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it was my wifes idea to get a cat, she's the one that grew up with them. as for me. . . ive never really been a pet person, lord knows ive killed more fish in my tank than petco can keep, the other reason i wont go hydro! lol

but with mikey around, well hes like alil buddy to me at this point. i find myself making sure he has food, and everything else. i work at night, so i let him out at night and he comes back in the morning waiting for me across the street, and although he sees me, he only walks up to me when im about to open the door. one night he walked with me all the way to my bus stop, saw some other cats and had to go "party". i chuckled cause i imagined them sitting around a half dead mouse, kicking it back and forth for interest, rolling up catnip and passing lil cat joints! lmao (oh yeah, i smoke up while i wait for the bus)

when im working on my grow cab he comes in and watches me to no end, going here, going there.

if anything i believe in a persons freedom to grow, i believe in freedom period and its the reason why i cant/ wont put a collar on him. tried it once with a flee collar and he took it off after a while. after that i never put anything around his neck again, he reminded me of my beliefs

tried one of those leash things, oh that was funny he just plopped right down on the ground where i put it on him at and it was the funniest thing the fam had seen in a long time since he wouldnt move until it was off he wouldnt move.

hes a cool lil cat takes care of himself, hes a snowshoe and i found that out after trying to figure out what that damned chirpping noise he was making was all about; but its really cool cause as i was looking up the information on him and the distinctive marks and he had every last one of them to a tee, it was weird. i felt kinda proud to have a cat with that many distinctive marks of his breed

i dont know if im that far in love yet, but i know if he were to go i'd miss him that i can admit to without hesitation.

but if anything i have to agree with the aspect of love 'em while they're here cause one day, as with all of us, they will be gone.


I'm sorry for you bobcat , my cat is also very sick with cat leukemia , only has a few months left , maybe less he is 11 years old , had to get antibiotics again 4 days ago when he stopped eating , now he is better for a while

here he is in better times taking a piss on the toilet http://www.myvideo.be/watch/7463817

dude?!?!? that is fucking amazing! did you train him/her to do that? if so , you gotta tell me how

Green lung

Active member
Anybody else have a cat that after everytime he takes a shit, he bolts out of the litter box and runs around the corner and jumps on the couch, like it some kind of ritual lol. IDK maybe he is just happy:comfort:

This the my second cat who does this, they don't cover up the dump either, its like he just happy to get out of there as fast as he can.


Mine spends ages digging and covering it up. Then has a final inspection and sniff before leaving it. Half the gravel seems to end up on the floor though. Years ago when I used to take acid another cat would go crazy he'd leap on your head out of the blue then dart off.

The behavior and training forum has a lot of information on toilet training cats. It's actually very common.

Green lung, your cats may be unhappy about something with the litter box. How often do you scoop? Does the litter box have a hood? The cats might not be happy with the amount your scooping or with the box having a hood. Hoods can trap odors. Also, they may not like the cat litter you're using. Cats can be funny. Super easy going about things until someone decides they are unhappy. Then all hell breaks loose. Like no. 3 kitteh deciding to pee everywhere, and finally having to put him on Prozac. . . . .


Parker Schnobel
Tomorrow (9/14/10)Will be one year since I buried Bob.Sure do miss that Boy.


  • 65_eb6c7ba2a656b7435b2b9165b5bebb00.gif
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I hope today is not too sad, as you remember your no. 1 kitteh! Make sure and get lots of snuggles and if you need to, just let the tears fall. Maybe today would be a good day to make a page at catster for your boy. Kittehs that have passed away are known to continue living the good life at the Rainbow Bridge.

Much love!

Green lung

Active member

The behavior and training forum has a lot of information on toilet training cats. It's actually very common.

Green lung, your cats may be unhappy about something with the litter box. How often do you scoop? Does the litter box have a hood? The cats might not be happy with the amount your scooping or with the box having a hood. Hoods can trap odors. Also, they may not like the cat litter you're using. Cats can be funny. Super easy going about things until someone decides they are unhappy. Then all hell breaks loose. Like no. 3 kitteh deciding to pee everywhere, and finally having to put him on Prozac. . . . .

lol no not that serious


Active member
my Archie passed away last night, been with me 13 years, man i miss him terribly already.

i'm glad i have my Frankie as we can console each other, i can tell he is sad too.

peace, SOG


Active member
That's sad news, someotherguy. Been there myself and I know how bad it hurts. Wishing you and your remaining buddy peace and healing.
I'm sorry to hear that, SOG. People who aren't cat lovers don't realize how interactive of a companion they are and just don't understand why we love them so much. Much love to ya!


Parker Schnobel
When any pet passes away it is a great loss.I feel for all who have gone through this.I have had to play the Grim Reaper way too many times in the last year plus.That fucking ride to the Vet when you know the last half hour of your companions life is almost over.The meeting with the Vet,the fucking last goodbye,The walking away for the last time.The wondering if I did the "right thing"when you already know you are doing the right thing.It's all just fucked.The guilt is just ugly.

Sorry for the rant.Getting off the soapbox now.BC

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