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"Categorizing Cannabis Strains According to Benefits"


Well-known member
Hi all: I was wondering what the chemical differences are between Sativa and Indica as they both have THC? Sativa meds seem to work better for me as no couchlock or no hangover. What are your suggestions for next year outside in Denver (average 1st frost is first week in October). I figure a high percentage Sativa strain would work. Thanks
Sativas outdoors in Denver don't stand a chance dude, not unless you put them outdoors already 4 weeks into flowering. You might like an early harvested indica, as you're a sativa lover. Early harvested indicas sometimes seem to have a sativa like high, more giggly.

Last year we grew a variety of strains, including kali most x cocoa kush x dp flo which was a 16 week sativa (tall ass indoor monster, thankfully I have very high vaulted ceilings in my flowering building and can jack up my lights as far as I need them), and most of last year was sativa heavy with few indicas, but I am always growing something new and breeding something new.

This year I'm planning a indica heavy garden, and I'm proving out more breeding projects. I have grown a few autoflowers, and the yield I got just wasn't worth it to me. I grew himilayan blue deisel and solid bottom, and I think a deisel x ak-47 autoflower cross.

I'm looking for grapefruit or iced grapefruit, mikado, and breeder steve's sol shishkaberry.
THC is not a MUST. I developed a high cbd cbn low thc strain to make extracts and cannacaps for my 16 year old daughter (she is a mmj patient, don't even think of giving me shit because I want to ease my child's suffering and big pharma is not helping) after a week on the cannacaps of the new strain I developed for her (thank you flying goat for the landrace ruderalis seeds I used to create the new strain I made JUST for my KID). She isn't going to the doctor or hospital as much anymore, taking 1/3 of the meds she was taking. She is young, she didn't want to be high or stoned at school and didn't want to smoke. It was her idea, "mom, create a strain for me to help me with my medical issues". Don't tell me if you guys were in the same situation you wouldn't do everything in your power to make your child healthier. I was just lucky, I had the seeds, knowledge and ability to create something to help her but not make her a zombie.

High times said lemon skunk was genetically engineered? In a way that is true. You chose a prime female and male and cross them to make a new strain that you hope will be better than the separate strains you began with, so that can be construed as genetic engineering, but as we usually call it, breeding new strains. Don't get caught up in technical language.


Active member
Interesting to read this thread again after a few years. A lot has happened since then regarding the cannabinoid profiles of the various strains of marijuana. They can now test for a number of different cannabinoids not just CBD or THC. And it seems the balance of cannabinoids is what determines how effective each strain is at relieving particular symptoms.

So now, rather than state what medical issues a particular strain can help with, you are given the cannabinoid profile so you can see the amounts of each cannabinoids in a strain.

They are finding that strains high in CBDs are great for inflammatory conditions, skin conditions (including melanoma), pain relief, all without getting high from the cannabinoid.

As the effects of each cannabinoid get studied, they're finding more ailments that can be treated with them. In fact, the science of cannabinoids is still in its infancy, with cannabis showing promise to not just help, but cure some diseases and prevent others.

Beyond that cannabis is teaching scientists how the human body regulates itself, opening up doors to cures that no other plant has opened before...


I have a "Bubba" kush I got out in cali or so I know it as.recently talking to the guy that helped me acquire said cut he asked how my "Master Kush" was doing..I acted suprised and said I thought I had bubba and also was under the impression that bubba was a hybrid of MK.He corrected me and said not to his knowledge.im now lost lol.I wondered why no bubblegum flavor.it tastes and smells like coffee.good coffee.heres a pic any help would be appreciated.it veg's slow and doesnt stretch.little to no shrinkage when dried.


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=41693&pictureid=985962&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=41693&pictureid=985962&thumb=1]View Image[/url] I have a "Bubba" kush I got out in cali or so I know it as.recently talking to the guy that helped me acquire said cut he asked how my "Master Kush" was doing..I acted suprised and said I thought I had bubba and also was under the impression that bubba was a hybrid of MK.He corrected me and said not to his knowledge.im now lost lol.I wondered why no bubblegum flavor.it tastes and smells like coffee.good coffee.heres a pic any help would be appreciated.it veg's slow and doesnt stretch.little to no shrinkage when dried.

Wow that definitely looks and sounds like bubba. I agree with categorizing strains based on effect/benefits such as pain relief, and cerebral stimulation.
Looking for CBD rich strains

Looking for CBD rich strains

Double Kindness
Dig what your saying about your daughter, developing a high CBD strain for my pain is the main reason for me coming to ICMAG. https://www.icmag.com/ic/images/smilies/comfort.gif

Sounds like you have figured out some crosses that are helping your child, any chance you can point me towards the right varieties to begin my own CBD breeding program?


Active member
You might want to start with Resin Seeds Dieseltonic. It [fems] is currently and probably only for a short time available as of last week. I haven't found any in many months. Available from a very well known UK seed vendor. They claim that 50% of the females carry the 1:1 THC:CBD trait. If you're interested, PM me, since I don't think IC Mag would appreciate my putting a link to their competition. Good luck. -granger2


Active member
Counseling without Prescribing

Counseling without Prescribing

Not a bad idea. However, we can't get into trouble "prescribing" strains for specific ailments. I really don't know how the dispensaries get away with it. My sister has an herb shop and she cannot "prescribe" or recommend anything for specific problems while she is working there. She can only do it when her shop is closed in a separate workshop or whatever.

However, anyone can go comment on a strain and say what they use it for. This won't be as good as searching for an illness and coming up with a list of strains.

Somehow it doesn't seem right to me to let "laymen" (or any man) prescribe different strains for those who might have serious medical conditions. I suppose if ppl already have a dr's recommendations, then it only remains to figure out which strain would be best.

It does seem that the big difference is between sativa and indica strains. Other than that it's more of personal preference, rather than unique characteristics of a given strain.

I see this more of a way for ppl to hype their favorite strains rather than providing definitive unbiased info.

Good points Skip:

The definitive, unbiased info is a ways off, and costs too much in time and millions for the myriad of FDA quality tests, so we have to find methods of reaching those in real need for pain relief, anti-inflammation needs, nausea, and a host of other human mental and physical complaints without hyping or getting nabbed for prescribing without scientific "proof". In Vivo proof, gathered over the centuries from cultures all over the world, merely point us in the right direction yet won't pass muster in our world of medical rules. Still, some laymen know where to go with it all and those in need rely upon us to share the way.

A good
Naturopathic doctor or perhaps a doctor of Oriental medicine would listen to you desribe your ailments and personal medical history and then prescribe some herbs or extracts without needing to tell you why or discuss what the medicine will "do". No prescibing based upon words, no felony involved.

An excellent Naturopathic doctor or perhaps a doctor of Oriental medicine would only have to look at you to accomplish the same. And their prescription, without words, would succeed in starting you on the path to healing. I've known one or two healers like this so I can assure you that they are out there.

My ex-wife had a history of kidney ailments over her entire life since she was a teen. One acupressure/chiropractic healer that I knew helped her get over a terrible flare-up with a single 1 hour physical touch-only treatment. It turned out to be rough response to his treatment...she vomited a lot throughout the night. By morning she had lost 9 pounds....of what? Toxins and crap. The characteristic dark circles that accompanied her kidney infections were gone and so was the pain in her kidney area and back. She was pissed that his treatment was so intense, however she ackowledged that he was a superb healer. Remember....he only touched her during the treatment. Later Ted Henderson, the healer, told me that he saw that it was an emergency and required heavy detoxification in order for her to heal quickly. Oh yes, she was 9 months pregnant at the time....

Flash forward 25 years to another intense bout. We all have our weak points in our physical make-up that hurt or fail first, eh? Hers were her kidneys, her toxin cleansers. This time the pain was surreal and even the pharmceutical meds she took did not clear up the infection or whatever it truly was. Don't assume that the pain in your body >here< is caused by what's >there<. A tight hip flexor or even pressure in the psoas can cause spasm way down in your calf and all the massaging you concentrate on the charley-horse pain area will fail if you don't find the true source, the hip flexor, that is actually causing the pain.

Luckily a dear friend introduced my ex to a truly enlightening experience....a Chinese healer from Los Angeles was in town and taking on only a few patients by introduction only from an existing client. Her friend lined it all up and she got a 20 minute appointment that day. You have to understand that in Sedona, where we lived, such "healers" and stories and tales of light healing, sound healing, or any of the many New Age miracles that were highly spoken of were very common, almost to the point of ho-hum, sure, whatever, let's walk on hot coals next week. We both were well-versed in most styles of healing, too, having had Rolfing, Myopractic, and Chiropractic treatments over the years as well as a good 20 years under our belts of hippie healing....fresh juice fasts, herbs, sweat lodges, mega-vitamins, vegetarian lifestyle, old-timey remedies, and such.

The healer, a 60,70,80 year-old (?) Chinese wisp of a man had a translator who relayed the little that the old gent spoke. His treatment lasted approximately 10 minutes and he never touched her physical body during the treatment. She said at one point while he was moving his hands intensely over her abdomen she felt as if he was pulling her guts inside. She could feel the heat increasing.

When she left the healer's presence and went home she cried a lot and felt a great pressure being lifted from within. She was totally without kidney pain the following day and thereafter. She also felt a lot better all over, physically and mentally. By the time she realized that this man was the real thing, he had gone back to LA.

My guess is that she found the key to the her lock. We could get lost in describing what we think took place, talking about Chi and energy healing, however what matters for our discussion today is that you can heal yourself if you want it deeply enough. It will cost you only what is required in order to have it happen. Give that and you will be on your path.

I work for a genius superfood and supplement designer. He formulates vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, essential oils, and phytochemical extracts into amazingly potent and helpful products. He's been doing it for over 25 years now and I am lucky enough to call him my mentor, boss, and friend. In the course of an average work day we recieve many calls by people in need.....working on their health, trying to recover the gift, wanting guidance, asking for honest input concerning nutritional supplements.

Some folks want guarantees while other might ask, "Will this help my diabetes" or perhaps "If I take this will it get rid of my Candida infection?" What you have mentioned concerning promises or prescriptions, Skip, is a serious consideration, one all 5 employees have been trained in for our own benefit and the survival of our little company. We do not give false hope or guarantees while at the same time we have learned how to share our beliefs in ways that are essentially neutral.

When a customer calls and says, "I have been using antibiotics for years to overcome XXXXX and now I have all kinds of issues. What should I take to cure this?" we chuckle to ourselves and then take time to answer them in a way that points the way: "Well, customers of ours have told us that our XXXX Formula, plus the 6 mushroom mix for immune system support, have been very helpful in their healing of XXXX. Another version, more protective and directive is, "Since I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe anything for a particular ailment, I can only tell you what our customers say concerning their work on this ailment."

We then share what we know might help by telling them what other customer say helped them in their identical health challenge.

Wow, I wanted to add a bit of helpful info to the thread and look what happens...

Hope it helps. I grew some Mr.Nice/CBD Crew Z7 this last year. It's a step above their Cannatonic with a 15%CBD/11% THC ratio along with all the phenos that make up the mix: 1%/18%, 15%/1% and even a very low CBD/very low THC pheno. My friend Sensi said, "Look for the one that when you smoke it, nothing seems to happen. That's the high CBD, low THC, pheno". Basically he was right on in his assessment, too. I just couldn't tell if it had high CBD as well until my wife had some hefty calf pain that the smoke that "did nothing" took away all her pain and only barely changed her consciousness, similar to what Double Kindness mentioned concerning his daughter's special pain-removing blend.

The Z7 strain you are referring too, come outa Mr. Nice? I am looking for a cbd strain for pain management, any suggestions are greatly appreaciated.

make weed not war


Active member
Hey Medical,

Yes, the Z7 was Mr. Nice. Now they offer several high-CBD strains.

I won it in an auction and sent a money order to Switzerland. My order was shipped from Spain and I added that it mustbe sent with NO signature required. I said that it would be my risk...not sending it with that signature confirmation.

I hate the idea of having to sign for something illegal. I keep remembering the Robert Redford movie Three Days of the Condor where the postman delivering a parcel to Jane Fonda's apartment pulls out a pistol with a silencer! hahaha

No, really, I have mail sent to a street address that has a mailbox. I'd rather pick it up from the street mailbox at midnight, put it in the bushes for a day or two, then collect it.

I have not spent the $50 per sample for testing the 4 phenos that I grew. It was more of an exploratory move...I wanted to smoke an all CBD pheno and see what it was about. Now that I have seen it work on pain, quite well for my wife's torn calf muscle, I would grow it again scientifically, noting each pheno, either testing them shortly before harvest for CBD - THC ratios and taking specific clones, or just taking clones of all the phenos, testing them later, and making more clones from the clone I selct as the new CBD Queen Mother.



Active member
AZ Medtest

AZ Medtest

Where can you get samples tested for $50? Thanks. -granger

I know of several labs that do testing in Cali, Colorado, and Michigan, however I am in Arizona and cannor send herb for testing out of state.

Steve Cottrell runs AZ Med Testing in Phoenix. The charge $50 per sample. Here's their website: http://azmedtest.com/

if you're in AZ, email Steve and he'll send you the price breakdown. They have price discounts and many options.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread. I have hyperhidrosis of the hands, which means my hands are always sweaty and warm (embarassing and gross), and I have noticed since smoking good medical strains, that strong indicas completely dry up my hands.. its really quite incredible. When I lived in LA I smoked a LOT of sfv-og kush (no surprise there) and one big bonghit per day of it was all it took to make my hands completely normal, and in fact they actually needed moisturizer (something i've never needed, obviously) in order not to crack from dryness. I've had this condition since I was 9 or 10, so I know the sweating isn't a withdrawl symptom of cannabis, since I didn't first try smoking pot until after highschool. I've also noticed that strong sativas have little to no effect on the condition (still gotta love em though).

Any idea what the reason for this could be? My first guess is that the higher CBD\CBN concentrations in heavy indicas have some kind of sedative effect on the sympathetic nervous system, which my doctor tells me is causing my HH by being in a constant over-stimulated state. The traditional treatments for this condition include a somewhat risky and very expensive thoractic operation which is irreversible, and botox injections directly into the hands, which I've read is both expensive and very painful to undergo. Thank god for good indicas..


New member
I think to do it properly we need a details list of all strains including the quantity of CBD and THC. In a case of Cancer treatment, the researcher like Dr. Cristina Sunchez says required THC and CBD quantity differs from man to man. Some may need more THC than CBD while some other may require more CBD than THC.

I'm new here so I don't know whether I can share a youtube video link here. If someone wants to know about THC and CBD ratio in cancer treatment you can search the phrase- "Dr. Cristina Sanchez Ph.D. cannabis and cancer" in youtube.