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Chemdawg D

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Active member
I hope he posts in his defense.
He seems like a real cool guy to me.
And he never tryed to pass anything off as anything other then what it is.
Like his 4th backcross to chemdawg(white Mustang)It's just west coast dog backcrossed to chemdawg a 4th time.
And the Sour Diesel he has is a cross with indica called Thor.

I'm going to do a test grow of White Mustang in the next month.
So I'll post it here for you guys to judge for yourselves.
I'm not taking sides.
I just think there is another side to the story maybe.

He isn't one of the brothel brothers.
He got screwed by them like everyone else.

Go to the sierra seeds forum and judge for yourselves.
There are tons of people who love there strains.
They look killer to me.
I'll let you guys know how the white mustang does.
Something tells me it will be great.
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Well-known member


REZDOG said:
Sireea Seeds is a RIPOFF.
They were run off the 'net a couple years ago,it seems,sadly, they're back.
They don't HAVE the Chemdog Clone,the last time around, they claimed they had Dawg and Sour Diesel Clone,but were using my Sour Diesel line,not The Clone,and didn't have the Dawg at all-if I remember kee-rektly.
Does 'brothel brothers' ring any bells????

Fuck these hacks.

Rez~ You are confused...I believe...do some homework before ya make claims about thangs ya don't know fer 'Fact'.

From where I'm sittin'...there 'could' be some truth to Sierra's claims...and...I don't believe they are tied to tha defunct Brothel Brothers...anymore.

Time'll tell fer sure...who's honest in tha seedy biz...and...who's not! :smoke:



Active member
I think we should just let the genetic's speak for themselves.

Sierra seeds just sold some seeds threw the brothel brothers and got screwed also. Like everyone else.


Well , I have 30 Thor, 20 White Mustang, & 15 North Valley Kush in seedling stage along with some Omega Diesel, & C99 F1's ( original Bros Grimm). Time will tell if these have merit.
Lotsa respect for your work with Diesel Rez, but like Nspecta I think you might be mistaken about Kailua Kid. Having grown your Sour D IBL ( love it BTW), the ECSD clone & growing the Omega will give me some perspective to judge the other genetics by.
Those who know me know that I won't pull punches. If it's the good stuff I'll call it that way. If it's crap I'll call it crap. We'll know one way or the other in a few months.


Active member
YO chemdog,
Hey I was wondering if you gave your OK to J*** @ Hortipharm to release chemdog cuts to his med patients? thanks!


Active member
chemdog said:
whats up everyone VTA what you got at horitfarm was the orig 1991 chemdog unless you got the owners headstash of the chem D i left him

Right on Chemdog...they were only selling grams up front and mine was waiting on the side...whatever it was it rocked and I can't wait to get some more! It was a little different, as far as taste goes, compaired to that of a cut my buddy has. Your was much, much better and the high lasted twice as long. :joint:

Sierra Weedman

New member
REZDOG said:
Sireea Seeds is a RIPOFF.
They were run off the 'net a couple years ago,it seems,sadly, they're back.
They don't HAVE the Chemdog Clone,the last time around, they claimed they had Dawg and Sour Diesel Clone,but were using my Sour Diesel line,not The Clone,and didn't have the Dawg at all-if I remember kee-rektly.
Does 'brothel brothers' ring any bells????

Fuck these hacks.

i think you are the hack mr. pollen chucker

if you had anything close to silver spur or north valley kush or orange kush [and yes i have the original legend OG Kush] so before you open your trap about redifining kush genetics you need some genetics to start w/instead of the hemp seed you push :wave:


I'm smoking a bowl of chemdog d right now and I'm wondering wtf all this hate has to do with anything.


Active member
Sierra Weedman said:
i think you are the hack mr. pollen chucker

if you had anything close to silver spur or north valley kush or orange kush [and yes i have the original legend OG Kush] so before you open your trap about redifining kush genetics you need some genetics to start w/instead of the hemp seed you push :wave:

Ha Ha!!!!

Hell ya weedman.
Sierra has some killer genetic's.
Rez obviously has a personal problem here.
Because there is no truth in his statment.

I'll be posting a grow of White Mustang to show everyone the truth.
Lets let the genetic's speak for themselves.

Sierra Weedman

New member
Rudedude said:
I'm smoking a bowl of chemdog d right now and I'm wondering wtf all this hate has to do with anything.

problem is that Rez's posts about Sierra Seeds is a complete untruth and yes Sierra has the Chemdawg cause how in the hell would they get White Mustang.

just go to www.sierraseeds.com and check out the grows going on to see for yourselves.

i need the strongest meds available to control my pain and Sierra genetics are the BEST :canabis:

Marvin Martian

New member
KK is a class act. You don't think he knows that he is being attacked in a couple of threads over here? He is a bigger person than to reply. KK of Sierra Seeds has been working with this plant since guys like Rez and I were still having our diapers changed. :moon:

You never know.........some of the very plants Rez claims he will redefine may have actually BEEN defined by someone he is attacking. :wave:

OBVIOUSLY, KK had some bad business dealings in the past. It is my belief that this is due to no fault of his own. Scammers, liars and thieves don't tell you when they plan on making you part of their scam. So, the worst possible thing you can say is KK made a bad business decision. If KK would have it to do all over again, it probably goes without saying he would not associate with some people he chose to associate with in the past. Keep in mind that KK was taken for a ride in all if this, too.

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Guys take your bullshit somewhere else this is a chemdog D thread not rez sierra battle. Also i went to the sierra website and it said the strain they have been workin with may be related to the chemdog. what does that mean. And what do you mean about they were workin with this strain when some of us were in diapers. Well mybe you were when i had the chemdog in 1991 the chemdog didnt even make it to cali till 95 hum 11 years and it didnt get passed out till about 96-97. when we started og kush back then. So when did you get your chemdog cut to work with this 20 year strain. And when did you start growing OG kush. :sasmokin:


It said most likely from the chemdog lines WTF is that its on your website bro?

Marvin Martian

New member

Please reread my post.......I said he was working with the plant since Rez was in diapers. Nothing to do with you and or your work. There was no intent to offend you.

On the otherhand, don't tell me where to and not to post. If you do not like my posts or feel they do not belong here, talk to a moderator. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.

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