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Chanting Growers Group

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He's attracted to his buddha nature - keep him around!

Woop there it is!

Hi Dutchgrown! Thanks for all of your hard work! Happy Holidays!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Everyone!


Active member

Have you ever chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. If you just try you'll see what I'm talking about. I can't believe it either, after all these years! It's awesome-just try. What do you have to lose? I like how you know your history, dude, that's cool. Just post your first experience after chanting. I can't wait to hear about it. Thanks for trusting me.

Let's toke up!


Dutchgrown said:


Hey Family! I bugged out last night when I came in and turbo posted a little, please excuse me because I've been drinking alot of coffee (5 cups today) since I started my new job, which I'm really loving right now! I'm serious! :rasta:

Thanks everyone for your posts, I really appreciate each of you in a unique way.

So back to business:

A) Can we sue the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood for an injunction barring them from preventing the public see The Dai-Gohonzon on the basis of being a National Treasure (we know its universal but I'm just saying to have a viable cause of action)? I'm gonna look on westlaw to see if there are any cases in international law related to any sort of relinquishing of artifacts for the public or "greater good". I'm assuming this may have been attempted in the 90s but perhaps even introducing a bill to the U.N. condemning the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood from concealing The Dai-Gohonzon from us, the general public.

B) Can we pull an "Italian Job" on the priesthood?

I'm gonna really do my best to end this year on the right foot, anyone got any awesome holiday plans, I'm having a planning meeting for the first meeting of the year at my house next week and this week we'll be heading down to the culture center and encouraging our friends over there.

My friends, keep on chanting and keep on :dueling: knocking that devil of the 6th heaven down, we're Bodhisattvas of the Earth our names are universally known!


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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
From the WND. vol 1 page 412

"Muster your faith, and pray to the Gohonzon. Then what is there that cannot be achieved?"

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
I feel that!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

I don't have enough ichinen to even get a whole night's sleep.

I have to chant that my dog will stop waking me up at all hours of the night because she just want to lick up all the hair and dust and string from carpets or cotton sheets she'll chew up for some reason- It's like she can't stop licking the floor and hiccupping.

I let her out in the cold to eat real grass because that is what she is doing to when she's out. Then she wretches real loud and eventually she's waiting to come back in and she looks better. I never can go back to sleep because she'll freeze.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

The weight of gravity will pull and drag a rocket back to the ground if the thrust is not of it's force is not great enough. For the new year, guys and gals, I'd like to chant for stronger thrust and the ability to remain calm at all times.


Active member
Hitman said:

Have you ever chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. If you just try you'll see what I'm talking about. I can't believe it either, after all these years! It's awesome-just try. What do you have to lose? I like how you know your history, dude, that's cool. Just post your first experience after chanting. I can't wait to hear about it. Thanks for trusting me.

Let's toke up!

hiya Hitman - respect for the positive attitude... in answer to your question, yes, I have meditated on this particular mantra before, some years ago... recited "internally" with the internal voice... this makes it easier to reach a deeper state of concentration than it is if you are vocalising out loud; I have meditated on various other mantras for several years, so I have a context in which to place the effects such techniques can produce; I wonder if you have practiced other techniques involving mantra, or cultivated any other states of samadhi ("trance" or "concentration") - I find it very helpful to have a context in which to place such experiences, and associated doctrines, before settling on any one

I see myself as an empiricist, and a rationalist - I would never dismiss something as false without approaching it on its own terms... when Mormons came to visit me at my home in Taiwan, I would sit and pray with them, you know, I am not that arrogant I like to think - nor do I see it as rude or insulting to question the beliefs of others; as far as I am concerned any view worth holding should stand up to rational inquiry; if it survives it, it is stonger; if it doesn't, well is it a right view to be holding?

my history, so far as Buddhism goes - I have a one year post grad degree in Buddhist Studies; I've lived and worked in Japan for a few months; in Taiwan for almost two years; Thailand for another two; and hiked round many of the the Buddhist areas of India, including Bodh Gaya and so on; I have a little Pali, the language of the Theravadin scriptures; and yes, I've read the Lotus Sutra of the True Law; I've also to a limited degree researched its history in a non-prosyletising academic context

if you're wondering about my personal beliefs - I would describe myself as an atheist; I've practiced meditation for only about 7 years - I have one samadhi practice (on a chakra) I learned from a Taoist; and I practice two insight techniques (vipassana in the Goenka tradition) and zazen (which maybe as someone with an interest in Japanese Buddhism you will know of)... these are the practices I have settled on, and I see them as mutually re-enforcing and beneficial

much of Buddhist metaphysics and poetic philosophy appeals to me - though until such time as I see direct proof of the existence of "moral causation" (karma) I do not believe it will be appropriate to call myself a Buddhist... at best I am what Stephen Batchelor calls a "deep agnostic" (I believe there is a kind of "not-knowing" at the heart of consciousness which has a profoundly cathartic effect)... but atheism is really a more positive force as I see it: as individuals we are the product of a chain of cause and effect - from one side this supports the view of anatta (not-self); from another that this chain of cause and effect is wholly particular to ourselves, so we are in that sense totally unique beings, wholly ephemeral, incredibly improbable, and for that very reason awesomely beautiful and sacred

ah, the beauty of materialism!

anyway, I'm glad this mantra and recitation practice is bringing happiness to many of you as individuals... I personally feel doubt that it will help people to evolve and develop... perhaps up to a point... what I am questionning is whether, in the light of overwhelming rational evidence that the Lotus Sutras are fictitious compositions, it is possible to chant with total and complete honesty?

If it isn't possible to chant with honesty, how do you deal with the clear internal conflict that this practice will create within you?
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Active member
Ngakpa, You are very welcome and I thank you also for sharing your knowledge. I have a very important person in my life a mentor and great influence who is agnostic.

I carry that internal conflict with me everywhere I go, questioning the validity of everything. I am very interested in the facets of Buddhism and will explore the areas you mention when I can - hopefully soon.

I did not want you to miss out on the great fortune that chanting brings. Your environment will twist and form to bring your true dreams, hopes and desires to fruition. Kosen Rufu, world peace, shall one day prevail. We all have something in common, something very special. This conversation is awesome. We are all good friends.

Much respect to you also.

The moral to me of this story is toleration and consideration. We all need to be more considerate of one another. We all need to be more patient. Negativity is right here with the positivity at all times like a AA battery. Negativity has had me in it's grip too many times to count. I am trying to make the decision to live each moment where positivity rules.

Much respect to you, N, and all others!

The Belief and Faith that it will be ok, that everything is going to alright is my flickering flame of hope. When I'm down I'm off but when I feel like I do now it's on!

This Hits for you All!


Active member
Appreciation to the Gohonzon
I offer profound appreciation and pray to repay my debt of gratitude to the Dai-Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret Laws.

I'm sorry for asking this on PasstheD because I should know. What are the three great secrect laws? Or are they to remain a secret?

Thank you ----------------Teacher to Disciple. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Just finished morn. gongyo, lately I've been looping when I'm finished and ending up at Ji ga toku bura and wanting to gallop off. I really have to break this habit.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Friday, December 14, 2007

Selection Source: Lectures on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span
Chapters of the Lotus Sutra by Daisaku Ikeda, Volume 1, page 58

"Buddhist practice has to be carried out with determination and
courage. When we bravely challenge ourselves with the spirit to
accomplish 'more today than yesterday' and 'more tomorrow than today,'
we are truly practicing. Without such a brave and vigorous spirit, we
cannot break the iron shackles of destiny, nor can we defeat obstacles
and devils. Our daily practice of Gongyo is a drama of challenging and
creating something new in our lives. When we bravely stand up with
faith, the darkness of despair and anxiety vanishes from our hearts,
and pours the light of hope and growth. This spirit to courageously
stand up is the spirit of faith."

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
Good morning my friends!

Hi DG, allways good to see you here. Hitman, so good to see you postin up.

T, Thomas, BIG HOMIE! Im back at the center, back in touch with my Gruop friends, they called me out of the blue!!! Dude, huge benefits happening right now. Hve so much to share, but gotta run to work, thats a Mystic lil story right there.

Easy, i got some fresh bananas too!! Ill tell ya what kind later!!!

Major things happening!!! I cant say it enough!!! Gotta go to work!

Peace, Love and Deepest Respect to you all my friends!!!!!!

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!


Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Brother, I am going to say this one more time. Read the thread. All of what you might be curious to find out about our beliefs is right there for you to read.

You are ignoring my previous request. If you read you will find that we don't embrace a literal interpretation of the Lotus Sutra from the perspective of Shakymuni Buddha. The Buddha we revere is Nichiren and not Shakyamuni.

This is not the place to discuss your journey. If you think anyone is interested, tell them elsewhere in any manner you wish to. This simply is not the place. You are not the first person to believe that their capacity and understanding supersedes that of the sages whose teachings are discussed here as part of the formal practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

There have been quite a few that have preceded you. It isn't fair to the others that wanted to use this thread to advance their personal perceptions of the various teachings associated with “Buddhism” and were also told to please refrain from doing so. You are being asked again as well.

Thanks for your Bio. I assume you are a thirty-something itinerant ex-pat English teacher, and you have now confirmed you don’t practice Buddhism at all but consider yourself adept at perceiving its essential truth and meaning. Personally, I think you are full of shit and if you read this thread, you’d understand why.

You see young friend, you assume you know much more than you do and I don’t think anyone is going to change your mind about that. If others are impressed with anything you have had to say, they also have not read this thread, and I also encourage them to do so as well. Everything I needed to know about you, you revealed in the first paragraph(?) of that last post.

Trust me in giving you a simple answer to your question at the end. The answer is “yes”. For you to assume again and again that your view is the correct one without understanding the context in which we view the Lotus Sutra, which is not from the perspective of Shakyamuni’s Buddhism, is so obnoxiously arrogant that I really am offended by you. NEWS FLASH! NICHIREN BUDDHISTS BELIEVE THE LOTUS SUTRA HAS NO POWER IN THE LATTER DAY OF THE LAW!!!

Get off this kick that you know what the hell you’re talking about! You don’t!!!

Please go away. I can see that you are being very clever, but you are still trolling the thread. You aren’t really interested in learning anything from us--you want to teach. Nichiren very specifically talks about people that do the things that you do. Easy went to great effort to pull up a few examples for you and you didn’t even read them, or at least never made comment or observation about what was being said.

The way you say what you have to say has “troll” written all over it. DG warned you. You may end up being able to “see direct proof of the existence of "moral causation" (karma)” sooner than you think.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hitman said:
I'm sorry for asking this on PasstheD because I should know. What are the three great secrect laws? Or are they to remain a secret?


Young Brother, go here:


Mouse over to the "T" in that alphabet line and left click. That will give you a pull-down of all the "T" listings and you can look up "Three Great Secret Laws". You can look up anything being discussed here.



Active member
Thomas aka "Chanting Growers Guru"

Hope that mantra chanting helps you with the anger! Best of luck!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Teach this doctrine to others clearly as I have taught you these many
years. Those who call themselves my disciples and practice the Lotus
Sutra should all practice as I do. If they do, Shakyamuni, Many
Treasures, Shakyamuni's emanations throughout the ten directions, and
the ten demon daughters will protect them.

(WND, 978)
On Establishing the Four bodhisattva s as the Object of Devotion
Written to Toki Jonin on May 17, 1279

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Sometimes your children may not be able to do gongyo, but there is no
reason for parents to become overly concerned or agitated about this.
There are times when chanting only three daimoku is sufficient. To
continue practicing [even though gongyo may not be consistent] is far
more important. What matters is that the children maintain their
connection to the Gohonzon and the SGI for their entire lives.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I have heard that you are suffering from illness. Is this true? The
impermanence of this world is such that even the healthy cannot remain
forever, let alone those who are ill. Thoughtful persons should
therefore prepare their minds for the life to come. Yet one cannot
prepare one's mind for the next life by one's own efforts alone. Only
on the basis of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, the original
teacher of all living beings, can one do so.

(WND, 76)
Encouragement to a Sick Person
Written to Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro on December 13, 1264




PassTheDoobie said:

So I've been researching this idea to sue the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood for an injunction barring them from permitting the public to see the Dai-Gohonzon on the basis of the Dai-Gohonzon being a national treasure.

I've come up with cases of former temple members suing the priesthood outright in Shizuoka District Court for mistreatment and in court papers listing and acknowledging its illegitimate nature. Now I think that I have a legal plan I can simply present in two parts:

We need a Japanese Attorney in Shizuoka prefecture to help us file the summons and complaint in Shizuoka District Court on the basis that the Dai-Gohonzon belongs to Japan and not in the sole possession of the Shoshu Priesthood.

The causes of action I'm not familiar with yet in Japanese litigation but I really think a creative approach to establishing the Dai-Gohonzon as a national treasure like the American Liberty Bell or Fort Knox. We have to establish that only the "Hōandō" offer access to the general public, not allowing photography of the Dai-Gohonzon, but further if introducing legislation that would compel Shizuoka prefecture to allow public access to the Dai-Gohonzon on the above referenced basis and also that it once was available to the public and as a result of other litigations and matters outside of court an arbitrary decision has caused incalculable emotional damages as well as physical damages because Japan recognizes depression and "withdrawl" as legitimate physical ailments which if caused by another party constitutes damages.

In this case we are not seeking financial compensation for the pain and suffering aspect of the complaint but for Specific Performance that the Nichiren Shoshu priest be compelled to allow free public access to the Dai-Gohonzon and be open for certain times during the day. I would think it would be reasonable to also charge a fee for viewing access to visitors in order to provide security and maintenance as well as government and local supervision.

The temple is greedy, if this reignited something of value and would help me read the words "Dai-Gohonzon" more often in the World Tribune, at the very least, it would possibly give me a chance to see the Dai-Gohonzon.

**Please forward this to any attorneys anyone may know if their neck of the woods, I am not an attorney but I have a dream of seeing the Dai-Gohonzon and I am hoping an attorney could help us find a decent law firm in Shizuoka prefecture do something for us. I think we could afford the legal bill between all of us? Any thoughts or forwarding of this message would be greatly appreciated!!**

Thanks! :wave:

Edit: Also couldn't we also use as evidence Nichiren Daishonin's letters indicating he made the Gohonzon for everyone, including the Nation of Japan. I also know that the Soka Gakkai is the largest NGO (non-governmental organization) in the U.N.- perhaps there is less clout in international courts but I really am trying to wrap my noodle around this issue and create value going into the new year closer to the Daishonin than ever. Thanks for listening.
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Active member
I almost married a Japanese woman in college. One night when I told her about the Gohonzon, she said that it was a notorious religion in Japan. I didn't say a word and she asked me if I knew what notorious meant. I knew it meant more the the Notorious B I G, but it slipped by me that she was coming down on this religion that had surrounded me with good fortune, stories and a way of life that enabled my mom to single handedly raise me. She said that there were stories of people dropping out of school to chant all day. In other words she was bad rapping me and my beliefs. I walked away down the dormitory hall because I just wanted to get away from her. We remained friends but that was one area that we couldn't discuss and then other differences started to appear. Time went on and we went our seperate ways after college kicked us into the real world. I miss her. One day I'll go to Yokohama and give her a hug!
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