Dog definately.
I dont hate cats, but I wouldnt choose to have one, thats not to say I didnt feed a stray cat out of my grans window for 10 years whenever I was there and me and an ex did have cats years ago.
Cat crap is the bane of my life in my grans garden (I spend a lot of time caring for my Gran). How many cat owners whine about dog crap on the street. Well at least you have to go in the street to tread in dog crap(unless your yard isnt secure- and thats your fault anyway), the cats will invade your territory to crap on your lawn and in your flower beds so its not in their own where they like to sunbathe. If it was up to me, cat owners would be made to be responsible for the cat crap in the neighbours garden for 2 houses either side of their own house-multiple vcat owners would have to work it out amongst themselves LOL. I would also have similar arrangements for dogs, and these would be part of local bylaws or even tennacy agreements in housing. I have to clean up after my dog, but if I see the neighbours cat squatting in my grans petunias, and ask the owner to pick it up--they look at me like Im insane and asking them to eat it.
Love that piano cat though hehe
I dont hate cats, but I wouldnt choose to have one, thats not to say I didnt feed a stray cat out of my grans window for 10 years whenever I was there and me and an ex did have cats years ago.
Cat crap is the bane of my life in my grans garden (I spend a lot of time caring for my Gran). How many cat owners whine about dog crap on the street. Well at least you have to go in the street to tread in dog crap(unless your yard isnt secure- and thats your fault anyway), the cats will invade your territory to crap on your lawn and in your flower beds so its not in their own where they like to sunbathe. If it was up to me, cat owners would be made to be responsible for the cat crap in the neighbours garden for 2 houses either side of their own house-multiple vcat owners would have to work it out amongst themselves LOL. I would also have similar arrangements for dogs, and these would be part of local bylaws or even tennacy agreements in housing. I have to clean up after my dog, but if I see the neighbours cat squatting in my grans petunias, and ask the owner to pick it up--they look at me like Im insane and asking them to eat it.
Love that piano cat though hehe