I feel compelled to speak here. It's a difficult subject to breach and I would ignore it but I feel I have to in Buddhist thread where truth seems paramount.
the fractures and the rise to polarize Buddhism under a name and the seeming conflict is a complete turn off
I don't want to be critical but I feel, out of respect and honor for those that really believe it that you need to know how it feels for a prospect such as myself
The call to be part of and the ensuing knowledge of the differential that even exists between Buddhist organizations should not be one of the first things I learn about
that type of actions comes off as an ulterior motive and if I had not live a complete lifetime knowingly giving out of respect for the sanctity of life I would mistake it myself as untempered commitment to self (that is it could easily be seen by many that the motive is for the sole benefit of the person getting you to enlist.enroll)
I understand the expedient need for people to have an opportunity for enlightenment in this lifetime and the desire to share with them what you have found.
but it seems almost obvious that these organizations are vying for power through membership and then that leads me to think about what are the motives.
I feels to me that the the simple prospect of membership is for chanters and this is because it mean spiritual power in numbers
now all this may be a misinterpretation but thats the type of things that I am led to believe just because of the inferences
i came here because I was called and invited, I came here to share in a very open honest spiritual vibe
my belief is that it is a a false hope that anything but the compassionate selfless chanting of nam myoho renge kyo can enlighten one instantly or really call to another persons heart
the mystical law only works when it is based on absolute truth
nichiren said DO NOT LOOK OUTSIDE for the law
i feel he meant outside yourself and your heart and I believe nichiren said this because this is where the gohnozon does indeed lie and this is where he wrote it from
I somehow feel the true buddha would find a way to make the conflicting energies harmonize
if the complete knowledge of the spontaneous law of cause and effect are so well known to anyone simply say but one chant and start the domino effect of truth that should harmonize us all and if there is not ONE among you that can do so I suggest we all simply chant for truth in the name of truth and according to the will of the truth because regardless of the law of cause and effect is entirely reliant on the eternal truth regardless of how we decide to spend our energies while living this life
why do you so seek the enlightenment of others? because it makes YOU a great buddha or THEM a great buddha?
I never required payment for selflessly giving and thats why enlightenment was such a gift because it was not expected or required
do you think i did not understand cause and effect? or was it that I did not understand how cause and effect worked in YOU.
the synergy between others, the one where we instill truth and see it come back, thats what enlightenment meant to me
that the gift i had was in others and visa versa
I almost feel as if I conscribe to any one branch of Buddhism I am furthering the divide and damning myself to delusion
now I am very sorry for this message and I apologize but I think that if this is a chanting growers group where people are observing the laws of cause and effect and trying to learn how applying nichiren buddhism would benefit perhaps we need to cultivate selfless giving and understanding and not the politics
i will remove this message and leave the thread if this is offensive to anyone
I know that the people who share and contribute are true and good people and good buddhists it just that having to gather under different banners for the same cause seems counterintuitive to nichirens doctrine
I could relate to your argument regarding the split between the Nichiren Shoshu Temple and the SGI, but I assure you that you would understand if you could read this thread entire thread especially the last two years. The understanding is that you don't have to give money, serve priests, do anything that doesn't feel right with the SGI and that is why I have never had so many Gay, Lesbian, Transexual, musicians, artists, accountants, photographers, waiters, good people, honest people, open people, friendly people, diverse (race, religion, creeds) people come into my life and this is because the SGI welcomes everyone even people who use medical marijuana.
You know that our Buddhism - Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is also connected with Ghandi, Ikeda and King? Dean Carter from Morehouse University who personally knew Martin Luther King, Jr. has welcome the Soka Gakkai into his life and as a christian minister has toured around America bring with him the Ghandi, King, Ikeda Exhibit exemplifies the greatness of Mr. Ikeda. President Ikeda is very old and is still doing his best to support Americans like us to have the open infrastructure to support our Buddhist practice. The Temple does not and has begun to admonish Christians, Muslims and Jews.
The SGI does not tolerate that sort of Arrogance and as you study the history of our Buddhism after Nichiren's time you will quickly learn that only one of the "Priests" (the other monks that joined Nichiren) that practiced with Nichiren while he was alive was the only one to not divert from the practice that Nichiren established! I met a guy last summer who practiced with the Nichiren Shu Temple back in Japan and this guy was the most arrogant and cocky person I ever met. Even still, I have tried to help him come to a meeting to help him understand my happiness and instead he chose to influence an SGI member to do coke with him and they both recently flunked out of Law School. When I knew the SGI member was doing coke I tried to help him understand that his practice could help him regulate his addiction and tried my best to chant for his happiness, but this kid was so heart broken that his girlfriend left him, he flunked out of law school and coke was his only friend, he returned his Gohonzon and had to go back East so he could move back in with his parents. An utter disaster! This was really attributed to the negative influence of the kid from the Nichiren Shu temple that kept telling our mutual friend "MyohoDisco can't read Japanese, he is making up his own religion, Nichiren is just a Bodhisattva, ShakymuniButsu is the real Buddha, yadda yadda". This discouraging influence and the reliance they created with their habit caused them to destroy so much good fortune and I saw with my eyes and with my very life that they were slowly destroying themselves and the kiss of death was when our friend David (the former SGI member) returned his Gohonzon.
David came from a Taoist family and living in the USA, I haven't really encountered many Taoists. I know my boy David is still suffering and because of that I chant for him. I'm chanting for you too Weird. I feel that sooner or later we're gonna meet up and figure out "step 2", but we need to get to step 1 first! Step 1 is in this thread and I think it is for those who chant to obtain a Gohonzon so they could chant at home and test the power of this Buddhism for themselves. We recite two chapters from the Lotus Sutra "Hoben and Juryo" Chapters twice a day and this could take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to hours depending on your schedule and mood and everything else that may affect you. By chanting at home, like many of do, you will really experience what you're reading and will see that the Temple issue really isn't an issue for you and me because we came almost 20 years after the split and we really don't have any barriers of entry! The only barrier is our own fundamental darkness.
You are right, you cannot seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. You may never attain enlightenment if you make other things a higher priority in your life that your practice is what I have learned. By relying on our Buddhanature and exercising the Strategy of the Lotus Sutra, I have not quit or given up in 5 years. As we keep posting on this thread, I'll continue to vow to do the same and will also continue to pave the way for others around us to continue to advance in this regard.
I hope I answered you appropriately and apologize for taking over 48 hours to get back to you on this! I read it a few times and I've also read about the karma with your father and grandfather. I know you have begun to change that karma and I will support you anyway I can.
Thank you for sharing your heart with me, I'm very much obliged for your kind gestures of sincerity.
Wishing you and yours all the best,