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Chevy's blumatized organic soil LED mini grow

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
BTW here are the harvest pics of the


Acapulco Gold

Slightly bigger tops but less overall.
These where in 4L/1gal pots, while the F13 were in 12L/3gal pots.
Will only use bigger pots in the future.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
second harvest/ reveg

second harvest/ reveg

Just a week after I harvested the main buds I have today harvested the smaller lower buds too.

They have grown and matured over the last week

Gave me a ncie little second harvest.
By going full scrog I could have avoided this and that's the plan for the next round

But for now I keep them all alive under 24/0 until I can say which ones smoke so fantastic that I'm going to fully reveg and keep as a mum.
Directly got their first feeding with fishmix.
For those which I decide to keep I'm also going to prune the roots and re pot into fresh organic living soil.
Root pruning is the best way in my eyes to get a full reveg as with getting rid of the root tips you can also get rid of most of the flowering hormones as far as I know (at least it works nicely)

Back with some smoke reports soon.
The CBD SLH is improving, the AG is really nice, the Qleaner is a fucking hard drug! I mean who breeds a plant that wakes you up in the head but at the same time paralyses your body more or less??Smells of industrial glue and paint thinner with some lemons in the mix.

The F13 #3 is a really nice, up, centered, mellow, kind high just not there (yet) in the taste and smell department.
The other two F13s I have not tried yet.


New member
Hi Chevy really nice grow read all of your post such helpful info. Def plan on moving from hemp to using bluemats with LC #1. Question on resuing old soil. Do you just add the nutrients to the old soil to reused or do you also add more coir, perlite and worm castings. How much do you add. In one post you used half of the nutrients in another a batch from the summer you added a full batch. How did you determine how much to use? Sorry if its so many questions this grow really inspired me to change everything I'm doing, literally the best examole of hands free KISS.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hi Chevy really nice grow read all of your post such helpful info. Def plan on moving from hemp to using bluemats with LC #1. Question on resuing old soil. Do you just add the nutrients to the old soil to reused or do you also add more coir, perlite and worm castings. How much do you add. In one post you used half of the nutrients in another a batch from the summer you added a full batch. How did you determine how much to use? Sorry if its so many questions this grow really inspired me to change everything I'm doing, literally the best examole of hands free KISS.

Hey dontexist,
How's it going.
Regarding the medium:
Perlite and coir both get broken down, so I try to add a bit of the stuff every round to make up for it. Worm castings: Yes, full load every time without overdoing it. The stuff is just plain good for your soil.

Regarding the food: You do develop a feeling... kind of what-does-what / is the soil really leached after your run or not? Depending on plant size vs container size you may wish to replenish all the food in the soil or just parts. I generally like to stay on the lighter side of things when it comes to amendments. If you see the plants missing something you can potentially counteract with a watering of biobizz organic nutes or similar. If your soil is too hot from blood and bone meal it's a bit more difficult. The little plants will eventually grow out of it, but they will struggle for a while if the soil is too hot.
Adding half of what's in the recipe is a good idea imo when recycling the LC soil. I like to add a bit of extra dolomite since using LEDs, but depending on strain it might not be necessary. I have a feeling LEDs make the plants use more ca and mg for some reason.

You're absolutely right, it'S so easy it almost gets boring ;-)
Once everything is set, you just keep the reservoir topped up and do some traning and defoliation when necessary, too easy!
But the best way for me since I travel quite a lot for work and I'm leaving the plants alone for up to three weeks at a time without worrying too much.
Looking into scrogging the hell out of the next round to end up with more buds and less larf (wasn't too bad this time but have room for improvement)

Keep growin,

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
nice flowers, esp for tiny pots for sure. :peacock:

keep posting chev, we here.

Thanks man,
Yes there is something about blumats and small pots, both seem to complement each other well.
If you wish to grow big monsters you might want bigger pots though as the volume of soil given will only be able to store so many nutes...
Then again small pots work a treat when dealing with highly sativa leaning strains to keep their stretch in check and you simply give them some organic nute waterings in flower.
For some reason I have not taken into account that my bubba kush is all gone and now I've ended up with a bunch of very active smoke and nothing to smoke in the evening hahaha.
Then again the smaller, second harvest might not be as active... we'll see
keep growin,


pure dynamite
Hey bro!
Just found your thread, I'm a bit too high to read it now but i like what I see. Just wanted to say "hi!" and have the thread subscribed for later. :tiphat:

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hey bro!
Just found your thread, I'm a bit too high to read it now but i like what I see. Just wanted to say "hi!" and have the thread subscribed for later. :tiphat:

exploziv! An honor and hope all is good on your side!
Hehehe I hear you, I just sparked up some of that Acapulco Gold and I like it a lot.
It's time for a little happy factory meeting again soon

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor


After smoking some of that Acapulco Gold it's a keeper. A real day brightener. Smells like lemons and glue and tastes citrusy mixed with lavender (??) on the exhale.
Thought I'd share my reveg routine with you.
I prune the roots when revegging to get rid of the flowering hormones that are apparently produced in the tips (I hear).
You can see the chunks I cut off in the back, I'm not shy when doing this.
The soil is the leftovers from making Lavender Cowboys soilless mix which I always keep stored and slight humid for later. The chunks filled with roots will decay quickly and leave nothing but a nice grow medium. Like in LC's recipe I water the soil with a little liquid karma and it's good to go.

And here is the AG lady, I put the blumat straight back into the fresh soil. It's a misconception that blumats only work in rooted pots. When the blumat clay cone/carrot dries out it will water, no matter what it is surrounded by.

Light on 24/0 until first new growth


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor


Here's the next post from the meditative gardening front.
Roughly 6-7 weeks after harvest all plants have re-vegged and

the new shoots are big enough to take clones now but the Acapulco Gold and the Qleaner have grown quite a bit and not sure if they might get too tall when flowering out a second time...
The F-13s are relatively squat and should be ok.

I'd like to flower the F-13s out again as they got quite a few seeds from the early Qleaner male that pollinated them a bit. It's not too bad though, it's really decent smoke. Would like to see its full potential when they're not pollinated.
But I also want more Acapulco Gold and Qleaner as they are both outstanding in my opinion after a 6 week cure.


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Thanks man,
Yeah maybe some heavy bondage would work ;-)
But would have to be rather brutal, also I wanted to use a screen next time to get a more even canopy which is the way to go with this light in my opinion.
If only the main stem wasn't to thick no already, will be really hard to force that sideways to make the plant flatter and more spread out...

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Update ReFlower Day 28

Update ReFlower Day 28

Day 28 of reflower today.
Was away the last couple weeks and hat the setup on autopilot, which worked really well with the Blumats and the makeshift heating

Hung a shirt over the intake mesh-covered opening and put a heater with thermostat in front of it. Keeps it at roughly 16C at night which should be ok and don't want to create too much of a tropical climate.
20L/5gal reservoir was empty when I got back but blumats still receptive, the cones hadn't dried out yet.
Here's day 28 of the second round of flower

They're doing ok but I had to transplant them into uncooked organic soil made from LC's recipe.
Just after that flipped to flower almost immediately.
They seem to have grown out of it quickly.
Lowered the light to about 12" over the highest tops.
For safety and to not run into deficiencies with the LC's mix still breaking down, I also gave a feeding of biobizz (grow, bloom,topmax,activera, bioheaven) and drenched them.

Really looking forward to sampling the two F-13s I kept. The weed in a non-seeded version chopped at the right time (not like last round when everythign was slightly pollinated by a Qleaner male) should be really nice. It has a great high to it, but due to the fact that it was all messed up with seeds developing and letting them go for too long, there was literally nothing in the smell and taste department the first time round. Also, now after three months cure it does not even smell like cannabis smoke anymore when you light one up.



Day 28 of reflower today.
Was away the last couple weeks and hat the setup on autopilot, which worked really well with the Blumats and the makeshift heating
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71351&pictureid=1994155&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

Hung a shirt over the intake mesh-covered opening and put a heater with thermostat in front of it. Keeps it at roughly 16C at night which should be ok and don't want to create too much of a tropical climate.
20L/5gal reservoir was empty when I got back but blumats still receptive, the cones hadn't dried out yet.
Here's day 28 of the second round of flower
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71351&pictureid=1994154&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

They're doing ok but I had to transplant them into uncooked organic soil made from LC's recipe.
Just after that flipped to flower almost immediately.
They seem to have grown out of it quickly.
Lowered the light to about 12" over the highest tops.
For safety and to not run into deficiencies with the LC's mix still breaking down, I also gave a feeding of biobizz (grow, bloom,topmax,activera, bioheaven) and drenched them.

Really looking forward to sampling the two F-13s I kept. The weed in a non-seeded version chopped at the right time (not like last round when everythign was slightly pollinated by a Qleaner male) should be really nice. It has a great high to it, but due to the fact that it was all messed up with seeds developing and letting them go for too long, there was literally nothing in the smell and taste department the first time round. Also, now after three months cure it does not even smell like cannabis smoke anymore when you light one up.

dude look good what lite you use :thank you:


Active member
Looking good in there Chevy! I been sub irrigating 3gal fabric pots in my current cycle and that works pretty great but I could see the blumat set up might work even better, I might have to check that out. Does the resivour have to be above the plants? It’s gravity fed?

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Looking good in there Chevy! I been sub irrigating 3gal fabric pots in my current cycle and that works pretty great but I could see the blumat set up might work even better, I might have to check that out. Does the resivour have to be above the plants? It’s gravity fed?

Fabric pots for the win!
Yes the res has to be elevated from the Blumats, it is gravity fed. I think for every meter of feedline, you want half a meter of elevation added for the pressure to be sufficient.
I'm thinking about using two Blumats in these larger fabric pots, as they do dry out around the edges a bit and two Blumats would distribute the moisture more evenly making the full volume of the container available for the roots. Using one Blumat is ok but gives you some dry patches on the far end from the drip line. You can always set the Blumats to a more wet setting, but some plants don't take the excess water well, so finding the right container size with the right amount of Blumats/ coverage and the right setting for the respective strain is paramount. Good thing this is really easy to do with a little bit of time for observation at hand.

Keep it up ;-)

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