Say hey Scegy! I am so happy to say that the back is doing much better. I am healing rapidly. I did some serious nanner-nanner with stonegirl last night so the biggest concern for loss of mobility has been put to bed, so to speak. Thanks for your good wishes! Sceggers--do me a favor and keep a line open to our to our new friend Peaceful. My sense tells me you two are kenzoku-myo.
Peaceful just start chanting. It all flows from there for all of us. Everyone here that chants found out about about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at some point and decided to try it. That experience led to the posts you read here. Check it out; it can't hurt!
Welcome to chaingmai and iShack. We look forward to hearing from you guys again, and that includes you HenDoku!
SoCal! Baby! What up dude??? Glad to know it was a case of connectivity. We need you here man. This thread is like without one of it's legs, when you are gone. The steady supply of wisdom you share with us is very important, so let's make good fortune together by encouraging one another to do our best to KICK SOME DEVIL ASS!!! I'm so happy you're back!
(By the way, the f word is now censored so it posts up as x's)
Hey Bud! Hey Bonz! Hey Easy! Easy what up?
Today was a great day!
Peaceful just start chanting. It all flows from there for all of us. Everyone here that chants found out about about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at some point and decided to try it. That experience led to the posts you read here. Check it out; it can't hurt!
Welcome to chaingmai and iShack. We look forward to hearing from you guys again, and that includes you HenDoku!
SoCal! Baby! What up dude??? Glad to know it was a case of connectivity. We need you here man. This thread is like without one of it's legs, when you are gone. The steady supply of wisdom you share with us is very important, so let's make good fortune together by encouraging one another to do our best to KICK SOME DEVIL ASS!!! I'm so happy you're back!
(By the way, the f word is now censored so it posts up as x's)
Hey Bud! Hey Bonz! Hey Easy! Easy what up?
Today was a great day!