white widow
early fatty
all mixed
I thought Cherry bomb was hawaiian indica.
I just germinated a new batch of CB seeds to make new ones. It was always my plan to share CB as far and wide as possible. After all, I didn't create it, I only saved seeds from it for all these years. Besides, it's not the only weapon in my arsenal! This time, I'm going to get these seeds out in such a way that people who want them can get the real deal, no F1 BS. If a big sack to the ICmag server fund is the way to go, than that's gonna be it. I'm stoked that people are reviving an interest in CB. BTW, there's a pretty good clone going around here in SoCal. It's got all the potency, smell, taste and color of a classic CB, but the yield is a bit low and it's a lanky little prude.