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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"This word 'belief' is a sharp sword that cuts off fundamental darkness or ignorance."

(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 725, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 54) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, October 12th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens."

(Happiness in This World - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 681) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 20th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Monday, October 15, 2007

Selection Source: On Persecutions Befalling the Sage - The Writings of
Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 997

"Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never
succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast,
nor do its cubs."

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Monday, October 15, 2007

Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No. 7354, NATIONWIDE EXECUTIVE
CONFERENCE-- SESSION 8 [OF 8 SESSIONS] Each Day Is a New Challenge,
August 10th, 2007. Translated Sep. 28th, 2007

"Let's set forth again today with renewed and refreshed spirits.
Let's advance vigorously, making our lives shine as brightly as the
rising sun. Each day is a new challenge. Each day is an opportunity
to train and improve ourselves. Each day is a struggle to advance
our human revolution. My mentor Josei Toda used to say: 'Develop
yourself through faith; you'll really come to shine beautifully. ' It
is crucial for leaders to continue developing themselves day after
day. This entails challenging one's own weaknesses and breaking
through personal limitations, one after another. It means doing
one's human revolution."

"The American philosopher and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82)
wrote insightfully: 'Discourse, when it rises highest and searches
deepest, when it lifts us into that mood out of which thoughts come
that remain as stars in our firmament, is between two.' Nothing is
more powerful than dialogue between two people."

"...One-to-one dialogue leads to real understanding, and that life-
to-life interaction helps each person bring out their enormous

"Should propagation activities not proceed as well as expected, you
can still stay positive and upbeat. 'Don't worry,' you can say, 'the
fact that you are practising faith and shining so vibrantly is in
itself the best means for promoting the Daishonin's Buddhism.'
Encouragement uplifts and energizes. It gives rise to a challenging
spirit and a desire to make further efforts."

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well! I am sorry i haven't posted in awhile as this day marks two weeks into my 29 years of practice I am smack dab in the middle of a major challenge and I hit the wall; but the good news is I hit the wall and got back up for the good fight! We had an amazing 3 hour daimoku toso on Sunday absolutely magical and a dare I say a breeze and afterward I had mentioned about sansho shima arising from taking on such a task and what amazing benefits come out of too; everybody was so bright and shining it truly was beautiful. Very next day BAM! So at this time my personal gosho quote is:
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties we will not harbor doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life. This is what I have taught my disciples morning and evening, and yet they begin to harbor doubts anad abandon their faith. Foolish (wo)men are likely to forget th promises they have made when the crucial moment comes." No longer will I be foolish.
As I wade through this karma that has reared its ugly head I have been chanting with despair, hope and faith and I am chanting through until it all forges with hope and faith which then turns to benefit and victory; and had brief moments of because I am chanting with such vulnerability is already the victory. Because I made it to my butsudan and chanted to my gohonzon I have achieved victory.
"Your result is the reflection of your faith in the
Gohonzon.* Whatever you are thinking in front of the
Gohonzon will be true for you.* Are you thinking
failure or victory?* Are you trying to tell the
Gohonzon how to solve your problem or are you turning
over your heart's desire with unlimited trust?"

"The Gohonzon's power is beyond the comprehension of
our mind.* That is why we call it mystic.* Our
challenge is to dream of results as big as the power
of the Gohonzon which has no limit.* With this
attitude of faith, you can tap the infinite power of
the Gohonzon in the depth of your life to create your
future of joy, gratitude and victory.* If you find
yourself stuck, pray to release the chains of doubt
and fear clouding your mind of faith.* Pray for
unbounded confidence and courage to win over your past
and joyfully step into your bright future!"

Daisaku Ikeda

So be it, Will it so....
Georgialouwho :headbange
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Active member
PassTheDoobie said:
:woohoo: !!! To hell with stagnation! :woohoo: !!!

Thank you my Brothers, i have been kickin' ass and POW!! Last two days, Devil of the Sixth Heaven has thrown all but the kitchen sink at me, and id be lyin' if i said i was'nt thrown off for a day or two, but that is not how its gonna happen, just gonna step it all up, i cant lose, FAITH ,FAITH ,FAITH and more FAITH, and alot more chanting, thanks again for postin' exactly what i needed to hear.

peace and deepest respect and love.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
You know i was just thinkin' that gettin "thrown off" is a buch a BS!! When i see that Kitchen Sink comin' at me, theres no room for gettin thrown off only room for hittin' it with all i have.

peace and deepest respect and love


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
Babbabud said:
Selection Source: Develop Faith Like Boiling Water, March 15, 1992,
Tokyo, Japan, Seikyo Times May 1992, pg. 27

Faith is an incessant struggle against becoming complacent.
Nichiren Daishonin states: "Strengthen your faith day by day and
month after month. Should you slacken in your resolve even a bit,
devils will take advantage" [WND, 997]. He also writes: Be ever
diligent in your faith so that your desire will be fulfilled. [WND,

It is said that not to advance is to regress. President Josei Toda,
as well, constantly warned about stagnation in faith. He
said: "All phenomena in the universe — be they the heavenly bodies
or a single tiny louse — are in a state of constant flux. They do
not remain fixed for even a single moment.

Consequently, the most important question is whether one changes for
the better or worse. When people are unaware of the importance of
this issue, they lapse into a state of inertia. In other words,
they become utterly oblivious to and unconcerned about whether they
are changing for the better or worse. This is the frightening thing
about stagnation in faith.

It is precisely when people's faith has become merely habitual that
they are backsliding. Faith requires practical activities designed
to help one change quickly and for the better.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

peace, love and deepest respect


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The greater the hardships befalling him, the greater the delight he feels, because of his strong faith."

(A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 33) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, September 21st, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"I am praying that, no matter how troubled the times may become, the Lotus Sutra and the ten demon daughters will protect all of you, praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground."

(On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 444) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's message, Seikyo Shimbun, September 22nd, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"What matters is how hard you have worked, how many people you have spoken with and touched the hearts of, and how much you have actually achieved, as a sincere, ordinary human being."

SGI Newsletter No. 7346, 10TH SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 2 [OF 2] Kosen-rufu Means Everyone Becoming a Victor in Life, Sep. 6th 2007, translated Sep. 21st, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Win or Lose

Win or Lose

The phrase "Buddhism is win or lose" may not sit easily with popular images of a "peaceful" Buddhist approach to life. It may even sound like an invitation to stir up conflict.

However, what this phrase describes is not confrontation between antagonistic individuals, but rather the internal spiritual struggle which is the reality of our lives. As SGI President Daisaku Ikeda says: "The universe, this world and our own lives are the stage for a ceaseless struggle between hatred and compassion, the destructive and constructive aspects of life." Our challenge, moment by moment, is to continue striving to create maximum value and to never be defeated or give up, regardless of the obstacles we may encounter.

The struggles we face might range from the apparently mundane (summoning the energy to take out the trash or write a letter to an aging relative) to the vast (campaigning to ban nuclear weapons), but the essential challenge is the same. It is to overcome our own weakness, fear or inertia in a given moment and take action for the sake of the happiness of ourselves and others.

So where does Buddhism play a role in such daily battles?

Ideally there is no separation between daily life and Buddhism. Buddhism does not exist in the realm of theory, and as Nichiren wrote: "The purpose of the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human being."

Nichiren also stressed that it is victory as a human being--including both tangible achievements and moral or spiritual victories which may be invisible to others--that matters, rather than recognition in the form of promotion or reward in society. In 13th-century Japan, people's lives were utterly dependent on the decisions of their rulers or local lords, so to set one's own internal standards for success required great courage.

He wrote: "Buddhism primarily concerns itself with victory or defeat, while secular authority is based on the principle of reward and punishment. For this reason, a Buddha is looked up to as the Hero of the World..."

The value of our victory also depends on the scale of the challenge we tackle. For a champion bodybuilder to lift a heavy suitcase scarcely counts as a victory. It is only when we push ourselves beyond our limits that our success becomes meaningful to ourselves and respected by others. Living a "safe" existence in which we merely abide by society's rules is to shirk the bigger challenges involved in living in a way which both maximizes our positive, creative influence and actively tackles those forces which cause suffering and abuse.

Whether we are striving for promotion at work or encouraging a friend battling depression, in order to succeed we need courage, perseverance and the spiritual strength to withstand hardship and moments of hopelessness. Nichiren stresses that if we are fainthearted we will surely fail, and we each know how miserable it feels to be defeated by our own weakness or cowardice.

Nichiren's own life provides an example of supreme courage in the face of opposition and persecution, and the Buddhist practice he established can help us clarify our goals and also provide tools with which to reach them.

For Nichiren Buddhists, the greatest good toward which one can strive is spreading a deeper understanding of the limitless potential for courage, wisdom and compassion which exists in every individual's life--the hidden treasures collectively described as Buddhahood.

Through chanting "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" which activates this potential, we can deepen our resolve to achieve our goals and develop the strength necessary to win over any obstacles, internal and external, which might hinder our progress. And as we see evidence of the efficacy of the combination of this strong prayer, determination and action in concrete positive results in our lives, we dare to take on bigger, broader challenges and also inspire others to tackle their problems with renewed hope of success.

In the words of SGI President Ikeda: "Buddhism concerns itself with winning. When we battle a powerful enemy, either we will triumph or we will be defeated--there is no middle ground. Battling against life's negative functions is an integral part of Buddhism. It is through victory in this struggle that we become Buddhas."

[ Courtesy July 2006 SGI Quarterly ]


"In the eighth volume of Great Concentration and Insight and in the eighth volume of The Annotations on "Great Concentration and Insight" it says, "The stronger one's faith, the greater the protection of the gods." This means that the protection of the gods depends on the strength of one's faith. The Lotus Sutra is a fine sword, but its might depends upon the one who wields it."

WND Page 953
Page 952 General Stone Tiger
Written to Shijo Kingo on 22 October 1278 from Minobu



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No. 7359, LECTURES ON 'THE HERITAGE

"Wholeheartedly practicing faith day after day and month after month,
and continuing to do so throughout our life, assures us of attaining
Buddhahood in this lifetime."



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Sharing encouragement from a friend...

Sharing encouragement from a friend...

• why our prayers are not answered:

* Praying with the thought "I am such a loser," when the intent of the Daishonin is that we are Buddhas.

* Praying with the thought "I will become happy when I change jobs, spouses, money, homes, etc.," when the intent of the Daishonin is that we can become happy just as we are.

* Praying with the thought, "They are idiots and I hate them" when the intent of the Daishonin that is all people are equally Buddhas and worthy of respect.

* Praying with the thought "My life sucks" (begrudging), when the intent of the Daishonin is that life is the most precious thing in the universe (appreciation).

* Praying with the thought "This is impossible," when the intent of the Daishonin is that through faith we can turn the impossible into the possible.

I think you get the idea and can come up with your own. Sometimes, even though I know better, I can't shake thinking negatively while I am chanting. This is when I apply the lesson that "quantity eventually leads to quality."

Buddhist study is also a great way to get my mind back on the right track. The Daishonin reminds repeatedly is that it is the heart, our sincerity, that is crucial. In "The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra" he states: "It is the heart that is important. No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of faith"
(WND, 1000).

(Source unknown)


Active member
hello brothers!

there have been many times in the past and present when i just didn't know what else to do, the only thing that was left in my mind was Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and i had no more options left. i talked to my gf about this and as a result she started chanting with me, my greatest doubts about this are ofcourse her doubts in NMRK, but still if i stay focused and chant, she chants with me

we've been togheter like 4 years or so and our relationship has been constantly changing, and with NMRK has come to a point that i'm not sure where we are at all anymore
it's a 24/7 battle between crap, good thoughts, and endless possibilites

i still don't have a physical gohonzon, and i still don't manage to chant every single day
still, i can't deny the progress i've seen since i started to chant, so i still regulary do it. i've also changed the additude towards NMRK...my thoughts about this are that i got a lil bit carried away with the whole thing but along the way i realized that in the end i'm one of the few that looks at it at a total awsome angle. so to ground myself i had to start from 0 again, although i know it's good for me i sometimes have to force myself to start doing it....like when u stop exercising and u start again after a while and u don't actually feel like doing it in ur body
so...i'll chant NOW
ok....10 min for now...let me get back to writing...
i feel a little bit doozy, fresh, and hungry
while i was chanting i thought on persisting on chanting and living in general as i do, i thought on how hungry i was getting, i thought on why am i still doing this? anyway, lot's of thoughts flowing, can't capture them all, but the point is....i still don't see the reason to own a Gohnonzon if it is within me, don't get me wrong i'm thinking in a way that suppose i CAN NOT get a Gohonzon writing, can't i just get up every day and chant, take my time to flow over things and so, realizing that gohonzon in within me?

the thing is that i never intentionally put something upfront on the pedistal in my life, never had the need for it unless it was in some practical use

p.s.(great question)i do feel like i've always put myself on the pedistal in my mind, but how else can i make the right decisions then?either for me or for everyone around me...but since i started doing that not only in my mind but in real too, things got better, for me and for the rest around . it's easier to realise how it is to be poor if you were poor once, as it is easier to realise how it is to be rich if you were rich once.....i'm not rich, but i swing in all directions if i only can

so the question or rather a request is, please note me if you think i'm loosing my mind

putting a gohonzon on my wall would make me stare at the wall instead out through the window in the sky while i chant, it would also bring a lot of questions regarding my brain health from my parrents and....shit,, it's like hiding, isn't it? but the fact is that i'm not hiding it from anyone, i'm just not flashing it...since my parrents were actually seriously concerned about me when i told them about what i was doing....

so it's like with me smoking weed, if my parrents nag about me doing it, i explain them every time that this is not one of the things that they should worry about in this world
when i hear something that i don't agree with, like saying "things never change" i attack that with all the knowledge i got, which is broadening since i started reading the Chanting GG

a Q:

to study the writings means to read and study these writings that PTD and others paste here?

because a funny thing is that often when i'm stomped in my life i chant, then i come here in a while and i often find pasted writings here that remember me on the right things i forgot at that chapter of my life

so OFTEN i feel like a river flowing, regardless all the problems i'm having

still, i don't understand why don't i have such a need for a Gohonzon script like you do? this will sound arrogant probably, but try to understand me in a different way...when things get tough, the most obvious ways of solving things occure to me and if i follow that thoughts i end up on the Gohonzon road

you see i hate to feel so right, because most of the ppl judge that and i try to hide it and it sometimes ends in a fight since i sound so comfort playing around....the fact is just that it's tough to be right but u gotta stand for it

being right means that when i'm wrong i know it

and you guys are RIGHT, and i love to hang out with right ppl
the only thing that confuses me is the butsudan, because of what i said in the begining of this post about gohonzon

i love to exercise my brain! :wave:
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Be careful scegy and perhaps you might want to review your words again my friend, otherwise that mental masterbation you just put yourself through will slander Gohonzon which is our object of devotion. Clearly your understanding of the significance of the power of the Gohonzon is due to a lack of faith and seemingly because of arrogance. The same arrogance I have been so guilty of incessantly, but Nichiren Daishonin wrote his life in sumi ink for the sake of our happiness, he is the founder of this Buddhism which others watch us practice, like our parents and friends. My friend you must be careful and develop some discipline in my humble opinion but the truth is, my words are neutral as is my learning, accumulation of wealth, suffering and joy. Its becoming clearer to me that the only thing I'm taking with me after death is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! The Gohonzon is Myoho Renge Kyo! Look at today's quote its perfect as usual....

"Without exception, all these Buddhas, bodhisattvas, great sages, and, in general, all the various beings of the two worlds and the eight groups who appear in the "Introduction" chapter of the Lotus Sutra dwell in the Gohonzon. Illuminated by light of the five characters of the Mystic Law, they display the dignified attributes they inherently possess. This is the object of devotion."

WND Page 832
Page 831 The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
Written to Lady Nichinyo on 23 August 1277 from Minobu

Ok, when I study the Gosho scegy I really get a clearer picture of my life and how I can improve myself, recently reading the Gosho Conversation Between a Sage and Unenlightened Man I was so happy to read the sage telling the unenlightened man that we ordinary people are in possession of The Mystic Law and the blessings/benefits gained by one who chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is no greater or less than another whom also chants daimoku! I read this thread and came in just before you did (few months maybe) and have struggled alot to practice the right way and believe I have tried reinventing the wheel so to speak, and fukked up miserably. The Gohonzon is the Tool man to my happiness, I am a Buddha when I chant in front of Gohonzon and take part in the same Ceremony in the Air Shakymuni talks about in the Lotus Sutra. I read the Lotus Sutra, its pretty cool, but its not The Goshos, The Goshos are strict, The Goshos spell it out for us, The Goshos answer the same questions you have and Shijo Kingjo had, Same question President Josei Toda has or Thomas needs answers to.

Rely on The Law and not someone's interpretation? What does that mean to you? I sincerely feel there is no time like the present to give this practice a full fledged balls to the wall in your face OPPORTUNITY TO WORK, for that you will Need Gohonzon and Need to Chant WITH FAITH. Practice not only for yourself but for others as you begin and do not worry or doubt yourself and your Buddhanature, those slanders create more obstacles (sansho shima) and even still its all good! I'm glad you come to the thread and try your best to get yourself to chant to Gohonzon. I'm pleased that you know something is missing and question why you would want to elevate your life on some "pedestal"(as you said), the truth is within your life you will find all the treasures of the Universe! Your heart is the greatest treasure in my opinion, and for me Amigo, Gohonzon is my Heart. I chant to my heart, the Heart of Shakymuni's Teachings, The Heart of Nichiren Daishonin, The Heart of the Soka Gakkai International!

I'm a radical dude, your a chanting grower, so am I. Let's go forward and be leaders in our countries and make the past present and future a place where the principles of Humanity and Compassion inspire others to aspire for greatness in their lives as well. We'll make it happen Scegy, Gohonzon is helping us conspicuously and inconspicuously!


Active member
Rely on The Law and not someone's interpretation?
i do rely on it, my interpertations follow it, are it and brother, i do have faith, lot's of it
and i don't want to slander Gohonzon in any way i deeply respect it.
i don't wanna feel an outsider again in my life, but i cannot except things like the necklass that ppl hold in their hands while they chant, i don't think i'll ever have the need for that, why would i have to except something that i don't want to? i just want to be ME

don't be mistaken my friend, i want a gohonzon, i just don't know if i should put it on a obvious place, am i obligied to explain myself to everyone that looks at it ?
crappy things to think off, but if you knew my parrents for a start you'd understand
so by putting it on a non obvious place, am i slandering it?
i really can't answear those to myself as i respect the Gohonzon in every possible way, and i remember on the person that had the guts to put it togheter every time i chant, so untill i understand it completly i don't want to dissrespect noone

we are going forward as we speak Disco:wave:

My friend you must be careful and develop some discipline in my humble opinion but the truth is, my words are neutral as is my learning, accumulation of wealth, suffering and joy. Its becoming clearer to me that the only thing I'm taking with me after death is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! The Gohonzon is Myoho Renge Kyo! Look at today's quote its perfect as usual....

you mean discipline in the sense of chanting regulary, studiing gosho etc. ?
the last sentance of that quote is my conclusion aswell, i'm glad we share it

the thing is that i think that other minds like Nichiren are walking the earth as we speak, and they've called Gohonzon, Daimuku, Chanting etc. in different words but simmilar meaning.

this is one of the things that NMRK made me realize from the start, as i tried and tried to convince someone that this is the only way for me to be happy, so i guess it would help you too! but ppl didn't listen so i picked another way, i waited and grabbed every chance that proved them what i was talking about before...and in one year that person spoke to me in a way that he never did before, yes and all it took was some faith in what i am trying to do

i respect you brother as much as i respect every being i encounter, so pls don't feel offended in any way, i'm here in search for answears as you are

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Pardon the misuse of punctuation in that quoted sentence from my post it should have read:

RELY UPON THE LAW not someone's interpretation!

You my friend are on your way as you battle this "fundamental darkness", I have learned the hard way since I started practicing that the karma we have to overcome with our families can be very very difficult to even face, but that's where the Word LION which in Japanese is SHISHI makes perfect sense! If I'm not terribly mistaken, The first Shi in the word SHISHI is Teacher and the second SHI is for the courageous student and teacher. It takes courage to learn how to apply The Louts Sutra to your life, nobody says its so simple to be a Bodhisattva and aspire for the Buddhaway, BUT SCEGY MY BROTHER YOU CHANT DAIMOKU, THEREFORE YOU ARE A BODHISATTVA OF THE EARTH! HAVE DOUBT ON THIS POINT, the rest is just scenery as you have put it in the past, I know you have a lackadaisical attitude towards alot of things, I smoke there I am type stuff, because I too have very similar sentiments throughout the course of living my life, but thats just one of the "3000 realms in a single moment" within those realms is our Buddhaland, our Very Buddhanature, Gohonzon is that Buddhanature and its about time you accepted one in your home and displayed it....


STRENGTH IN NUMBERS MY FRIEND, WE ALL SUPPORT YOU HERE ON THIS THREAD, Thomas and I chant for you all the time, I am sure others are earnestly chanting for you to receive Gohonzon, as I also chant for Baccas125 to receive Gohonzon as well. Gohonzon is the Fundamental Object of Devotion, it is Nichiren Daishonin's life, IN YOUR HOME once you have it enshrined. Always protect Gohonzon with your life, begin to develop more discipline in yourself, have been some steps I have taken as I begin my life long practice.

I'm invested for life (this one and the next), this I affirm in Gongyo to my Gohonzon every morning and evening.

Today, I had a setback, my unemployment extension seems to have been denied, no more checks after next week and I have been chanting to be happy and financially secure. I know I'm protected because I'm going to school for kosen-rufu and to be a more effective Bodhisattva in the Present and in the Future. Tonight I will goto a Men's Division meeting with my new shakubuku Christopher and will chant for both Scegy and Chris to get Gohonzon.

"None of you who declare yourselves to be my disciples should ever give way to cowardice."

WND Page 764
Page 763 The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra
Written to Konichi-ama in 1276 from Minobu


P.S. Scegy if you talk to Treehuggers tell him we send our best wishes towards him! :wave:
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