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my chillum.... heavy solid wood... not pictured is the small om motif on the back

That is one nice chillum opt!!! Lots of good detail on the piece.


limey said:
I have a written account of sadhus smoking chillums from the early 20th century and this is how they did it:
the placed the gear in the bowl
they put a small thin stone on top of the gear, mostly covering it
they took a small piece of charcoal from the fire and placed it atop the uppermost stone
they draw long, slow tokes on the chillum
Interesting. Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that the sadhus may have been vaporizing instead of smoking with their chillums?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
a chillum is a piece, the other thread is post you piece, bong vape.

I tried to have a heady glass thread made but after some guys didn't like it it was removed, I believe all smoking piece and or discussion should be in the main thread.

And that's why you'll never run things :bigeye:

Look jack... there's no reason to interject a thread with your ideas of how things should be ran as obviously your last attempt wasn't such a hit...

If you don't like the thread because it contains pictures of the topic.... well don't click any thread anywhere.. :nono:

PS opt1c -- That is an awesome chillum! :joint:


Interesting. Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that the sadhus may have been vaporizing instead of smoking with their chillums?

Interesting thought. I know that a properly made Jamaican steam pipe is indeed closer to a vaporiser than a bong. But I dont think the old school chillum method is - the contents of the bowl ignite fairly quickly, just as they do with a sheesha/narghile/hookah (which are also smoked with a "top-mounted" piece of charcoal). With a herb&resin chillum (which as described earlier is harder to light than a tobacco&resin chillum) the charcoal lights and helps keep alight the mix in the bowl.



Right. As promised. More from my collection. Two today...

These are two stone chillums. One quite standard and one that's pretty unusual.

Standard leaf chillum

Actually quite well made, this chillum is made from, I think, limestone. It is too hard to be soapstone and isn't marble. I'm not a geologist!! Anyway, chillums made from this stone are fairly common and I think this one was bought in the UK. Nicely incised leaf design (as you can see) - it has another leaf and a moon motif on the other side. It's about 5 inches long.

'Demon' chillum

I am not clear if there is any mythology behind this design but it has always struck me as most unusual ; I've not seen another like it. I bought it in Delhi in 1996. It's the same size as the leaf chillum above and is made form the same stone. You'll notice that this chillum is much darker in colour than the leaf chillum and this is a product of its age and because it has been heavily used! I used this chillum for my usual piece for a long time. Unfortunately it took a tumble in morocco some years ago and broke. It has been carefully glued back together and I keep it for sentimental reasons. because of the glue it is now unsmokable (and, more to the point, uncleanable).

A few more to come!


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'd like to make a clay one but I don't think it'd be as smooth as an actual chillum. I'll have to have it commissioned I suppose... I'm sure they're handmade I just might have to take a trip soon... :)


I'd like to make a clay one but I don't think it'd be as smooth as an actual chillum. I'll have to have it commissioned I suppose... I'm sure they're handmade I just might have to take a trip soon... :)

I must admit I have never tried but I have thought about it. Shouldn't be too hard to do - I think you just need to have a cone to shape the clay around. Make lots of clay sausage, like you did at school. Wind the clay round the cone and smooth it down (especially the bore). Let it dry slowly over a few days in a cool slightly damp place. When it's dry, bake it in a fire...

Bab-booom!!! :woohoo:

I'd make a bunch of slightly differently shaped stones to go with it, as it's hard getting the sizes right.

I agree it probably wont be as good looking or technically perfect as one made by a pro but you'd have the satisfaction of it being uniquely yours (I build my own bongs for this reason).

If you want to commission one, this fellow, Manu, who is an Italian based in Goa, is making some really nice pieces




Next up...!

Limey's "modern" chillum. Perhaps not the best name as it's not mine (a mate left it round my house) and perhaps I should call it "Animal print" or something.

Anyway, it is a clay chillum, again of the 5inch size. It has been glazed, hence the funny pattern on it. Nicely made piece but I am not sure how it will stand up to re-firing, what with the glaze.



Last but not least from my collection then...

Limey's big chillum. It's not HUGE - 7 or 8 inches long - but much bigger than that and I find them too heavy to smoke easily. Fully packed this chillum will give about 20 hits, so it's ideal for smoking with 6 or 7 people.

I wish I had a magical tale behind this chillum but the truth is, I found it, if I remember rightly, in a fairly touristy shop in Paharganj in Delhi. I can't remember what I paid for it but it will not have been more than a few $s. This chillum really is the nuts though, an absolute peach. It is made from very dense clay (it's heavy) and thought there's nothing unusual about the decoration (standard OM motif and thumb-nail arcs on the ends), this pipe was lovingly made. Note from the photos how thick the walls of the chillum are.. top stuff

I will expand on this in my next post: what to look for when buying a chillum...



Here's two for the weekend, some good photos found online of Sadhus smoking their chillums

Note how they are using cupped hands to avoid putting their chillums in their mouths




New member
Thankyou Limey thankyou for such an inspiring post u've made it a top priority of mine to get a chillum ;*)

THe ritualistic aspect , the venerating side to the practice:
"not breaking the circle as long as the chillum is still smoking"
"everyone takes part in preparation/ cleaning"
I find this wonderful, too many in this day and age just get "fucked" off cannabis and look no furthur i find this sad. But reading ur posts and seeing the apreciation people take in what is essentially a very tricky process to smoking makes me smile

a great big thankyou for illuminating us to the way one smokes and participates in a chillum session.

keep up the great posts ;0)


Thankyou Limey thankyou for such an inspiring post u've made it a top priority of mine to get a chillum ;*)

THe ritualistic aspect , the venerating side to the practice:
"not breaking the circle as long as the chillum is still smoking"
"everyone takes part in preparation/ cleaning"
I find this wonderful, too many in this day and age just get "fucked" off cannabis and look no furthur i find this sad. But reading ur posts and seeing the apreciation people take in what is essentially a very tricky process to smoking makes me smile

a great big thankyou for illuminating us to the way one smokes and participates in a chillum session.

keep up the great posts ;0)

thanks so much for your kind words and support!

I hope you enjoy your chillum smoking


James Morrison

I break or loose all mine :cry

some good info and amazing pics though///

Mrs' Badda has my vote though...sweet ass chillum sister!!!:)


Active member
I would also like to add abouth the toasting off the cigarat, that it could not be burned but gently toasted over a ligther. When toasting dont move the lighter move the cigarat. After some 30 secs off toasting then blow in the cigarat, do that 3 times until the tobacco smells like baked.

Bom shiva and long live the chillum

hi DK,I'm italian and here we smoke a lot of chiloom,and personally when I smoke it I always toasting the cigaret,but I move the lighter and keep hold the cigarett cause I think is more easy.
where is the problem?
sometimes I burn my tobacco when I'm not too fast.


This is an Alverman,I think one of the best chiloom I know.
