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Chat is BACK!

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ICMag Donor
Whats chat?

.. it's just a figment of the mind :D

Chat : Is a place where people "de-flesh" according to academia*, a 'real-time' online place in the Gibsonian notion of the concept called "cyberspace"**

peace n further reading all (see below) :D
DocLeaf :joint:

* Stephenson N. (1992) : Snow Crash.. [great book. cyber-punk meets virtual reality]

** Gibson W. (1984) : Neuromancer... [small disjointed book. very hard to digest. the inspiration/script for 'Matrix' the movie]

N.b. Those books while prefigurative in publication,, will help anyone interested in understanding the concepts of "cyberspace" just that little bit better. Like "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" the novel upon which Bladerunner is based ,, both are well worth a read and considered contemporary classics.


Active member
Japan...I'd not be too quick to tell a MOD how/when to do their job around this site. People are known to vanish for such REPEATED offenses...hahahaha. I honestly think we will learn to appreciate and value each others opinions in time...

I'm not telling her how to do her job, I'm saying that when she has that super mod title and makes a comment about security people are going to take it as comments from a mod. She is after all giving people updates about the situation in this thread as a mod is she not? This is the announcement forum you realize. Little different than say tokers den.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Everyone please stop. I'm really stressed out because of things here and real life and all the bickering and negativity here is bringing me down. Everyone worry about their own problems, not other people's. MMk?


Active member
OK, I totally stumped my toe before going to bed and now it's as big as a grape. Who'da thunk it could hurt this much? Woke me up in the middle of the night. Waiting for the aspirin to kick in before heading back to sleep. Damn chat would have been perfect.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
All I know is what I posted yesterday. It will be awhile, yes. I can't define it more clearly than that, sorry.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
KG give up on this one girl. Chat just like ICM as a whole is free...no membership fee...no monthly bill so until chat is back maybe we all could simply turn off our monitors and go outside. I know it's gonna be tough with the bright light and all but EVERY single one of our girls that we have growing inside had a sister that came from the outside so be sure to tell her thank you.

Bickering about freakin chat lol if that's all we got to worry about damn man I wanna live there :)

Have A Great Day


New member
I know my girl is really not into computers at all. It is nice in a way, but man the questions she ask. Just now she asked if saving an avatar to the desktop would delete it from the site of origin. That was after I showed her to right click and save-as.

So yeah, there are some that do not live and die at the computer.


Active member
maybe we all could simply turn off our monitors and go outside. I know it's gonna be tough with the bright light and all but EVERY single one of our girls that we have growing inside had a sister that came from the outside so be sure to tell her thank you.

Bickering about freakin chat lol if that's all we got to worry about damn man I wanna live there :)

Have A Great Day

Wags.. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0o0o0ooooooo

Outside???? Into that place?? O.. M... G...

J/k. Yeah I went outside today it was indeed glorious.



You will not be forgotten
have been outside watering the plants and tieing down a few branches, started jones'n for a smoke break and seeing im the only one here figured id some smoke with you fine folks! puff puff :joint:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
OK, I totally stumped my toe before going to bed and now it's as big as a grape. Who'da thunk it could hurt this much? Woke me up in the middle of the night. Waiting for the aspirin to kick in before heading back to sleep. Damn chat would have been perfect.

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