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Chemdawg D

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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
again all i can say is wow.... And whoever said chem should be the 1st to make seeds..
Well chem should have never given the cut out before he made seeds. Im sure he made something but, IMHO it was not the smartest thing to do on his behalf to give it out b4 making all he wanted to make with this strain.. Rez already made seeds he, is not a dummy and made his money even though ive heard breeders dont make money.. So man why in the famous words of a dude that got his ass kicked all over the LA streets.. CANT WE ALL GET A FUCKIN LONG? And if someone has a fake so what. If it bugs a person that much and you have the real hook em up so they can be just like you.. wtf.. doesnt make sense.. It sounds like the bloods and crips just not shooting people YET!!!. Only shooting them with words not bullets.. Hope it doesnt ever get to that but, by the way its sounding i wonder how long it will be till peeps are shooting each other over a clone.. And thats not melodrama cos im not an actor its just my 2 copper coins.. Hope everyone can come to find some peace and just enjoy what YOU have.. Not worry about what SOMEONE else has.. peace..

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Active member
I'm with you guys who say chemdawg should release it and noone else before that.
After he releases it, thats different.
But until then to release any chemdawg hybrids or clones would be extremely disrespectful to someone who we owe alot to. If it wasn't for him.
We wouldn't even know what chemdawg was. Let alone Sour Diesel or OG Kush.
I think most of us can agree that a world with out chemdawg would kind of suck.


I spoke to Chem 2-3 years ago, when I was given the cut. Way before anyone on here had it. We talked about breeding and a joint venture. He was going to pop some of his Chem x NL5/HZ seeds and base his IBL on that. I told him it was not a good choice for a IBL, but a nice hybrid. I was working with some Afghani and Hindu Kush and would pick the best strain to breed with, being the Afghani. After a couple of breedings, Double Dawg seeds were given to him to work with(which he gave away). Personal troubles have kept him from doing any future work. I don't want to speak for him but, I don't know how interested he his in doing this. He gave away cuts, Dawg seeds, and DD seeds. Before anyone really had it. Does this sound like someone who wants to make a IBL before everyone has the cuts, like now? I think he would like to do it, but doing it is alot of work and time. So I think he decided to bail on the idea(helped by personal problems) and just share everything he had and try to keep a restriction on the Chem D in case he wants to come back and do something. But time is running out for him as cuts are being passed around like wildfire(compared to before when he told me he could count the # of people who had it on one hand) and someone starts making seeds and selling clones.(Like it's not already happening). So I ask does this sound like someone who wants to make a IBL? Just my opinon :2cents:
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I haven't spoken to Chem about his seed making plans in quite sometime. I know he was definitely planning to but then other things happened and his priorities had to change at least for the time being. I know that the availibility of chemdog seems important to everybody but sometimes things just have to take precedence through no choice of our own and people have to focus on other things. He's supposed to stop by next week, I almost hate to bring it up to him as he has far more important things on his mind but if I get a chance I'll ask him about his plans for chemdog. If I do get a chance to speak to him about it I'll let you guys know but for now it would be good kharma for everyone to just give him a chance to get things together.
emory said:
my godf am I sick of hearing some of you cali kids bitch and moan. Have you ever just sat back and thought about how easy you have it compared to the bulk of the community?

I think even cali folks are sick of the supposed med patients that make the cali community look terrible. If you knew what us outside of cali have to deal with you would feel ashamed, I know I would.

I wonder if the doc would give him a reccomnedation? :D


Active member
All of us are jealous of the cali kids cause shit is so good for them, that all they have to complain about besides trivial BS. I wish I was complaining about what 5 OGs I had really were - is it the SFV, or maybe it's the platinum plus reserve OG - lemme go argue about it online.

Personally, If I gave someone a cut and it wasn't what I said it was, I'd feel pretty shitty about it and would go out of my way to make it up....especially if I took verified prizewinners from someone in return. Don't matter if I think the cut I gave out is super dee duper.

Rudedude- could you ask Chem if any of his local buddies might be making beans of chem or hybrids of it if you get a chance?
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Well-known member
i'd move to mendo in a hurry if land wasn't 200K+ an acre!
so-yeah-i'm jealous of cali and the overall lifestyle


Active member
Well in that case, what more can you do? You said it well - tis a small matter in the big picture. Water under the bridge...


JDOG6000 said:
I'm with you guys who say chemdawg should release it and noone else before that.
After he releases it, thats different.
But until then to release any chemdawg hybrids or clones would be extremely disrespectful to someone who we owe alot to. If it wasn't for him.
We wouldn't even know what chemdawg was. Let alone Sour Diesel or OG Kush.
I think most of us can agree that a world with out chemdawg would kind of suck.

seems its a bit late for that, as theres already chem hybrids about(not includin Rez's offerins) and with the #4 and D cut about, there will be more in short order.

if ya didnt want others to get hold of it before you make seed, should of never let it out. and imo if someones payin big for a 10pk, there most likely gonna make seed.

i think its a bit late to discourage anyone from makin seed. as far as the cuts bein held by only a few, i think thats a bit off as well. seems theres plenty of peeps with it, ive given it to my local friends, and 2 guys here. when ya gift a cut to one, most times there close friends are gonna get it as well.

most of us will respect Chemdogs wishes, but theres always a few that wont.



Active member
Well,I still haven't handed out the D,or any of Chem's Moms,as he requested.
As to how the D's "getting around", well,that's easy enough to figure out,some people hand it out.
....And the "#4",the new, from-seed cut that Joe has,is unrestricted.
What I'd like to find is the '91 Chemdog cut, so's I can compare it to my OGK SFV Cut and see how they sort out,side by side.
Speaking of new Chemdog Family hybrids,these things are in the pipe:
Giesel/Sour Diesel IBL
Chemdog D/Sour Diesel IBL
Abusive's OG Kush/Sour Diesel IBL
ChemHaze(DogDaze)/SD IBL
....and one other one,a surprise.... :D
(Yes,they're going out to support the Chemdog-approved Trinity Project, this is yet another itsy-bitsy boutique release.)
Clones always seem to move around, seemingly by osmosis. It's good to back them up with friends,if you can,but handing them out if you've been asked not to,it's simply Bad Form.





seriously, is that surprising guys? almost every post rez puts in a chemdawg thread includes something about the next super-boutique-impossible-to-get chem hybrids. how much hype can one man conjure?


Well-known member
beancounter said:
no way in hell was what I got either MSS or even close to ECSD or the descriptions of MSS or any chem...

the more I read about this cut the more it bothers me.. sounds like people are trying to save face rather than just own the mistake..

a light lemony-hayish scent, and only any real significant resin at the end of flower.. no real flavor except that barely lemony-hayish taste.. no punch, jus a light generic buzz.. HUGE yeild.. 8-9 wks finish.. there, that should narrow it down.. what could it have been?

bc~ Massachusetts Super Skunk...to a 'T' man...huge yielding commercial (ahem) hemp...

When I posted up in yer thread on tha topic...I was suggesting more along tha lines that yer "ChemDawg D" cut was a Mass SS dominant ChemDawg hybrid vs. tha actual DanimalDawg cut...sounds ta me like ya got yerself a cut o' tha straight MSS. :chin:

Like I said before...tha Danimal Dawg, I believe, is a MassSS/ChemDawg hybrid...which can lean towards either of tha parents based on different grow techs...when Dusty grew it, it looked similar to the real '91 ChemDawg...when I grow it it looks like a smaller Mass SS...sounds like it's just a selection of ChemDawg Bagseed. The flavor is usually lemony-hayish too...fwiw.

Your pics of tha 'O' cut...match up with most all tha Mass SS pics I've ever seen.

I'd say this case is closed...from what I've seen. :lurk:

Take 'er eazy, IGT


no offence, but i wouldnt exactly call a lot of the poly-hybrid clone-only strains P1 stock. P1 is a term usually reserved for pure landraces or stable ibl's, not the abusive cut of og kush or pre-98 super silver haze. they are great strains, no doubt about that, but P1 stock?

Dusty Bowls

REZDOG said:
Yeah,and ass-deep in AAA-quality P1 Stock,thanks. :smile:

God what kills me is so many people had this gear before you and youre the only one trying to make money off it for whatever reason it is. Why dont you just donate a few hundred packs of Sour D IBL to your trinity project and sell them for a dollar a seed and really raise some money rather than try to bank off some name of someone elses work...like youve already done with Sour D...you already ran one decent cut in to the ground, stop pissing in the pot with your Pee1's...and InconsistentBreedingLines...

Also what tears me up inside even more is that theres stock out there that you wont ever get that blows the stuff you're trying to hype out the water....Purple Indica, HP#1, Portland Thai, Catpiss yadda yadda...anyway rez eventually you will regret pissing in the pool.

And whats killin me even more is you're posting pics of Arjan tossin yer' salad online and you're proud of it...batty boy:bat:
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