testing isn't the norm here...I think drug testing violates our charter of rights (not positive on this)


Well-known member
It is illegal in Canada and business drug testing isn't the norm here...I think drug testing violates our charter of rights (not positive on this)

it should be illegal to test everywhere! although, no one wants their pilot blazing in the cockpit on a trans--atlantic flight...ah hell, if he invited me up front, why not ? :biggrin:

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