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Chaos Erupts as Nevada County CA Passes Grow Limits

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
There is a definite problem with the present scenario of people using residential neighborhoods for major cultivation operations. In my situation (I'm a wake and baker by the way) I'd like to point out the unpleasantness of those who think more dogs is the answer to your security problems.

So you got yourself a little residential lot and you want a secure grow situation. A lot of people seem to think the answer is to fill your yard with aggressive dogs. Yeah it's your legal right (to a point) but it's going to alienate your neighbors. Maybe you don't give a fuck but these people are going to get sick of living next to your compound, and will get a real sour taste whenever medical marijuana is mentioned. Blame yourselves.

In my quiet neighborhood the guy behind me bought a small lot and did this. When I saw him running electricity to a back building I suspected what was up. When he filled the yard with dogs I had little doubt. Dumb-shit mounts a swamp cooler on the outside of his storage shed. Who mounts a swamp cooler on a storage shed? No carbon filtration so depending on what way the wind is blowing there's NO DOUBT. Guess he depends on the stench of dog shit to be his odor control.

Everyone living around me is sick of his dogs barking at every kid walking down the street. I really don't appreciate being confronted with a threat display from large aggressive animals whenever I step into my backyard. Idiots like this give the movement a bad name. Costs us lots of votes every time this comes up for election.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
It's happening in all the medical states, not just California. And go ag zoned? Not if this is any indicator of what's to come.

It would be interesting to see what the rationale was for limiting grows to a commercial or manufacturing zone. For warehouse grows, I could see this - the amount of power needed would be enough to exclude it from an agricultural area. For large outdoor grows, ag zoning makes a hell of a lot more sense than the current mess. It seems to me that if a grow is large enough to be someone's exclusive source of income, by definition it becomes agriculture.

Crusader Rabbit, your post is dead on. I understand that a lot of people in this economy have turned to cultivation in order to keep their heads above water, but the scenario that you present has become very common and works against us. The voting populace gave us the legal right to do this, and they can take it away.


"Then there's the offensive notion that you present, the concept that you or anyone else can tell me or anyone else how much is sufficient for their needs. That's what I personally find offensive"

Feel free to be offended, i'm offended you try to imply that even at pg&e rates (I did look them up) its not affordable. I am dirt poor myself and have been my whole life and I could afford to grow at those rates. If you were really for your patients you would give them free weed and charge them for your costs and time, thats what I do. My patient could grow he just chooses not to due to his brother's kid that comes over. If they can't afford a grow then that sucks but that is no excuse for open fields, something else needs to be figured out. I am not against small backyard grows, privacy fences should be required though.

Also do not act like growing weed is hard, its not there are plenty of fool proof methods and as long as you have easy to clone strains its retardedly easy.

I am a caregiver in michigan, I grow for someone who "can't" and we do just fine on 12 plants each indoors. In fact I regurally have to destroy extra in order to comply with my local laws. Collectives are not nessisary they are abuses. If you want to grow fields then more power to you but don't claim it to be for you and your patients medical use its for profit, you are a cartel just a small not mexican one. I have chron's disease, chronic pain is something I know alot about but I don't need a field nor could I ever smoke it all before the next year, as I said 5.7 pounds is a quarter ounce a day plus hash from trim.


However I don't want to loose my medical card because you want to be greedy. The feds could shut mmj down instantly by refusing to disperse anymore money to the states with mmj. States will choose money over us, and if anyone thinks states run off thier own money without federal "grants" you need to do your own research.

If it was really only the sick, no mmj doctors signing forms for money, everything indoors out of sight and secure the public would be forced to realize its a good thing for society. Instead we got fields where there is either weed stolen or people threatened with violence when they try to steal. Either way the fact that its out in the open in view of anyone is the issue along with the massive amount. If you have enough people that you need to care for then use a barn or warehouse however I don't see why one person needs to be responsible fore more than 5 people.

Michigan's laws are better than cali's from the prospective that michigan is really for the sick and cali is just legal drugs. California still does not allow out of state cards, yet they allow fields. Michigan reconizes out of state cards (not sure what the point is though as we are not supposed to have dispenceries) and we have reasonable amounts of plants, finished product, and are required to do so in a enclosed locked facility which could be a outdoor fence pen with a roof and everything but indoors is whats done 99% of the time here. NO FEAR OF BEING ROBBED FROM SHIT OUT IN THE OPEN

We are left alone by most out cities (oakland county sucks) because we don't cause problems like you do in cali. People around here have the "well what they do in thier home is thier busness" attitude and I love it.


Registered Non-Conformist
I was there For a while.. And can compare... I love the State (MI) for many reasons... But, It is not really better from an MMJ standpoint. Different but not better.

I agree local Law-enforcement in Mitten-land can be quite "Hands-Off" about MMJ, in some areas... UNTIL a neighbor calls in a complaint that a filter is not functioning properly..! lol.. Then there can be problems. But, by and large, many folks have a bit more space than Californians do. Also, Californians might be more "Other-Directed" than Mitten-landers.. Who are all about minding-their-own-business, and being respectful, which I really like...

However, In some places, People blow up warehouses with SUBSTANDARD medicine. Mega Air-Conditioning, no outside air.. a plastic enviornment... Wasteful...

Or in fetid basements, with no ventilation, either way..

Much of the Medicine is Diseased, almost always Powdery Mildew and Mites.... I saw many folks fail run after run...

Most are Pulling super early, to get the buck before the diseases and pests ruin ALL value. The Top-Shelf medicine at even reputable Dispensaries is b-grade at best. Knowledge of genetics is not very deep. Homemade Hydroponic methods are popular, but not very effective sometimes..

"Oops - For hours, before it gave out, that Sump pump we use in our DIY aeroponic system leaked all its' oil which was 24/7 sprayed into the roots - and stressed the plants beyond repair..! The roots are greasy brown and smelly..>!
What should I do...?"

"Rinse it off as best you can," said the Midas-Minded 'Boss,' "it is almost time to harvest..!"


If Folks could really grow outdoors with all that humidity and the rain believe me, Greed would surface JUST as much.

How absurd is that, to have to put up a 6-foot fence immediately around your greenhouse, and watch most of the sidelight not get in...!!! More Mildew because of the shadows...

Of course, the Jester from Hell, William "Bill" Schutte - the crazy AG - who could implode the whole system at any moment.

72 plants includes all rooted clones.. Not easy to provide for your 5 other patients as well as yourself, with 72 total... A grower will need clones, teens, and mothers - as well as flowering stock... Do the math...

VERY Many Patients are unable to stay with any ONE Caregiver due to not receiving ANYTHING, or anywhere near what was promised when the Patient signed over to the Caregiver. An act allowing the Caregiver to grow 12 plants "for that patient" - and 5 others if desired, including oneself.. Many "Caregivers" get their friends and relatives to obtain a "Doctor's recommendation," which is as easy to get as in California... And NEVER Give them anything for the service..! They sell their meds to dispensaries, or anyone they can, and take a trip to _____ (carribbean Island, fill in the blank)..

I suggested to a "Maxed-Out Caregiver that I knew to give one ounce to each patient per month, and he looked as at me as if I had asked him to Fly to the moon.. No recompense for those whose cards he was growing for.. They either did it as a favor, ir were duped. I heard that from a few people who were "Caregiving." Why would they want to do that..?? lol...

Many Patients end up getting nothing... Bouncing from one to another, Desperately looking for a Caregiver who can do what he/she promised, and then who actually DOES it.. ! It is a scene played out in all counties of the state.

Quite a few good points have been made here, such as the "BAD NEIGHBOR" scenario described above.

This is awful, and a real factor in the rural parts of Northern California. I get fired up over this too.. But, at least here, some of the people who have aggressive Dogs 5 abandoned vehicles, etc., as described above are NOT Growing, just bad neighbors...

SO: Rule #1 is: In the Country (or anywhere) Be a GOOD NEIGHBOR.. We all know that....!

It is so simple to make judgements from the sidelines...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
VERY Many Patients are unable to stay with any ONE Caregiver due to not receiving ANYTHING, or anywhere near what was promised when the Patient signed over to the Caregiver. An act allowing the Caregiver to grow 12 plants "for that patient" - and 5 others if desired, including oneself.. Many "Caregivers" get their friends and relatives to obtain a "Doctor's recommendation," which is as easy to get as in California... And NEVER Give them anything for the service..! They sell their meds to dispensaries, or anyone they can, and take a trip to _____ (carribbean Island, fill in the blank)..

I suggested to a "Maxed-Out Caregiver that I knew to give one ounce to each patient per month, and he looked as at me as if I had asked him to Fly to the moon.. No recompense for those whose cards he was growing for.. They either did it as a favor, ir were duped. I heard that from a few people who were "Caregiving." Why would they want to do that..?? lol...

Many Patients end up getting nothing... Bouncing from one to another, Desperately looking for a Caregiver who can do what he/she promised, and then who actually DOES it.. ! It is a scene played out in all counties of the state.
Surely the patient can reclaim their card, if someone just lets a person keep their rec after not coming through with any herb, then its on them really....
If I were in that situation, the grower would have 14 weeks from the day I give him the card to come through with MY 11 plants worth of smoke, or I will be taking back my card/getting it invalidated and requesting a new one.
Too many greedy fucks using sick people as cover for sure, some growers seem to be operating under the mistaken impression that the weed grown under someones card belongs to the grower to dish out as he chooses. It is definately a problem in some collective grows(based on discussions I've had with folks), too much scope for exploitation.
If the card says 12 plants, and the grower grows 12 plants, I want 11 plants worth of weed, and the grower can do what he will with the other.
There are also a lot of very compassionate people, who truly do want to help people, and who live in circumstances that could be greatly improved-if only they would be a bit more greedy,but its just not in them to do so...
To my mind a collective is a group of people sharing the bills and and sharing the product, not a grower collecting recommendations, growing at the max limit, but only giving the cardholders 1 percent of what has been grown under their name and selling the rest to them and others at full black market prices.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
SO: Rule #1 is: In the Country (or anywhere) Be a GOOD NEIGHBOR.. We all know that....!

Boy, I wish we did! I think that summarizes the crux of the entire problem. With a few nasty exceptions, I think most people really don't give a damn what their neighbor does as long as it doesn't infringe on them. That imposition on the neighbors can take shape in many ways - to me, it's like walking in the woods. Your presence should be as undetectable as you can reasonably make it. Pretty simple, really.


Free weed? totally free? no one is suggesting this is charity. There is nothing wrong with recouping costs. If you sign with a stranger you half deserve to be ripped off. The best caregiver is a family member who has thier own money and doesn't smoke.

A "normal" garderner in your family is what i suggest even if that means grandma for some people. This is a weed folks not a magical force anyone can grow it assuming you have a iq over 70 and fuctional arms and legs.

And for the comment about if folks could grow with all that humidity and rain, ever since glogal warming took hold we don't have much rain anymore and pratically no snow period, atleast in southeast michigan. (metro detroit)

Its our laws and the fact that people don't want to advertise thier grows that keep us indoors and I am just fine with the way things are. I would love to say what is good for us is good for us and whats good for you is good for you but the fact is we live in the same country so if the feds pass a law because of you it still affects us.

The dea's assult on medical marijuana is focused where? Oh yea the greedy states cali and colorado, who gets affected? Everyone in the usa with a med card. The general public see's whats in the news and its warehouses, dispenceries, fields posing as legal and fields in national parks. Not sick people getting thier doors kicked in for "no reason" nor are caregivers in reasonable situations affected.

This comment is for those that grow legally and sell illegally but bitch about the risk:

You know damn well that if the feds left you alone permenately that way more people would grow instead of buy and your income aka the value of weed would plummit. WTF are you complaining about its your risk that creates your profit dumbasses. No shit you just want to get rich growing a plant with no risk but unless your growing saffron on a plantation in india that shit ain't happening.


The group I work with has a unique program that allows patients with excess product to share, at NO COST, directly with those who are in need. You can peruse our new site here:
Medical marijuana, Collective Patient Resources Calaveras, AMADOR AND TUOLUMNE COUNTIES Home
"Then there's the offensive notion that you present, the concept that you or anyone else can tell me or anyone else how much is sufficient for their needs. That's what I personally find offensive"

Feel free to be offended, i'm offended you try to imply that even at pg&e rates (I did look them up) its not affordable. I am dirt poor myself and have been my whole life and I could afford to grow at those rates.
Your response to what you tried to quote is nonsensical. First, what do the power rates have to do with what you quoted? Second, you then jump to an amazing, incredible extrapolation, as follows. I find myself wondering, from where did this person arrive at these conclusions?

Let's simply address the rates you looked up. Dirt poor? Define that in relation to California's cost of living, not Michigan's, please. Second, can you say "fixed income"? Because that's what the majority my local (primarily elderly) population is living on, a fixed income, and the majority can barely afford to pay the power rates just to live in a home. A significant portion of the local population must cut firewood to heat their homes during winter (the reason why we're not subject to the rest of the state's air quality laws), for example.

As for the rates, you went and looked them up. Have you paid a PG&E bill? Do you know that transmission and all sorts of other fees are added on top of their tiered rate system? I've paid PG&E rates, and it made growing indoors unaffordable. In fact, we had problems long before I tried growing indoors. My husband makes a very comfortable living for us, so 'dirt poor' is not where we land, yet the power rates impacted us greatly. No more since we're all solar now, but again, WE could afford it and qualified for the program where many others could not.

If you're going to be offended yourself, at least know and understand what it is you're offended about. I'm firm in where I'm coming from. So let's move on to the second presumption you're making with zero foundation upon which to base it.
If you were really for your patients you would give them free weed and charge them for your costs and time, thats what I do.
'My patients'? You haven't a clue what I do with 'my patients', let alone whether or not I have patients. So first you're implying that I move product to others in the first place, and also imply that I do so for a profit, which it would then be a mistake on my part not to dispute as that puts me into a rather precarious legal situation. And then you're going on to state that I would rip people off because I don't do as you do.

At that point, you've put yourself squarely into the "just like them" category. The people who figure, "Hey, I can do x, y and z. Why can't they?" The people who assume that their experience and ability in the world is the same as anyone else's. Bad assumption in my world.

Third, I'm a patient advocate, and as such my scope, my point of view, is necessarily far beyond that which I personally experience. That means that, as a representative and advocate, I must also consider what others can and cannot do, what they can and cannot afford, etcetera. You clearly are either unable or unwilling to make that mental leap. It does not, however, mean that these conditions do not exist.
My patient could grow he just chooses not to due to his brother's kid that comes over. If they can't afford a grow then that sucks but that is no excuse for open fields, something else needs to be figured out.
Oh, hey! Since that's what you guys do then that's what everyone should do I guess. Awesome. Do we get to wear the same shoes and clothing, eat the same foods and live on the same income as you? How about the smoke? You've already declared that you know how much each of us should need to use. How incredibly presumptive of you, and again, offensive.
I am not against small backyard grows, privacy fences should be required though.
Well, you're getting your wish, which is forcing many in my area to seek product from dispensaries or find a collective to grow for them because they cannot afford to put up the fencing, any more than they could afford those power rates in the first place.

Do you have any idea how myopic your view is?
Also do not act like growing weed is hard, its not there are plenty of fool proof methods and as long as you have easy to clone strains its retardedly easy.
You can't possibly be addressing me on that, can you? Again, weird extrapolation based on my one post if you are.
I am a caregiver in michigan, I grow for someone who "can't" and we do just fine on 12 plants each indoors. In fact I regurally have to destroy extra in order to comply with my local laws. Collectives are not nessisary they are abuses. If you want to grow fields then more power to you but don't claim it to be for you and your patients medical use its for profit, you are a cartel just a small not mexican one.
Clearly, you're solidly in the "one size fits all" mental category. Well, guess what. You don't have that right. And guess what else? People like me are going to show up at county and city meetings, we're going to organize patients, and we're going to assert our rights.

Smell bother you? Too bad. This is a Right to Farm state and county, and so if smells and flies bother you, tough shit. Seeing weed bother you? Get over it, it's a plant.

Do Mexicans bother you? Too bad, get over it.
I have chron's disease, chronic pain is something I know alot about but I don't need a field nor could I ever smoke it all before the next year, as I said 5.7 pounds is a quarter ounce a day plus hash from trim.
You say that as though no one else here might be familiar with chronic pain. And that's offensive. I have a sister with Crohn's, what does that mean? I have a friend who gets seizures, ever since childhood. What do we do with her? How about the neighbor who just passed away the week before last from metastatic breast cancer? How should she be ingesting, how much do you recommend for these people, seeing as how you seem to know how much each individual should and should not be using? I mean, yeah, the dead woman isn't using anything now, so I guess with her it's a moot point.

However I don't want to loose my medical card because you want to be greedy. The feds could shut mmj down instantly by refusing to disperse anymore money to the states with mmj. States will choose money over us, and if anyone thinks states run off thier own money without federal "grants" you need to do your own research.
No, it's far better to recreate the black market. Awesome plan! It's far better to kowtow to federal agents instead of voting and acting accordingly, in accordance with the nation's and each state's constitution. It's far better to allow ourselves to be made and labeled as criminals, so YOU can keep your medical card and stay inside.
If it was really only the sick, no mmj doctors signing forms for money, everything indoors out of sight and secure the public would be forced to realize its a good thing for society.
Are you KIDDING ME? So then any doctor treating anyone who's sick should be doing it for free in your world, eh? What do those doctors get to live on? That entire concept has always boggled my mind.
Instead we got fields where there is either weed stolen or people threatened with violence when they try to steal. Either way the fact that its out in the open in view of anyone is the issue along with the massive amount. If you have enough people that you need to care for then use a barn or warehouse however I don't see why one person needs to be responsible fore more than 5 people.
Yes, it's clear you don't see how anyone else's experience might be different than your own. We should NOT be tempting thieves, shame on us! You're right, we need the government to control us so it can better take care of us.
Michigan's laws are better than cali's from the prospective that michigan is really for the sick and cali is just legal drugs. California still does not allow out of state cards, yet they allow fields. Michigan reconizes out of state cards (not sure what the point is though as we are not supposed to have dispenceries) and we have reasonable amounts of plants, finished product, and are required to do so in a enclosed locked facility which could be a outdoor fence pen with a roof and everything but indoors is whats done 99% of the time here. NO FEAR OF BEING ROBBED FROM SHIT OUT IN THE OPEN
You display zero understanding of how California's Compassionate Use Act came to be written as it was and why Californians voted it in. I can state unequivocally that I never intended it to be solely available for only the very seriously ill when I voted in favor of it. My intention was to open a door to normalization and acceptance, to research into its properties and, perhaps, if we're fortunate, ultimately to lead to full legalization so that people like myself don't have to worry ourselves with people like yourself who feel they can tell us what to do with our bodies and our lives.

Which is amusing considering how you seem to like the "mind your own business" mindset of Michiganers.

Oh, yes, that brings up another point regarding being forced to move indoors. I can speak as someone who's been ripped off. My response is to use an alarm and surveillance system, which would be the normal response of anyone who's got valuable commodities to protect. And that point is that I would much rather have the plants ripped than my home invaded. Of course, all of this would be moot IF cannabis were at least decriminalized. Which is something each state can push for and achieve, which could conceivably lead to federal decriminalization and/or legalization.
We are left alone by most out cities (oakland county sucks) because we don't cause problems like you do in cali. People around here have the "well what they do in thier home is thier busness" attitude and I love it.
I appreciate that attitude as well. However, you folks in Michigan would be able to make use of your excellent farmlands if cannabis were legalized nationally, irrespective of how anyone in another state might do things. What do you think your (growing) life might be like if you could treat cannabis like beans, tomatoes, or pumpkins?

See, I get you and everyone else about being good neighbors, but there are more variables to consider than just what you experience. That's because I've been battling, personally, two deeply held concepts by non-partakers, and those concepts are who and what they think the 'typical' pot smoker is, and how pot growers are often declared bad neighbors, ipso facto. As though there are others who are bad neighbors without also growing weed. That's amusing to me personally, considering some of the problems I've experienced with bad neighbors whose problems arise not from weed, but from drink and simply being completely classless.

Also, please, do not dare try to tell me or anyone else how much we should or shouldn't use. How do you know this person or the other is smoking or making hash to smoke? How do you know they're not making tinctures or edibles, or phoenix tears, for example? I happen to know that many of the patients I advocate for are using these methods over or along with smoking to gain relief, and by necessity using these delivery methods requires a great deal of raw product. What about them?

And then we have the fact that, regardless of its legal status as an agricultural product (technically cannabis is NOT a legally recognized ag product, not even hemp, not even after our legislature passed the hemp farming bill), cannabis cultivation, as when cultivating ANY OTHER PLANT, may not be as successful in a given season as compared to other seasons. In other words, we experience losses, just like any other living organism we endeavor to grow. And so I, as many others I know who cultivate, plan for some losses.

It's wonderful that you apparently have such fine skills that you experience zero losses.

It's wonderful that you only need a certain amount to deal with your own issues.

It's wonderful that you, even being dirt poor, can afford to pay the rates to grow indoors.

However, you and your situation are not, can not, be extrapolated to apply to everyone else. We cannot, and do not live in a one-size-fits-all world. And that is what is offensive to me. I feel it's important to reiterate all these points with you, not just for your benefit, but for that of others who clearly feel they can paint everyone with the same broad brush.

I mean, I read this stuff, and I can't help but think about certain people I know. And when I think about them I find myself wondering, What kind of a world does this guy live in that he thinks everyone can, and should, do as he does?


^^^^^^^ thank you Sea Maidian... Much better than my response to pipy, so once again I will follow my mothers rule about not sayin anything, as I have nohing nice to say to him.

We are at war, not one of our choosing. So fight,STFU, or stay out of my way. Works for me.


Well-known member
Quick question - I've always been curious about the price of an ounce from a dispensary vs. the price for the same ounce out on the street.

Is it competitive and how was the price from the dispensary arrived at?

As an outsider, it seems to me that a lot of the stands taken are more about the possibility of potential profits than helping patients.:(


I personally have yet to set foot in a dispensary, so I cannot speak to their pricing structure. I have been told they're all different, and that can also be due to how they're set up (dispensary vs collective/cooperative, for example). However, I remember, before learning to grow my own, paying $100 for a quarter ounce of pretty bad weed. Unless I drove down to San Diego to get my Mexi-brickweed. That was many, many years ago.

But, why don't we go ahead and address the idea of profit being bad in and of itself. I don't ascribe to that notion. I don't see why it can't be handled like any other business in that sense. Even those working for a non-profit are allowed to make a living (i.e. income), so...?

That's not to say that there aren't those taking advantage, clearly, there are. I cannot extrapolate that to say the majority are taking advantage, because I do not know it to be a fact.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Quick question - I've always been curious about the price of an ounce from a dispensary vs. the price for the same ounce out on the street.

Is it competitive and how was the price from the dispensary arrived at?

As an outsider, it seems to me that a lot of the stands taken are more about the possibility of potential profits than helping patients.:(


The price (IMHO) that most dispo's arrive at here in N. Cali that I can tell, is to charge as much as the market can bear...pure capitalism. they charge $100-150 MORE per oz than I do to my small circle of patients.....that is JUST my experience. I totally agree with your final paragraph.


Registered Non-Conformist
Thank you Sea Maiden, for taking the time to set the record straight with pip313...

I have done the Michigan thing, it is not a place where outdoor growing is going to be very good, regardless of the fact that summers are a lot drier than they used to be. It is not the same animal. But, good on ya for trying. If I was there, I would set up a Greenie..! You betcha'...~~!

The costs of California are staggering. At least 30% overall beyond what one can live on in SE Michigan. I love it there, but with all due respect, it is just not apples to apples..

In MI, PLENTY of people are cashing in, with the limits as they are. (and going beyond). There are some extremely greedy people involved there.. But, I still say that the quality needs to step up. Quit with the DIY Aeroponic systems right out of the gate..! haha.. Go Basic at the onset of this rather demanding hobby. Of course, one can grow "B-Grade Buds" rife with
Spider-Mites and Mildew - but that is not what we are talking about as an End-Goal, right..?

It takes time, and lots of learning to get to the top 10%, but there are people who can do the minimum.

Basically, learn how to READ DIRECTIONS ON EVERYTHING - GO 50% ON NUTES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP - CHECK YOUR water/pH - AND READ CERVANTE'S BIBLE.. Yup, it is that hard.... Somehow, even those requirements elude most people..!

I taught a few folks in the Mitten how to study, and observe - they are able to do good work.. With good genetics, then there is Something to build on.

Boy, I wish we did! I think that summarizes the crux of the entire problem. With a few nasty exceptions, I think most people really don't give a damn what their neighbor does as long as it doesn't infringe on them. That imposition on the neighbors can take shape in many ways - to me, it's like walking in the woods. Your presence should be as undetectable as you can reasonably make it. Pretty simple, really.

Truly, My Brother in Cannabis, people where I live are quite aware of just being a "Good Person" in the neighborhood. Even if the plots are large, in excess of 1 acre, up to 5-10. There are some bad apples, and they do get bothered. If "Some" locals don;t like you, it won;t go so well... You will get a visit or two... Either Men in Blue or Other Lowlifes wanting to tax your top buds, or worse.

Largely, around here, the problems are within the Inland Forest Lands.. No one really wants to go hiking in there, although not many people ever really went in there before. It is crappy that Folks need to be so fearful.. It IS dangerous in the woods....

And pollution from Diesel Generator leaks, Pesticides and rat poison, nutrients in the watersheds causing abnormal algae blooms, killing native fish, etc... I think we all agree on that. So - that is what we should center on.

Making the Forests safe again.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Truly, My Brother in Cannabis, people where I live are quite aware of just being a "Good Person" in the neighborhood. Even if the plots are large, in excess of 1 acre, up to 5-10. There are some bad apples, and they do get bothered. If "Some" locals don;t like you, it won;t go so well... You will get a visit or two... Either Men in Blue or Other Lowlifes wanting to tax your top buds, or worse.

Largely, around here, the problems are within the Inland Forest Lands.. No one really wants to go hiking in there, although not many people ever really went in there before. It is crappy that Folks need to be so fearful.. It IS dangerous in the woods....

And pollution from Diesel Generator leaks, Pesticides and rat poison, nutrients in the watersheds causing abnormal algae blooms, killing native fish, etc... I think we all agree on that. So - that is what we should center on.

Making the Forests safe again.

I think that the problems on that side of the Yolla Bollies are probably a bit different than on this end of 299. The growing scene was already well established there when I started attending HSU in '73, and was almost exclusively the provenance of people who were very in tune with the land. On this end it has mostly developed, at least openly, since the "Green Rush" and has been widely driven by the lack of employment opportunities. Unfortunately, this has resulted in lots of low-budget folks, out-of-town property owners, yapping dogs, giant sheets of flapping viscuene to obscure sight-lines into yards, supplemental lighting shining into neighbor's windows, etc. Overall, it's not pretty and it is hugely different than some gentle folks growing some herb.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I view 200 outdoor plants in a field as an abuse of the medical law. I know alot of you won't like reading this but no one needs a hundred pounds of weed a year. 5.7 pounds is a quarter ounce a day and thats a lot of chronic plus all the hash. You make it hard for people like me who are really sick to get respect because non smokers think of you assholes growing fields. The Feds are pricks but shit would be better if medical patients were required to grow thier own and be limited to indoor and a reasonable plant count. IT IS THESE FIELDS THAT ARE HURTING US

And now the flamming starts by those that sell thier medicine to non patients and cannabis dispenceries that have 90% healthy people as customers.

I understand that you would think these people are giving you a bad name but they are not. the feds are the problem bro. why should pot not be 100% legal? Special interest groups controlling the corrupt federal government are what is hurting you. less than 100 years ago the government encouraged people to grow fields of hemp. They would have laughed at a federal law banning hemp. only about 70 years in 50,000 years of human history has cannabis been looked down upon, and it is fading fast. In the big picture 100 years from now, all of cannabis prohibition will be reduced to two pages of text in a kids history book, and be treated as a silly attempt to be fascist.


“They can no longer hide behind the shield of the medical marijuana law. The President sent his scientists out and determined that it is a ‘schedule one” drug which has no medicinal value. They have no reason to possess it, whether it’s heroine or marijuana,” Collins said

hahahaha..... Really???? Why does the Federal Government have a patent until 2021 on the medical properties of Canabis

On October 7, 2003 The United States Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services was granted a U.S. Patent (#6630507) on any and all uses and applications of: Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.

In other words, THE GOVERNMENT ALREADY OWNS THE ORGANIC THC OIL BY FORCE... and now THEY OWN THE SYNTHETIC THC OIL BY PATENT... along with any and all combinations of the beneficial compounds found in cannabinoids. As you read through this document you will discover beyond any doubt whatsoever that cannabis has a tremendous variety of medical values and applications specific and provable enough to be granted a U.S. Patent, yet the Judicial Branch of our government continues to classify cannabis as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance


How can they possibly say that cannabis has no medical qualities while at the same time they hold a patent that describes in great detail so many of the proven medical qualities that actually DO exist in cannabis?

There has been an ongoing effort to eliminate this ridiculous classification by a wide variety of activists and organizations for decades now but to date... the government holds all the cards and rules with a closed mind and an iron fist.

they wont take it out of Schedule 1 because of the big phara doensnt want people just growing their own medicene


I love my life
Quick question - I've always been curious about the price of an ounce from a dispensary vs. the price for the same ounce out on the street.

Is it competitive and how was the price from the dispensary arrived at?

As an outsider, it seems to me that a lot of the stands taken are more about the possibility of potential profits than helping patients.:(

Price is kept a little more expensive than street prices in the Disps. Quality is a little less than on the streets. BECAUSE growers with the best product have outlets WELL BEFORE the disps, and it is NOT the streets of CA even so Disps have much larger expenses than street hustlers.

It is all who you know.



Registered Med User
its absolute BULLSHIT that real estate values are down because of marijuana growers....

in fact its the other way around...certain property values are only as high as they are BECAUSE of marijuana growers...if there wasnt any money in growing pot, most mountain property would only be worth 100k, but a 20 acre plot with a nice clearing, well, house, outhouses, etc in mendo/humboldt or grass valley is gonna run you damn near half a million dollars...because it could make the owner a half million dollars if done right...

the marijuana market is the only thing propping up many of these counties..

real talk.


Well-known member
Price is kept a little more expensive than street prices in the Disps. Quality is a little less than on the streets. BECAUSE growers with the best product have outlets WELL BEFORE the disps, and it is NOT the streets of CA even so Disps have much larger expenses than street hustlers.

It is all who you know.


Unspoken collusion at its finest! :D

The dispensaries base their price on what the market will bear (price originally set by the cartels, gangs and mafia's) with a little bit more added on to cover extra expenses because LEO requires a middleman to administer and dispense.

..... and growers are selling the best stuff out of state at even higher prices - because they can!

Whoever would have thought that such disparate groups such as LEO, pot growers, cartels, gangs and mafias would be able to work together for a common cause - keeping the price high!:woohoo:

Maybe they have more in common than we think?:blowbubbles:


Registered Non-Conformist
Amsterdam Coffeeshops cost more than something you can get on the street sometimes, too.. Beer costs more at a Bar... It is a Price "Mark-up." How will you change that..?

One thing we all have in common is A Challenging Economy, ruled by Greed, and Profits-Over-People. One where much resources are wasted on Unnecessary things such as the ability to vaporize our "enemies" (instead of Buds) several times over all around the world. Just sayin'.

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