isn't that what homo sapiens has been doing for the last 3 million years? and see what it has brought us to ... maybe we need a mandate or three. we saw how that technique goes.shouldn't we work harder on our real intelligence before releasing an artificial variety? it might help us see the problems inherent in the artificial stuff. it's not like having a calculator in your pocket meant that you understood how mathematics work.
imho it is way too late to stop or slow it down - competitive pressure is driving it forward at a rate i just can't believe. and i am convinced this AI has been going for a decade already. tuning the LLM must have required that the bits that have been exposed since mid-march to start collecting data on how humans react to it.
i consider this time to be equivalent to the moon landing, the internet, and the birth of the microprocessor chip. amazing to be able to witness the birth of such incredible industries.
being a computer programmer (software engineer) for 57 years, i am all in. i was in the middle of installing AutoGPT (w/GPT4) when my spouse had her hip injury so that has been on hold for 3 days (nagging at me like a splinter in my mind - for 3 days). i have a very specific use case for sales and marketing. sure is a lot of hype. this will let me find out what is real.
copilot is supposed to work with ms office apps and dev tools - but i'm not on the short list - signed up and waiting for access. AutoGPT is accessible to everyone. Open AI fee is reasonable ($100/yr) for an individual. but i need to point it at my code base.
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