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Chasing the sweet Tooth fairy


Active member
If you pull the tube off you won't be getting an accurate measure will you? For intense, If I need 5 ml, it won't even make it into the syringe, it will all be in the tube. If you pull it off and it goes into backthe nute container you no longer have 5 ml. The amount in the tube is part of your dose. Get what I'm saying?:tiphat:

The plunger will definitely be past the 5ml mark, but you can still get 5ml inside the syringe.
Pulling the tube off will only cause fluid lower than the sever point to fall. All fluid above the point will stay (the stuff in the syringe).


Living life large...
If you pull the tube off you won't be getting an accurate measure will you? For intense, If I need 5 ml, it won't even make it into the syringe, it will all be in the tube. If you pull it off and it goes into backthe nute container you no longer have 5 ml. The amount in the tube is part of your dose. Get what I'm saying?:tiphat:
well you could, suck up exactly 1ml into the the syringe, then put on the tube, push the plunger until it bottoms out , then cut off the tube right at the liquid level giving you a 1ml tube + the 5ml in the syringe and you got 6ml. see what I'm saying.
knowing this, I just leave the tube on, works great !:chin:


Active member
@ Kcar: I hope so.... I'm not sure if I'll get the Grapefruity goodness as this is NOT from Spice Of Life and I don't know what to expect.

@ PotentGreen: Guess what I'm doing tomorrow????






Active member
@ Lil - That is a GREAT idea. I'll try it. It may not work for me as I have some nutrients that require small measurements and I also need a LONG tube so that I can get to the bottom of the larger nutrient jugs.... I'll measure the tube and see what I can get away with.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Hey Milehigh. Just cause I want you to give precise ass doses to your girls I snapped this shot as a example.


That's 5 ml of milk in my tube. hasn't even hit the syringe yet. If I were to continue to draw milk till my plunger read 35 ml and then pulled the tube, 5 ml would fall back to my milk jug leaving me only 30 ml in my syringe.
I hope this makes sense and we're talking about the same thing.
Good growing to you!:wave:


Active member
No way!!!

Does it say 5 ml in your syringe?? Nope..... just what you measured the tube to hold.

So when you measure off 35ml in your syringe, you will drop off the 5 that is not currently included in that measurement... that will keep your measurement correct instead of the extra 5ml....

Now, if you took the time to measure the amount of liquid your tube can hold, then your could always just add 5ml to your measurement.

I noticed on your syringe there are no measurements... are you measuring out 35ml and then drawing it into your syringe??? Cause if you are, then everything you are saying makes perfect sense... (although I don't see the use for using it)


Active member
My God I have to Have one of those Syringes..I think these Companies Make the Caps to Purposly Dribble everytime You Pour..I bet I'V Spilled hundreds of Dollars of Nutes on My Pants and the Floor...Looking for Tubing Right Now..HaHa!!!


Active member
Hey Milehigh. Just cause I want you to give precise ass doses to your girls I snapped this shot as a example.


That's 5 ml of milk in my tube. hasn't even hit the syringe yet. If I were to continue to draw milk till my plunger read 35 ml and then pulled the tube, 5 ml would fall back to my milk jug leaving me only 30 ml in my syringe.
I hope this makes sense and we're talking about the same thing.
Good growing to you!:wave:

Just pull milk into your syringe, not the tube.

Doesn't matter where the plunger is. Once you have the desired level of milk in the syringe, pull the tube off. Then all you're left with is the milk in the syringe at your desired level. (the plunger is higher but it doesn't matter, air will not hurt your solution :tiphat:

Get a graduated syringe (one with tick marks) if that one isn't.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Hey Milehigh. Just cause I want you to give precise ass doses to your girls I snapped this shot as a example.


That's 5 ml of milk in my tube. hasn't even hit the syringe yet. If I were to continue to draw milk till my plunger read 35 ml and then pulled the tube, 5 ml would fall back to my milk jug leaving me only 30 ml in my syringe.
I hope this makes sense and we're talking about the same thing.
Good growing to you!:wave:

Gotcha! You're going by the liquid in the syringe and not the plunger.:tiphat:
I go by the plunger so was confused.
Sorry to take your thread off course.:ying::ying::ying:
Good growin.


Active member
Finally finished the Filter today... no more hot air in my room and no more smell in the garage... Fuck Yeah.





Active member
damn that last picture is nasty...

I swear this room will be spotless before long.

I watered the two sweet tooth's yesterday... forgot to log that so I don't forget which day.

Also, Thanks to some help from my hydro shop, I decided the best way to keep 6 in rotation and increase yield size will be to Use a 24" deep 4' wide shelving unit and hang a shoplight under the top and a Cloner on the top shelf right below the shop light.

Then, below that shelf, I'll be putting a 4 bulb 4' T5 to properly veg the plants before they go into the big flowering tent.

This way I won't need to vent another tent and the flower room will not be affected by the light because it's sealed light tight.

I'll update when I have some root pics on the clones and the shelf veg station installed.



Active member
Just started some LST on one of the sweet tooth plants, I want them to get bushed out before I transplant. Besides the other clones just popped roots so I'll be wanting those to catch up.

Just Fed the two Sweet Tooth's again.

sensi a
sensi b
voodoo juice
mother earth tea
F1 and H1

Total 1000 ppm thats where I'll keep her for awhile, my goal this veg will be to keep the nutrient mixtures to a lower EC.

Shit, if you mix Advanced according to their nutrient schedules in soil you'll end up burning the plants and salting the roots.


Active member
Two problems:

1. Clones were placed to close the T5 and some started to photosynthesize and turn yellow. Most have good sized roots, But I'm worried about the Trinity... I moved them further from the light.

2. I overfed, guess that was obvious, But I really figured that half strength would work, I was WRONG!!!! I'm not liking Advanced as much as I thought I would, especially with all the fantastic results with cheaper nutrients... But I have enought of this stuff, I'm going to use it all before I switch.

I Flushed till there was a lot of Runoff with water and some Final Flush, By morning they were looking super happy, I believe I was getting nutrient lockout.

Wish me luck with Ms. Trinity!



Yo MileHighGuy...
I'm really starting to have mixed feelings about Advanced Nutrients.
Idk they seem to advertise as the "best" and all but I feel like they just have better marketing schemes. Like the whole, combining Carboload with Budcandy... and then forgetting to mention it so people buy both?! WTF.
Anyways, if I'm not careful, my ladies will be burn, because the nutes run so hot... So, I just go 1/4 strength and see how they react. Sorry for rambling...
flush those babies!!!!


Active member
Thanks Potent.

For Sure, I've Ran Lucas in the past with no problems...

Initially my Roommate wanted the Advanced Nutrient Line, said he would buy everything...

He bought some of the line, and I've purchased some of the other bottles along the way.

I'll never do it again, My results were excellent but nothing crazy. That being said, I still have tons of this stuff to use.

I flushed hardcore and should be fine, I caught it very early... starting to show CalMag Def. and also Low Ph Leaves Curling... I'm sure that when I get home from work today they will be ten times better.

I just hope I have some roots!!!!

Oh well, I'm gonna skip outta here a little early today and go buy some airstones for my GH buckets.
