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Cheeseberry Haze Grow

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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I thought I should start a thread as I'm all too fond of posting on other peoples but don't have one myself... well here it is.. I'm a few days into this grow and here's my grow plan.. I AM a first time grower, so all feedback is welcome positive or otherwise - word to the trolls - "f*ck off, go find some other thread to argue on."

ok all pleasantries aside, here's where we're up to...

NB: all "week" values are forcasted and will be subject to acheived growth.

Environment: Veg - Veg Box 50x55x75cm . Flower - Tent/DR120 (120x.120x200cm)
Medium: Coco and soil but NOT MIXED - running side by side
Lighting: Veg - 155w BLUE CFL + 20w RED CFL. Flower 2 x 400w HPS (son-t)
Food Products: Soil is pre fertilised so none until showing signs of difficencies and then once weekly with Formulex (I got it free with the root riot kit) - Coco - Canna Coco A+B/Rhizotonic/Cannazym/Canna PK13/14 - following Canna Feeding Calculator (unless underfeeding)
Other: ScrOG (to be set at 9 inches above medium)


5 feb - Pre Soak
6 feb - germ on plate - notes: 8 of 9 sank within 24 hours
7 feb - all 8 "sinkers" have popped on the plate
8 feb - 6 seeds went to cubes and 2 straight to soil
9 feb - 2 above "ground". 1 other cube peaking and 1 soil cup peaking
10 feb - 6 of 8 now between 1 and 3cm - 2 still in propagator, showing signs of life
12 feb - all now planted to 0.6 ltr pots
14 feb - #3 watered with pH min adjusted water
16 feb - #3 didn't like pH min - H&G pH down purchased. All seedlings being fed week one dose of 2 ml rhizotonic only.
18 feb - #9 has arrived - found growing in pot with #7 - has 3 leaf mutation
19 feb - all coco seedlings start feeding on 2ml a+b, 2 ml rhizo
21 feb - all moved to veg under 400w HPS
25 feb - some topped, some fimmed, some left alone to grow
1 mar - all re potted to 2 liter pots - feed now includes Cannazym 1 x per week and Seaweed extract 1 x per week and Mag Sulphate 1 x per week. plants are flushed 1 x per week


Cheeseberry #1 and #2 cube to soil at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #3 and #4 cube to coco at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #5 and #6 cube to coco at 1.5 inch
Cheeseberry #7 and #8 straight to soil


soil once per week half dose of starting at signs of hunger water once 2-3 days
coco light feed scheme for 2 weeks then normal


18/6 light for veg til screen 70% full (under 175w CFL)
12/12 8-10 weeks (4 weeks under 400w HPS and 4 weeks under 800w HPS)


#1 - #4 cubes to cups
#5 - #8 straight to cups
transfer all to 3.5 inch pot at 4-5 inches and start pinching or LST once settled in
transfer all to final pot (10.ltr) at 8 inches and under screen (12/12)


soil 10-14 days straight water
coco 5 days straight water

product info

Cheeseberry haze

Blueberry cheese / lady cane

Cross between a blueberry cheese and lady cane (Super Silver Haze G13)
Heavy sugary compact buds with a berry/haze aroma on a almost christmass-like bush.

Pure pleasure. Get ready for a new generation of HazeBerry sensation in 9 weeks flowering.
The Cheese skunk blueberry mother dominates in fast maturation, high yields and extreme vigour.
The lady cane male was the best out of 200 plants in selection and my most powerfull male ever found.
The balance between the potency and sweetness of this cross is one of the best experience u can find.
Very sativa looks, but with a moderate size , great plant body structure. easy to grow, colourful plant, 50% sativa, christmas tree type plant.
Blue, purple, pink colours is a normal tendence of this cross.
Very suitable for any method of cultivation.
Good for many medical applications

Type : Hybrid
Flowering time : 9-10 weeks
Harvest : up to 500 gram/m2(indoor)
Taste: blue and red berry haze
Effect : dreamy high
flowers : Dense and mostly colored buds
THC : Percentage up to 20%

catalogue photos


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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Glad to see you finally have your journal up! I've not heard of Cheeseberry haze, but it looks and sounds wonderful. Looks like an interesting grow, I'll be watching.



ICMag Donor
hmmm...I was wondering if anyone had noticed that this was on the market. This is one I was REALLY wanting, and HIGHLY interested in. I will be lurking in a corner for this one.

Supplier sold out...kind of a bummer. I wonder if there will be a second release...

Anyway, do them justice.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Thanks for stoping by, both. I'll certainly try, Frank - this first time out I'll be looking for mothers :)

while I'm here, here's something for your amusement ...

The Cheese Pasty Propagator(*tm)

Introducing this amazing and new innovation to the growers market, this simple one piece design will take care of all of your propagation needs. The handy "fold over" system allows plants to be "bath" watered on site by simply filling the lid as it becomes the resevoir. The Cheese Pasty Propagator will also maximise potential root growth using the (not yet patented) "Cool Top". The "Cool Top" is another simple yet innovative design, utilising four side air channels to stop your seedlings getting too humid whilst offering an insulative layer from above to help keep the temperatures steady and warm. This four pasty model is designed to carry 16 cubes at a time.

This once in a lifetime offer comes supplied with four yes! FOUR! free cheese pasties with every propagator sold at the amazing price of just TWO EUROS

so get one today and take care of your seedlings and your munchies in one deal.


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
nothing much to report. the labelling 1-8 was based on first to show sprout and longest tail (most vigorous in other words) #1 continues to out pace all "her" sisters and is now as tall and thick as my 2 week old ww seedling and still going... I'll be keeping it whether its male or female - any progeny will hopefully "grow like the wind"


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well, they continue to continue and all seems well with them. they've been joined by some pp clones in the box... here's how they look.


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ICMag Donor
looking good....just can't wait to see how these come out...keep the updates frequent!!!

Ever tried any other offerings from this breeder?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
not yet Frank, but theres a whole bunch I'd like to try out if these go well.. he has a 7-8 week flowering kush that really tickles my pickle :wink:


Nice work JamieShoes. Set up looks locked down. What size scrog screen will you be using? As in how big are the holes gonna be? :joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for stopping by both :smile:

the screen is 60x120cm and the gaps are 5cm (or 23x47inches with 2 inch gaps) - it just came that size from the hardware store and fits perfectly accross the back wall of the dr120(120cm) while still leaving me room to work inside the tent... I'll get a few pics from in the tent later - I'm planning on putting the PP clones in there on Friday, so you can get a get a better idea of how that looks...



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
ooh, something to report :smile:

don't know if you noticed, but in the original "germ report" above I say 8 out of 9 sank and got planted... well that's not strictly true. 8 of 9 sank, the other was left floating in the cup for a day longer and when I planted the 2 seedlings to soil (of the 8) I tossed the odd one in the pot with 1 of them.....and "odd one" is right, I just noticed that it's sprouted.. not only that, but it's got 3 sets of leaves..

freaky... :smile:


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Heya Barley B, good to see ya :smile:

all change today as this morning I moved the PP clones into the flower tent for further vegging/training into the scrog screen. then it occured to me, why have both rooms running... and wouldnt the Cheeseberries prefer a dose of 400watt radiation?

so everyone is now residing in the flower tent until the PPs get flipped - they'll get placed under the screen when they reach 7 inches... I also repotted my 3 week old White Widow (Bess) seedling to a 2 ltr and was very pleased to see we have some "R0oT Pr0n" - hooray for me (and Bess). :smile:

fotos to follow...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
heres the fotos...

j :smile:


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looking great man! roots look really healthy. :canabis:

that cheeseberry haze looks like it is a mixture of things i like. might have to give them a try after i see how u turn out.
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