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Cannoiseur, that is VERY VERY VERY VERY amazing, i cant wait too see what your box is like, and only 2x2?? that makes this even more amazing, and shows just how good CFL's can do, im going too be using a similar setup, with about the same watts, in actually CFL watts, but a cab a little taller, but not as wide, hope i can do this good!



Looks real nice Cannoiseur!! How tall is your cab??

I love showing people good bud can be grown with cfls! Here are some Belladonna's i grew out last year..

All from seed grown in roots organic soiless mix.. No nutes just plain tap water all the way through. Plants were just in my closet with a fan on them and Each plant was under 2 23w cfl's









New member
Hello all cfl growers!

I'm going with a cfl perpetual set up and I'm just getting it started! got 3 feminized strains and 5 bagseeds in veg box with 3x cfls(1x42w, 2x23w) I'm happy to see there are many cfl growers out there who grow som nice buds!

So my cfl set up is a perpetual system with a veg box with that will hold a few bonsai moms and some clones. Gonna do SOG style flowering and try and crop out 3/4 oz every week or so.

Just completed the flower box but I am having temperature problems!
I am using 2x 120mm fans for exhaust and 1 x 120mm fan for intake and the temps are still too high! Since I added the intake fan the temp has cooled down from 100.4f to 87f. I have 16x 26w cfls in the box. Does anyone have any suggestions of cooling it down further?
As soon as the temp problems are fixed I'm planning on throwing the bagseeds into flowering.
Here are some pics of my veg box, flower box, and my babies!
pic1: veg box
pic2: flowering box
pic4:Chocolope, LSD, LA woman feminized

Keep up the awesome work cfl growers!!


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Thanks everybody!

Thaifighter, my cab was about 5 feet tall for that grow. way more vertical space than I needed, but hey at least I wasn't cramped :lol:

I got some more pics for all of you! some of these pics are in the sun, but they're still CFL grown buds, I just took them outside for the harvest pics because the sun had such a nice color quality to it :biggrin:


And this here is my alltime favorite picture I've ever taken. I hope you all think it's as pretty as I do :')


Cheers! thanks for looking!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Damn Thaifighter that's some killer buds well done mate.
Cannoiseur looking good, I agree your last pic is cranking, nice frost and colour.

strawbery blue

New member
new update of my strawberry blue

new update of my strawberry blue

here she is 24 days in flower period under 11/13-on/off.start to smell like sweet tropic fruits :bump:


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New member
Vegatation - 5000K or 6500K?

Vegatation - 5000K or 6500K?

My local home improvement stores have several differnt CFLs in the 100 watt range.

100 Watt / 1750 Lumens / 5000K
100 Watt / 1570 Lumens / 6500K

For vegetation, which of the two bulbs will work best? Will 5000K be adequate for growth, or is 6500K necessary? Is there much difference between the two?

Everything I've read says 6500K but the lumes aren't there as much as the 5000K (180 less).

I already have two 150 Watt - 2750 Lumen bulbs at 2700K.

strawbery blue

New member
put them both,the strain will consume that whats need,but sure for veg you need more 6500K.for example if you use 6 bulbs 4 of them is good to be 6500K but 3x6500K and 3x5000K is also ok.
imagine that my first first strain was made under 2700K only.....

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hello Hello!

OK so I'm a greenhouse grower who has just bought two CFL's and I want to build a little cab for them!

The bulbs are both 105w (actual not equivalent), one is 2700k the other 6400k and I want to use both simultaneously.

Do I need intake and outake? Will a clip on fan do with the door open a bit?

Hmmm...any advice would be much appreciated...no building has started yet!



Active member
Hello Hello!

OK so I'm a greenhouse grower who has just bought two CFL's and I want to build a little cab for them!

The bulbs are both 105w (actual not equivalent), one is 2700k the other 6400k and I want to use both simultaneously.

Do I need intake and outake? Will a clip on fan do with the door open a bit?

Hmmm...any advice would be much appreciated...no building has started yet!


Cool beans. :D

Advice? Yep... read this thread... then read up on ventilation in the Micro-Grow forum. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm back at it again. The obvious reasons apply to all who know of me. This time I'm growing out some Chrystal Seeds from NRS. Day one of flowering has begun after 3 weeks veg. I'm stuck with 2 liters again, I can't find any consistently sized 1 gallon containers to transplant into. I've got some shorties and a couple tall boys. Only 6 seeds from 10 sprouted out of the breeder pack from 2 years ago.

Thanks NRS, pleased with the product as usual.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
put them both,the strain will consume that whats need,but sure for veg you need more 6500K.for example if you use 6 bulbs 4 of them is good to be 6500K but 3x6500K and 3x5000K is also ok.
imagine that my first first strain was made under 2700K only.....

I agree with what he said. And I'd also like to say that THIS:

was grown entirely under 2700k light for veg and flower.

(currently, I use 4x42w @ 6500k and 2x42w @ 2700k for veg, and 2x42w @ 6500k with 4x42w @ 2700k for flower.)



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just completed the flower box but I am having temperature problems!
I am using 2x 120mm fans for exhaust and 1 x 120mm fan for intake and the temps are still too high! Since I added the intake fan the temp has cooled down from 100.4f to 87f. I have 16x 26w cfls in the box. Does anyone have any suggestions of cooling it down further?

So I know this was like 10 days ago, but I didn't see anyone answer it for you, figured I'd take a crack.

If I were you, I'd take the 120mm fan you added for the intake and make it a 3rd exhaust.

What you want is for all the fans to suck air OUT of the cabinet... that way, a vaccuum is created in the cabinet, and that vacuum will PULL fresh air in from outside. It will only pull just enough to replace what it's losing, so you don't have to worry about problems where your intake is overpowering the exhaust.

If you have three fans exhausting (evenly spaced above the lights would be a good spot) and a passive intake, I think your temps will be a lot lower.

If that isn't enough to solve the problem fully, you could try putting a glass partition between your lights and your plants.

My cab has two chambers, with the lights in each chamber seperated by glass from the grow room below it. There is one 120mm fan exhausting heat from 6x42w (252w) of CFL for both my veg and flower, and then there is a third 120mm fan which exhausts the air in BOTH the flower and the veg room.

Take a look at my sig if you aren't following me.


mad librettist

Active member
have you noticed any diminished plant response with the heat shields? I have an acrylic one in one of my cabs and it really slows things down.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I have regular window pane glass from home depot. Costs about $5 for the size I needed, and they cut it for you on the spot.

With glass, my cab stays in the upper 70s to low 80's using only 120mm PC fans. I've read many threads by CFL growers with much less wattage than I run (252w per chamber) with temps in the 90s and up!

Biggest difference? No glass.

I have one fan that exhausts air (through carbon) from the grow rooms. And I have one fan for each light box, that extracts the air just in the 4" space where my lights are mounted.

mad librettist

Active member
Hey Anti, I got 472 watts going in two 31 gallon rubbermaids, no glass. I think one reasin it works is I have a massive scrubber - a 14 gallon rubbermaid. The scrubber intake is right by the lights. It uses 2x120mm 12v fans. my temps about 6 inches below the lights (in the shade of the canopy) run about 1-3 degrees above ambient.

My smaller cab, also rubbermaids, gets much hotter. And incidentally, the scrubber intake is far from the lights.