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Cherryjuana first run . . .


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
they are looking nice, my F1s were fairly compact in veg - but yeah the cold temps tend to slow most things down and flouros will keep them short, especially if they are not squashed together too much.



ICMag Donor
The short internode makes a nice change after a run of mad sativa,s , need a lot less attention and moveing in a crowded veg box.

Playing with these 6500k bulbs is indicateing that they are effective at keeping plants and clones noticeably more compact and growing as fast as could be expected under current low temps.

Published figures and consensus of growers indicates they would be a poorer choice than other CFL options but not finding this in practice so far.

Have a weather station acting as a data logger for temp and humidity , its a scary looking grath this time of year , but if a plant cant handle the cold , the odd light leak or a dose of mites , then it is of no use to me however nice a smoke.

These have a good look about them , have nothing really strong indica on the books , and there is local demand now for something more medicinal than what i have available , should find a contender amongst these or within the obligatory F3.

One has the distinct and unique odour of flowering currant roots , has always been a good sign in previous plants ending up with some of the richest flavours.


ICMag Donor
Hi LEX , they have been slowly vegging and built up a strong root mass , just potted up to flower at 14 inch and nine nodes.

The shorter ones have caught up and there is little to choose between them now , suffered a little nute burn on some leaf margins but not looking too bad in a cold room.



Untopped there is little to clone yet , but finding two weeks into flower most have a good strike rate and there should be a few spare low shoots by then.


This is the temp range they have been under , the spike follows the atached flower room.



Thanks mate, they're coming on a treat.. I'm liking the leaf structure of them.

Atb and good luck to finding some beautiful flowers!



ICMag Donor
A week into flower and what i thought to be nute burn turned out to be root aphids after a years absence.

Stickey traps everywhere and still not found a flier , garden centre houseplant is prime suspect as i steam sterilised the commercial compost.

All the cherrihuanna are badly effected along with everything else at that stage from seed at the same time , all of them have survived but most other crosses were lost , they are tougth plants to survive infestation and the cure.

They still look pretty bad but have clones of all , just set things back a month but will give them all a proper run.

My apologies to Verdant for screwing up a test grow , bear with me for a while and the seven girls will be properly documented in flower.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
no worries foomar, root aphids are nasty and probably fall under the category 'act of god'

taking cuttings is best practice for lots of reasons... disaster being on of them.

if you are mixing up some new soil and like to recycle it then it is worth adding some need seed meal as it will discourage root aphids as well as fungus gnats
couldnt find it in the UK for a long while but you can get it now. i add 2g/litre of soil each run but you could proabbly double that first time round. probably takes a while to become effective so unlikely to cure already infested soil in the short term.


ICMag Donor
All are still alive despite being stripped back to the main roots , heating in water and dosed with nasty neonicotinides repeatedly , something of a miracle with this level of damage and subsequent stress.

Two males are dropping pollen and a couple of girls still with tops have small buds , and no hermies which could be forgiven in this hellish room , might dust them as insurance.

Last time i had RA,s they were in the bubbler and missed , almost invisible under a 10x loupe and the fliers emerge in the dark and miss any yellow traps.

Stopped recycling to help keep them away , the garden centre plant was the source and much of their other stock is infested on inspection with thousands of dead fliers on the light fittings , the manager did not give a shit , will avoid Notcutts in future.

Their business model seems to be based on coachloads of old folk bussed in from homes to the restaurant , and flogging xmas tat from august on , with a worse selection of gardening basics than my local pound shop.

Have discovered by experiment that a simple way of assessing an infestation of soil pests , is to insert a few frozen chips dipped in sugary water for a moment , into a suspect pot showing signs.

The starch/sugar combination really attracts them better than bread or spuds alone , confirming the species and degree of infestation in a few days.

The distinctive smell of the damaged roots is very similar to cabbage root fly if familiar with veg problems.


ICMag Donor
Three girls managed to flower fro seed , nothing else that was infested did as well.


For a small bud on a damaged plant is has a very nice medicinal smell , no hermies on these despite bad stress.

After such a botched grow due entirely to my error , i looked to buy a pack but without luck , picked up some bubba S1,s to run whilst these clones get sorted out.


, The Ghost of
That's a tasty lil bud right there. Happy to see them pull through for ya. Im dealing with some dirty buggers right now myself.


Well-known member
good luck! thankfully never had root aphids ! dealt with my fair share of mites and thrips though. subbed :)


ICMag Donor
One of the worst problems with RA,s is that you can have and spread them for months before damage shows , and then it looks like a nute def at first.

Most can be salvedged but the chems or heat needed does as much harm as the pests , will research if any predators do the job , never see damage in the garden so something must control them in soil.

Two are showing pink pistills as they age.



ICMag Donor
Finally rooted , the damage to the rootstock made a ten day clone take a month , pretty tougth plants.


Will be lucky to get a spliffs worth off them first run , but they survived without freaking and will do better next time once revegged or from clone.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trials and tribultations make a grower more experienced. I think weve all seen some. Glad you pulled through with something to taste test :) ra has always been a problem for me. Its like theyre never "gone". I can knock them back so hard i dont see them for an entire run then suddenly there they are either right at the end or beginning of my new run. So far, imid does wonders for me. I hit my veg a few days before i flower and then they dont seem to come back so quickly or fiercely. But they come back :(


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Imid is scary though so i avoid it. Pyrethit helps too with adults. Organic gardeners i dont know how you guys do it.


ICMag Donor
Hit them with a drench of Toppel , a synthetic long duration pyrethroid , seems to have done the trick , barring reintroduction.

Back garden full of carrots and onions so i know whats comeing next , carrot fly will happily stray beyond their nominal prey species and quite like canna in soil or bubbler.

Given its previous RA infestation and haveing its roots near boiled this plant has no right to be alive , let alone flower this well and remain stable.



Managed to buy a pack of the relists , so will give them a proper chance before xmas.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thats a pretty tidy bud foomar. yeah the Cherryjuana seems a very steady strain/cross. i decided it would be best to make F2s with the existing F1 seed stock as it had been grown out by a few and no nanners etc. i'll probably go back and make another batch of F2s at some point. i dont have the space to easily make proper selections to make F3s really unless i did repeated rounds.

great news on the relists too!


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