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Case Designate US-447 "CANNAFIELD"


Wake n bake friend, looking good. I am a few weeks ahead of you with 16 seedlings, although I stunted them a bit... I also be getting clones too one of these days. Although I need to make moms. I'll be around, stay safe n high.


hey dog-wondering what is the minimum distance from the lamp?- i have been just a little over 12 inches but i think that is close for a 1 kw bulb..

thanks for sharing bro


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Heya Core

Got them fairly close I would guess about 12 inches or less from the 400 MH, They seem to be doing well, but the Domintatrix is gonna be a monster, I can see it already, me thinks they will be some real bondage going on in there with her, lol
Nice looking plants btw, should be nice to compare and look at your a few week ahead to see what I should be looking for, lead the way sir!!

Hey brudder, Dominatrix is bogglegum x ssdh and yup a Core cross, I did not realize he had some down too, should make for an interesting grow. I have never had someone growing the same plant as me at the same time.

Thanks dude, more at the bottom

Hey dude, nice to see ya over here, by the time i normally see any wake and bake action it is mid afternoon here, so I never make it there often, welcome to my thread, drop a link dude, i will stop by an visit

Well man, that would depend on what kind of heat it is pumping out, get a thermometer on your canopy, you want probably no more than 26-28c or 76 to 80 f, other than that, a 1000 seems awfully strong for seedlings, have anything smaller (CFL) you can drop right on top of them?

Bottle for perspective, as you can see my light is fairly close, temp at canopy is 27.7 c. Because seedlings still in pucks were getting shadowed, I added a 26 w cfl

Everyone needs a calendar in your room

Here is all 45 plants

Ones still needed to be transplanted, a couple sour puss, 4 kushadelic, a couple zombies. They were still a touch too wet.


everyone needs a calender...............and a gaurd kitty. got me lots of lil seedlings too, but i now i need a tpb calendar thats badass haha
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Dr Dog said:
High Low Good to hear

Case designate 447, well, I am a movie buff, and use alot of movie related terms in my stuff, not just growing but in my real life. So Case Designate 447 is the beginning of the movie Cloverfield. I was thinkin this would come up soon, I was hoping someone would get it themselves.
Ahh see, I haven't seen that one yet, and since i'm officially still on sick-leave (sp?)LOL I'll have ta go and rent that one today! Especially since ya said it's all action-packed :D
I'm likin' those waterdroplet shots too man, and pix of new canna-life are always nice to look at :respect:
Laterz, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Toob

You know it, I have the kitty already, but I have heard that a grow house is no place for a kitty. Gf got me the calendar for xmas, I figured it would be most appropriately used in my room.

Hey bro
Yup watch it, it is a great movie, it took a lot of shit due to its filming techniques, but it is a JJ abrams movie, and is good, people just cant deal with stuff that is different.

But I completely enjoyed this movie. One of a few that actually got me out to a theatre.


Active member
Just checking in, thanks for taggin up Dr Dog. I gotta get me a TPB calendar too! Sick setup, looking forward to seeing it in action :)

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks for stoppin in Che

Wait till you see the whole room in action, another month or so, i fire up the other lamp and start the show, gonna be a packed room.
The calendar is pretty cool, uses alot of the older shots from the older seasons, but every page has that duct tape, cardboard look to it. Different person on every page

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Things look great bro, love the water shots... great detail! Can't wait to see things blow up.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
JJ Abrahms is also doing an adaptation of Stephen King's: The Dark Tower. Should be the f-ing bomb! Can't wait for that reboot of Star Trek either.....

By the way dog, I got the title of the thread right away....so yes...1 person did get it...
Then again, that probably makes me a geek.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good homie,all the babies look healthy as can be bro.
i wish i had all the confidense when i pop beans like you guys do,im a clonin mofo,but seed poppin is nerve racking s hell to me bro...the 1st pc broke surface today though so i hope im doin it right.hard not to over love them,and plus i dont wanna over water them it can kill them right...so see im all f'n nervous nelly over here yo...


The Tri Guy

Hey bro glad you found it. Sleep as long as you want, but two rules, no wet dreams, and clean up any sleep drool, carpet will soak that shit up, will smell eventually

LMAO Dr Dog, what do you take me for?
[Insert smiley here]
so how do smileys work in the new set up?
I must admit, change isn't something that I cope with too easily. New threads are one thing, but new controls? I'm going back to sleep, wake me if I need to know anything.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo B
Yeah should not be much longer now, I got them all replanted into beer cups last night, I have 41 in total, that have made it.

Thanks man, that bottle is actually my gf plant water bottle, I will be hearing it soon, about how I take everything

Good for you, i dont consider that geekish, more like me, wait am I a geek???
I am looking forward to the Star Trek too" Jim Kirk may have been alot of things, but a boy scout he was not" Carol Martin, Wrath of Khan. Can't wait to see bad ass Kirk

No worries man, just let them do their thing, keep the light on top of them, and water well when you do, before you know it you will have tonnes of wee little plants, Congrats on the Pollen Chuck, Great strain, you will not be able to turn back now

Yeah, a bit weird dude, I having some issues adjusting to it, I got off the pc, due to issue with that, I am not getting my gallery to work yet either

Z, Yo man, thanks, keep on checking in, update soon

Well, I got a few new genetics yesterday

Here is a list that you will be seeing growing in my garden in the next while

1. Willy Jack - Willy's Haze
2. Willy Jack - Haze Chronic
3. Willy jack - Haze Hindu Kush
4. BOG - Lifesaver
5. Maximum Seeds - Haze Heaven
6. maximum Seeds - Afghani x Slyder
7. maximum Seeds - Mindbender
8. Willy jack - Sensi star x Black Domina
9. Maximum seeds - KC 36
10 Spice of Life - Sweet tooth #3
11. Durban Poison
12. Gypsy Nirvana- South African Durban x skunk
13. Paraguay Sativa
14. Northern Berry x lifesaver
15. Blue Creeper - Blueberry X afghan
16 Blueberry x cindy 99
17 Highballs
18 Deep Chunk
19 Romulan
20 Mango x hawaiin
21 g13 x mikado
22 blueberry * Magic carpet
23 Snow Queen x akorn ( snow cone)
24 Mazar
25 Hawaiin lights
26 mango
27 Neville haze
28 CIT x Lifesaver
29 Blueberry
30 Northern berry
31 Swazi Skunk
32 Malawi Gold

Not bad eh? Many thanks to Frank at the Niagara Seed Bank.


New member
Wow Alot of Variety there. Loved that pic of the seedling with the drop of water hanging off of it.
Hey Dr D
Here is a list that you will be seeing growing in my garden in the next while

1. Willy Jack - Willy's Haze
2. Willy Jack - Haze Chronic
3. Willy jack - Haze Hindu Kush
4. BOG - Lifesaver
5. Maximum Seeds - Haze Heaven
6. maximum Seeds - Afghani x Slyder
7. maximum Seeds - Mindbender
8. Willy jack - Sensi star x Black Domina
9. Maximum seeds - KC 36
10 Spice of Life - Sweet tooth #3
11. Durban Poison
12. Gypsy Nirvana- South African Durban x skunk
13. Paraguay Sativa
14. Northern Berry x lifesaver
15. Blue Creeper - Blueberry X afghan
16 Blueberry x cindy 99
17 Highballs
18 Deep Chunk
19 Romulan
20 Mango x hawaiin
21 g13 x mikado
22 blueberry * Magic carpet
23 Snow Queen x akorn ( snow cone)
24 Mazar
25 Hawaiin lights
26 mango
27 Neville haze
28 CIT x Lifesaver
29 Blueberry
30 Northern berry
31 Swazi Skunk
32 Malawi Gold

Not bad eh? Many thanks to Frank at the Niagara Seed Bank.

I'm stoked!!:D
Ya plan on poppin them all this year?? Y'r gonna be a busy dawg then :D
:respect: X3
:wave: Low