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*CarpeNoctem's *First* Outdoor Grow*

After sitting on my Nirvana's AK-48 ten pack, and Spice of Life Blockhead five pack for a few months, I've finally got somewhere to grow. The site is going to be at a friends house, out in the country. I soaked all the seeds in water for a few hours till they all sunk. They I put then in squeezed out and fluffed peat pellets. I only had 12 peat pellets so i was going to put the 5 Blockhead and 7 AK48's in them, and then but the 3 otehr ak's straight into 16 ounce cups with half Supersoil Brand potting soil and half perlite. Well i finished the seeds in the pellets and rinsed off the hood of the peat pellet tray, steamed up the lid, closed it up and set on my monitor. well then i went back into my bathroom to finish the rest i remembered i had the seeds on the lid. Ends up what I did was was 3 of the AK seeds down the drain :pointlaug . So yeah I feel really stupid but I guess its a funny story to tell about my first grow lol, damn. I hope my Phenos didnt get washed away. They came all the way from england to get washed down my drain. sucks to be them I guess lol. Anyways as soon as i see some sprouts in the peat I'll put then in the 16 ounce cups with the mix. I'm hoping these start taking off soon so I can get them outa here asap and over to my friends.

Sorry I typed so much I'm stoned and pretty stoked I finally am starting my first grow. Yet mad I wasted 3 seeds. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Pics will be up as soon as there somthing to look at.
Lol, it was my sink. I soaked then in shot glasses then poured them on to the peat pellet tray lid so that I could pick them up with toothpicks. and after all the peat pellets were full I wanted to finish up the tray and set it on my monitor to be warm. After I set it on the monitor i went back into my bathroom to take care of the rest. Then I relised they were gone down the drain. Even though I know I ran water i still took off the pipe and checked it it in case there was some freak accedent and they might stil be in there, to no avail. I might be able to buy some clones at the club. I'm thinking about it to get some more plants going outside. Or maybe get one to keep inside as a momma to clone. Has anyone ever cloned from a plant that was outdoors? I'm sure it would be fine but I'm guessing there comes a time that its to late, maybe close to harvest or somthing. I dunno anyone have any thoughts?



good luck man sucks abouit looseing 3 down the drain but hey we all make mistakes


Active member
That does suck! Let's just hope they were all males. Good luck with the rest of 'em.
Hey guys thanks for the replies. Couldn't get back to ya and you all know why.
Only cam i got is a cell phone and its low quality and i'm paranoid about sending pics like that.

I killed one plant. I think it was a AK, actually I'm sure it was. was too rough on it and lost some roots during transplant and then bured it with an organic trasplant fertilizer. it was like a week old at the time, jsut shouldnt have messed with it. it was the biggest plant so i figured i would trasplant it so the tap root wouldnt hit the bottom firured that would be good. lol guess not. lets jsut alll home they were the males and a good portion of the rest are female. lol would love to hear from some other people that have AK48 and Blockhead going.

Also I transplanted the 3 biggest plants into a little bit bigget pots since they were jsut in 16 ounce cups. With those three i sprinkeled some transplant fertilizer on with the mix. Its is all organic with some good stuff in it. It says its like a 242 npk ratio. I used less then half of recomended, yet still shouldnt have used any i think. One is doing fabulous though. I think it msut be a blok head and is loving the nutes, while the ak s really touch with the nutes. I should have know better, than messing with them like that. I guess its jsut new grower impatience. Also the perlite that ive mixed with the Supersoil potting soil itsnt that coarse. I'm wondering if thats some of the problem some of them are having. there anre jsut a few big ones and 2 really small runts and others that are jsut growing really slow. the sencond biggest one is one that was transplanted and i think is an ak. Its starting to loose some of its green color it the first set of true leaves, with darkening on the edges. on the second set of true leaves they have some small white spots in them not many and there really small. Like i said im to paranoid to use the cam phone to take a pic thats not even that good. I'll try to borrow a digicam to take a pic of the girls(hopefully!). There still in a corner inside the house with a north window and a east window. Ive put them out side a few different times at first in the shade and then in a spot where its direct sunlight for just a few hours before noon and then in the shade the rest of the day to in full sunlight all day. I then bring them in at night. yesterday I found half of a first true leave missing and see slime around so pretty sure it was a snail or a slug :yoinks:. Any ways I need to get them outa here quick cuase im getting paranoid. I'm in a trailer part and have a lot of neighbors and yeah its jsut not good. When i put them out side though there realy camoflaged becuase my mom has tons of plants and potted plants all around so i jsut put them in the mix and no ones sees anything. I even try to look for them and cant find them. Anyways that is so enough of my stoned babble. Thanks for reading,
UPDATE: I trasplanted 7 plants today. So I have 8 plants that are doing great. One Blockhead is huge compared to the others.

- ezra -

Hey man, good luck with your grow, if you have any specific questions, or something like that, feel free to send me a PM, and I will try to help.

You will learn that young seedlings are very fragile, and shouldnt be transplanted too early. I place seedlings into small seedling cups as soon as they have a taproot about 5mm or longer. Leave them in there until the roots have completely filled the cup. roots will be growing from the bottom of the cup at this stage. Lightly water the seedlings. Gently squeeeze the edges of the cup to separate the medium from the cup. Turn upside down. Tap or gently shake the cup while holding the base if the stem between your middle 2 fingers. The entire contents of the cup should fall easily into your hand as one cylindrical peice. In this way no damage to the roots has been done. You should be able to see the healthy white roots holding the medium together into the shape of the container. To finish off the transplant, once repotted, water well with a seaweed solution.

good luck


listen to what ezra has to say thats my favorite (only as far as im concerned) method of transplanting..

and just remember dont get too ancy to get things done, that will make thing turn out worse than they might have if you are patient..

good luck and happy growing


Some people would not like to be there own narc. Pics are nice. In some jurisdictions pics may hurt you.