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I just got really stoned and tried to log in and kept typing in:

Chanting for user name
Grower for password :pointlaug

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Great Day, hope you all made the best of it and keep the moment going into the next morning! The day is not finished yet! Take it up a notch or two! Embrace the Lotus Sutra, chant it up!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Great to see you stop in FallenAngel. Much love to you all!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Brother I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the time and effort it takes to post here each day. I know that the encouragement we all gain from this thread is immeasurable and far reaching. I hope that you feel as much love and encourgement flowing back to you and your family. You guys deserve all the good that comes your way. THANKYOU
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Life is limited; we must not begrudge it. What we should ultimately aspire to is the Buddha land."

(Aspiration for the Buddha Land - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 214) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, September 20th, 2006


I was "taken advantage of by" the flipping postal service of all people/entities. So so disconcerting I put alot into something and ended up totally pissed when the results were shit at best. After I chanted about it I realized its my bad karma that this took place and will try again.

Never take nothing for granted, to be alive today is so incredible that you must realize its because the Gohonzon has enough mercy for you to grant you further safe passage. I kid you not, if you keep creating shitty causes your bound to realize worse karma, not including your previous causes that may be leading to the current results. Goddamn postal service just strengthened my commitment and resolve to live this day and embrace The Law for myself and others like never before.

I sincerely hope you all triumph in the face of these severe obstacles and really really overcome everything in your path including death and smile the whole way through. It all begins with you! :dueling: The Daishonin had unshaking unwavering unmistakeable conviction and so will I TODAY! ROAR!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If I made no other friend than you...

If I made no other friend than you...

Babbabud said:
Brother I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the time and effort it takes to post here each day. I know that the encouragement we all gain from this thread is immeasurable and far reaching. I hope that you feel as much love and encourgement flowing back to you and your family. You guys deserve all the good that comes your way. THANKYOU
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

then this effort would be worth it. I used to say, "It's all for you, Bud!" and mean that. But thanks to your efforts, and support, that really isn't the case anymore, is it? YOU were the catalyst for my efforts. If anyone should feel gratitude toward me, they should also feel gratitude toward you and MrsB (and MsG).

Your expression of gratitude has always been consistent and without equivocation. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. The appreciation I receive from so many others makes all my efforts effortless.

Trust me, the pleasure is mine. And forgive me if I don't always respond to a PM immediately. I usually just eventually pick up the phone--it's easier.

Love to all and deepest respect!



Active member
Sorry to hear about you shitty experience easy. Like you said, its just an obstacle bro, onward and upward my brotha!!


Well i wanted to thank you all for your encouraging replies to my post a couple days ago. Seems like so long ago. Very strange. Seems to have really helped ALOT and i havnt changed much, just me and my mom are getting along alot better. Maybe all your posts helped me to see things in just a bit different light.

T, this sentance from one of your posts really hit home:

"Thus when the riverbed of reality is infinitely broad and deep the water of wisdom will flow ceaselessly" WOW!!!!! I love that!!!!!! All though the quote as a whole is what i should be looking at, that sentance just struck a chord.

Really enjoyed your post Babba, cause as ususall on this thread another sentance struck a chord with me caus i was thinking about it just that day. It had to do with "Chanting Nam myoho renge kyo once with profound faith, intention and concentration packs a mighty wallup" I hope i got close to what you had posted, but i had been thinking of that on my way home, as i tend to chant while driving home and my mind does wander a bit while chanting even though i am contiuously chanting. Does it lessen the power of my chanting? Im not going to stop doing it cause i cant see any harm in it? But i have had times while chanting with my Gohonzon where i have had to really focus and concentrate. My chanting still mainly consists of seeking and bringing forth my Bhudda nature. AND FOR MY MOM TO SEEK HERS AS WELL!!!!

I chant for that everyday Scegy, i think im making some progress there, your one liners are more profound than you can imagine bro, cause that oneliner is truly one of my week points that needs to be addressed and overcome! Your an amazing dude Scegy. I dont know if you have gotten your Gohonzon yet but if you have not, you should strive to do so. I can only imagine how it will increase your allready infinite wisdom tenfold!!

easy, my brotha, what can i say but thank you , thank you , thank you for your unending and constant positive input. It truly gives me just so much more confidence in myself to continue to move forward and belive in myself as you do. I know that what i seek is within me but it sure doesnt hurt to get that little extra push from your friends!

High Fallen!!! how are you!!! I wish you would fall in more often! Awesome to see you man!!!

PTD, i must second what Babba said, what more can i say? You started this thread and look what it has become, its truly amazing and deeply inspiring!! But even more amazing is you have never stopped! Your wisdom just keeps comin' without fail you are here everyday, you just blow me away dude!!!! Evaryone here blows me away, and what we all do comes from our hearts but you got this particular ball rolling and it has just gained momentum like a frieght train!!! No doubt you and yours deserve all the best, we ALL deserve the best and you have shown and giuded so many to seek that for themselves/ourselves so freely and with such conviction......well i dont know what to say but THANK YOU T MY BROTHA!!!


sorry for my long winded post but i had to catch up!!!!!!! and follow through.

HEY!!!! I went to the bookstore yesterday, and i took pictures (goofball with a cam, lol) i mean goofball in a good way cause i was havin' so much fun!!!!

WOW! I gotta get ready for work!

peace my friends!!!!!!!!!!

deepst respect and love to you all and have the brightest of days!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>
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Sunshine DayDreamer
PassTheDoobie said:
then this effort would be worth it. I used to say, "It's all for you, Bud!" and mean that. But thanks to your efforts, and support, that really isn't the case anymore, is it? YOU were the catalyst for my efforts. If anyone should feel gratitude toward me, they should also feel gratitude toward you and MrsB (and MsG).

Your expression of gratitude has always been consistent and without equivocation. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. The appreciation I receive from so many others makes all my efforts effortless.

Trust me, the pleasure is mine. And forgive me if I don't always respond to a PM immediately. I usually just eventually pick up the phone--it's easier.

Love to all and deepest respect!

ya know, T... I dont' know what I did to deserve to be included in your list there, but you know I read in here and needed to tell you this touched me beyond words, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO for you darlin'....:ying:

really.... Friends, I can't tell you how many times Thomas has taken the time for me and it usually coiencided with times that I really needed that encouraging... Thank You T... just for, being you....




BONZ, Your my soul brother and united we stand! Thanks so much for your continued growth and once you let Nam-myoho-renge-kyo incorporate itself at the center of your life, Bodhisattvas like Thomas Bud Socal Hitman and I immediately became even closer members of your family. You know how it is, as humble as we are, whats mine is yours and your constant shining flow of love and compassion and fucking indelible growth is a daily honor to take part in. I consider your every next post another medal of honor for you my friend, and I feel what you feel in those eloquent words and posts.

Last night was not easy, but embracing Myoho-renge-kyo emboldens the brave! You sir are courageous and a champion for Kosen-rufu! Share that wealth with the world, do not keep it to yourself, everyone deserves a piece of your "spark" just as you practice for yourself and continually spark yourself up now and not let it come by chance. You live President Toda's guidance and never leave anything to chance! Through sincere determination your proof that the impossible is possible by applying faith! It is during our darkest hours that we realize what faith really is and are we really being faithful to the Mystic Law. When the faith is flowing the results are always on the way.

Within us we find and embrace the Mystic Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the effect is as universal as the reverbaration of the particles set forth from a supernova or gamma ray burst to beyond the number before infinity's equivalent! Light travels at set speed yet Myoho-renge-kyo is and has been a constant, therefore within us is the alpha and omega (beginning and end) so to speak, or potentially all the answers we seek relative to all queries we may feel require an answer (reality vs. illusion). I have recently become aware that Myoho-renge-kyo is the root, thus the answer is usually NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO! and thats a fact!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I cannot adequately express my gratitude for your frequent letters. At the time of my persecution on the twelfth, not only did you accompany me to Tatsunokuchi, but also you declared that you would die by my side. This can only be called wondrous.

[ The Persecution at Tatsunokuchi, WND Page 196 ]


Daily Encouragement:

In the twinkling of an eye we grow old. Our physical strength wanes and we begin to suffer various aches and pains. We practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism so that instead of sinking into feelings of sadness, loneliness and regret, we can greet old age with an inner richness and maturity as round and complete as a ripe, golden fruit of autumn. Faith exists so that we can welcome smiling and without regrets an old age that is like a breathtaking sunset whose dazzling rays color heaven and earth in majestic hues.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Active member
hi everyone ,, ive been working hard as of late ,, long hours , but i have been chanting in my head and i feel great ! i have been thinking of all of the chanting growers here , ptd , mr. & mrs. babba , bonzo , easy , mr. & mrs. g . (sorry if i left you out) just been thinking , what a positive group of souls . now that the weather is getting cooler i have been thinking of camping .. i had a little day dream today abought everyone here getting together for a nice camping trip . what a weekend that would be ..... everyone sitting by a fire at night , trading storys , chanting together ... ooh and dont forget passing a few doobies


Active member
Count me in! We must all get together! That is my dream also, fallenangel! How fantastic it would be to meet everyone and discover all the fine green thumb chickatees! Maybe find the woman of my dreams! A single bombastic, scientific horticultarist who knows her shite!

This Evening Gongyo and Daimoku is for all of you!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

No sense in complaining about work I just love you all!



Active member


easydisco said:
Daily Encouragement:

In the twinkling of an eye we grow old. Our physical strength wanes and we begin to suffer various aches and pains. We practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism so that instead of sinking into feelings of sadness, loneliness and regret, we can greet old age with an inner richness and maturity as round and complete as a ripe, golden fruit of autumn. Faith exists so that we can welcome smiling and without regrets an old age that is like a breathtaking sunset whose dazzling rays color heaven and earth in majestic hues.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
I've seen that sunset. I'm smiling as more and more wrinkles crawl across my face. I looked at myself in a mirror and looked old. Thanks for the guidance, EasyDisco.

HI all! This hit's for you!


Active member
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! Ill bring the wieners and the killer Golden Skush!!!!!

Man that would be great!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>


ICMag Donor
fallenangel said:
now that the weather is getting cooler i have been thinking of camping .. i had a little day dream today abought everyone here getting together for a nice camping trip . what a weekend that would be ..... everyone sitting by a fire at night , trading storys , chanting together ... ooh and dont forget passing a few doobies

What a great visual fallen!!.....I have had the same dream, to sit around with all my ic friends and shoot the shit and chant!!....that would be the coolest , we would get sooooo ripped LOL :joint: :joint: .... I love all you guys and are always in my chants :D
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!!!!!!!!
T :wink:


goto the community center Hitman, I see soo soo many hotties BuddhaNatures a blazing your libel to encounter some earthly desires and and be further enlightened! I say brother, its time you got what you wanted!

Make that determination really culminate in something nice, is your faith strong enough to move the Himilayas/Andes/Rockies? You know you have unlimited potential and as a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra its important to defeat the illusions/delusions that may be leading to subervise insidious old devil of the 6th heaven to try and knock you off your pedestal. Your a force to be reckoned with and so in synch with your Buddhanature I say, Its time to really revamp the great causes and make totally incredible causes! Regard your survival as wonderous and don't let complacency and negative feelings really manifest within your fantastic life!

Your such a unique treasure Bodhisattva that I know in my heart Gohonzon will surely help you find your way to where your going. I know in my prayers I find myself ultimately revolutionizing my environment as I strengthen my resolve to make the impossible possible and through my faith in the Lotus Sutra I can DREAM REALLY BIG AND EXECUTE! I somehow found my way back to this thread like you Hitman and that was enough of a catalyst to get me to study daily, chant constantly, inspire myself and learn about the Mentor Disciple relationship and really really really come to the conclusion that everything is ok, you Got Myoho-renge-kyo just like me! Its Nam-myoho-renge-kyo now and forever, how could we ever fail? I'm smiling cuz, your going to share an incredible expirience soon, I feel it! :wave:
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