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Casey Jones/ Chem. Haze D – 600w soil


Day 35 (We're halfway there :dance013:!!!)




looking good
you got less stretch than when I ran Casey in a hydro bucket with a month veg, no complaints though - great smoke


looking good
you got less stretch than when I ran Casey in a hydro bucket with a month veg, no complaints though - great smoke

Veg for this was about 2 months. I think I might try hydro pretty soon - if not next run, the run after that.

I can only imagine how massive they could get in hydro.


Well I've tried to take pictures to update for the past three days and every time iPhoto ends up screwing it up.

Time to find an alternative way to import pictures from the camera.

Things are looking good and should be wrapping up nicely at the end of the month. I'll give it one more good try tonight to get pictures.


I love the CJ, I've got a great cut of her myself.

Your plants are the epitome of perfect health man, great job.

Do you have a scale by chance? I'm always interested in CJ yeilds.


I can tell the queen of diamons by the way she shines

I can tell the queen of diamons by the way she shines

Hey Work2much,

I think they are getting a little N deprived, but its getting close to finish. I don't know if I will weigh them. I know its not going to be exceptional yield for a 600w but that is because I only have 2 plants in 5 gal buckets. Maybe if I had 4 plants it would be more impressive.

My clones rooted for next batch from the longer flowering CJ. Such a complex smell.

Day 50 (20 left?)





I checked my original Casey Jones from seed grow diary that I did back in 2007 to compare to his grow and wow. Can you say deja vu? Looks like it is wrapping up about the same with a bit more yield because I've since switched from 400w to 600w.

I have one that is going to be wrapping up sometime this weekend. It is at day 58 right now, so maybe 4 or 5 more days.

The other one is going to yield more than the early finisher and should be done in about 10 days from now if not making it the whole 70 days as planned. (This is the clone I kept)

I need to get myself psychologically prepared to hold off on smoking it. Looking back on my 2007 thread, that seems to be my downfall.


higher and higher and higher. higher and higher and higher.

higher and higher and higher. higher and higher and higher.

hey bro
nice buds there, look vry frosty!!! 2/3 more weeks to harvest? I'm taking a chair



Going to harvest one tomorrow :dance013: . Leaving the other one for about a week.

The buds are falling over on the one that has a week left, but they just don't seem as mature as the other CJ.


Thanks BigHit. The one that isn't falling over was chopped. The falling over one looks like it has a few more days if it doesn't break itself.

I ended up with 6 clones of the one that is falling over for my next run. I'm pretty sure I can do her more justice.


It looks like you trimmed the fan leaves and ended up with budsicles. They look really good, like you might pull a good crop.

You had a abnormally high amount of herms, are you sure that you dont have a light leak?


It looks like you trimmed the fan leaves and ended up with budsicles. They look really good, like you might pull a good crop.

You had a abnormally high amount of herms, are you sure that you dont have a light leak?

The plant that has no fan leaves ended up that way because it got really N deficient towards the end. I have a tendency to use too little N nutes. I was basically taking a handful of leaves off a day because they were dead.

Smoke will be good. The size of the plant that still has fan leaves is bigger than I expected.

There might be a light leak, but it is in a closet within a closet and these two did fine. I might have given them a really high dose of silica blast on accident that might have done it. I need to make a few changes to the space during this week of downtime between the light being on.


Took clones and switched the timer to 12/12 today.

It helps to set goals early, so here are 2.

1) Let them go 70 days if not longer. (Last day of May)

2) Let them dry a week and cure for two weeks before even sampling. This has been one of my downfalls in the past.

Time to see how much they stretch.

If I am posting dry weights I guess, I failed by a few days with goal #1. All the main stems were cut off except for on the very top buds. The 600w light made all the buds smokeable and there was very little trim/ popcorn (ran it through bubble bags and only got a small bit).


The one that lost all the fan leaves ended up yielding ~81 g.

The droopy plant's buds were not as dense but ended up yielding ~96 g.

That means I did pretty bad for a 600 w, but that is due to lack of females. Clones are vegging for next grow.

I'll get some shots after a week or two of cure.


you didnt let them go long enough!!! The buds don't look nearly as developed as they could have been... Nice grow otherwise :)


you didnt let them go long enough!!! The buds don't look nearly as developed as they could have been... Nice grow otherwise :)

I was happy with the final product, but YES they could have gone a bit longer if they were healthy enough.

I'm growing 5 clones of the best plant (the one that actually had leaves at the end). They are at day 36 of flowering. I'm hoping to take them longer - at least the cab is filled up and they aren't pollinated this time.

Props to H3ad for breeding some good stuff with the Casey Jones and props to BG for making the OE that went into the CJ!

I'm down to my last two big nugs from this past grow. New one needs to finish :) . It is still some straight funk - so tasty in the volcano.