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Can’t stop the purple stems! What am I doing wrong

Ok I’m going to try this. So with warmer temps the humidity will likely go down so should I consider a humidifier if I can’t keep it above 35/40RH? Because right now at 75 my RH is like 45 I know it will drop with the temp increase


Well-known member
Speaking for myself I’d only get a humidifier if it were consistently below %20 but my spot is usually more humid rather than than less .... basically if you can run a humidifier without sacrificing any of the other requirements like air exchanges and temperatures than it can only help but don’t go chasing vpd at the expense of the overall environment


Well-known member
Pot Plant's do best at ~28C. We used to heat them with lights. Now with heaters.

I'm not talking air temperature, I mean leaf temperature.
Hi guys just an just an update on the plants. Since all the info you guys have posted in this thread I raised temps to 83 and have been adding 3-5ml of calmag every other res change and the plants look way healthier. All leaves are praying and the purple stems are slowly getting greener. So I know a lot of people use calmag as the crutch for every problem that arises, but in this case it was truly what the plants were craving. That paired with my lower temps and leds the plants were just not eating enough with the low transportation. I honestly think just raising the temps might have improved the issue greatly on its own but the calmag is
helping for sure. You guys rock 🤟🏼

A side note being this has happened to me in veg a few times with other strains throughout the years and I’ve added calmag and not really seen much improvement. Or maybe I wasn’t continuous or patient enough with the calmag to see the improvements. The only way I got rid of the purp in veg was to shut down one or 2 lights and within a couple days they would get better. That just makes me think with the full power of the lights maybe I wasn’t feeding enough calmag, then when I shut 2 lights down the plants need less calmag/food so they get better making me think it’s the lights that are the problem but in reality it’s the dosage of food. My 2 cents anyway maybe I’m totally wrong


Active member
Hi guys. So I have a couple years under my belt growing in coco. I’m currently in week 1 of flower with GG#4. I’ve noticed the stems progressively getting more purple each day. I thought it was Mg so I did a couple feeds of Epsom salts but still the purple remains. Temps are good RH is 40-55. Multi feeding (4 events per lights on) GH@ 550-680ppm

4 lights total. 2 nextlight mega’s, 1 hlg 550, 1 hlg 650. Co2 900. I was feeding higher but runoff was quite high so I dialed it back. Anybody have issues and know of a true cause of the purple stems? This is the second run with this strain. The first went stellar. The only thing different is the new led’s but the purple was happening in veg also under CMH’s

They are driving you crazy, it is astonishing to read a lot of answers of supossedly "experts" here...
Look, your plants are nice, look healthy. Purple stems, regarding whatever they told you, has to do with conditions. You have to balance your parameters if you want more healthy plants, it has nothing to do with genetic, or Ca or Mag (but it CAN be, but you have to be sure about it). You will have to check every parameter to make sure what is going wrong, don`t try solutions if you don`t know exactly hat is happening, beside that, as I said before, your plants look great.
My english is poor, I hope this can help you and if you have any question I am more than pleased to answer it if I know.

Don`t mix everything up, things with plants are more simple than this people is trying to tell you. Keep it up!


Ca or Mag (but it CAN be, but you have to be sure about it). /QUOTE]

It is. Absolutely no one growing Cannabis is phos deficient, but absolutely everyone growing Cannabis shows phos deficiency.

The Cannabis plant is extremely easy to read. It takes 3 seconds to get a detailed analysis. Everyone is Calcium deficient. Everyone.



Active member
I see a lot of the so-called "experts" here, CALMAG experts I should say. Purple stems is not bad on itself, but the reason is unbalanced conditions of the environment the plants are being grown, just like that. It can be temperature, CO2, ventilation, HR, feeding, watering, etc, etc, etc. Example: when I changed the Cree CXB3590`s I had, growing in coco coir and changed to the Samsung quantums, stems automatically became purple, like in a day. All the way from the top to the bottom. Same strains, same substrate, same feeding, same eveything but the lights. I read a lot about it everywhere and everybody were telling me "CALMAG!!!", "OVERWATERING!!" and "MORE CALMAG, YOU IDIOT!!!". Then I gave up with crappy forums full of self entitled suckers who grow great buds just because cannabis is so fucking easy to grow, and went to listen to a real professional, who explained me how plants have different needs when they switch environment. So, the flux of photons I was having with the cobs wasn`t the same as with the quantums, as it is not the same (of course) with HID, then you need more temperature, more CO2, different watering, etc, etc, etc. When I updated my VPD to the quantums, everything changed and all I needed to do is water more and surprise surprise, stems went flashy green again.

Conclusion: adjust your environment parameters and you will be more than fine. CalMag discussions is very 2003.

Hope you have a good one and God bless you.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I haven't had any purple yet on run 3. The thing I am doing different is putting a full capful of cal-mag in every morning as I add 4 gallons of water to the reservoir. I wasn't using hat much cal-mag before. I also changed the cal-mag I am using, and this stuff seems to be better.


Well-known member
I ve been switching over to led s too.And i found dimming , heat and high rh or a good distance from light plants are thriving now. i Had the same purple going on like WTF is this . They seem to grow different under LEDS .Takes some dialing but worth it imo..
I ve been switching over to led s too.And i found dimming , heat and high rh or a good distance from light plants are thriving now. i Had the same purple going on like WTF is this . They seem to grow different under LEDS .Takes some dialing but worth it imo..

So, to make the plant grow slower is the solution? Typical grow forum mentality..

​​​​​​Friend, let me photoshop some shit real quick...


Consider this my getting out of prison for growing weed present to this fucked up community.


Well-known member
I drew the wrong symbol. Dammit I've been trolling too long. LEDs don't pull Boron.
Haha 13 posts u gonna fix this fucked up community .A true troll as least your honest bout that..i can copy and paste too.Problem: A boron deficiency in cannabis is relatively rare unless a plant is underwatered or in a really dry environment, and is usually accompanied by other types of nutrient or pH problems that appear as problems with the leaves.

The first signs of a cannabis boron deficiency is abnormal or thick growth tips along with brown or yellow spotting on new leaves. later troll haha..

El Pollo Diablo

Well-known member
Hi guys. So I have a couple years under my belt growing in coco. I’m currently in week 1 of flower with GG#4. I’ve noticed the stems progressively getting more purple each day. I thought it was Mg so I did a couple feeds of Epsom salts but still the purple remains. Temps are good RH is 40-55. Multi feeding (4 events per lights on) GH@ 550-680ppm

4 lights total. 2 nextlight mega’s, 1 hlg 550, 1 hlg 650. Co2 900. I was feeding higher but runoff was quite high so I dialed it back. Anybody have issues and know of a true cause of the purple stems? This is the second run with this strain. The first went stellar. The only thing different is the new led’s but the purple was happening in veg also under CMH’s

Hello there.

Thats a nitrogen defiency. I'm running GG#4 for some years now and they always need some additional nitrogen shots. Just add some calcinit and the new building stems will be green again.

Btw they all look way underfeeded. I'm giving them as addition to the water ec levels of 0,9 - 1,1 mS


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
So, to make the plant grow slower is the solution? Typical grow forum mentality..

​​​​​​Friend, let me photoshop some shit real quick...

Consider this my getting out of prison for growing weed present to this fucked up community.

I drew the wrong symbol. Dammit I've been trolling too long. LEDs don't pull Boron.

Care to explain how drawing arrows on that chart proof your claim that with led lighting plants don't uptake boron? I'll give you a chance.



Haha 13 posts u gonna fix this fucked up community .A true troll as least your honest bout that..i can copy and paste too.Problem: A boron deficiency in cannabis is relatively rare unless a plant is underwatered or in a really dry environment, and is usually accompanied by other types of nutrient or pH problems that appear as problems with the leaves.

The first signs of a cannabis boron deficiency is abnormal or thick growth tips along with brown or yellow spotting on new leaves. later troll haha..

If your adding lime, gypsum, bone ash or bonemeal you will run into cal defficiancy..the way you get over the cal defficiancy is by adding boron...Boron is what allows calcium to work...indeed most do not add these forms of calcium so never run into it...Boron toxcity is what you stated not being defficiant......Slownickle Lounge CeC thread is a hell of a resource in the botony section

To the op purple stems, leaf veins, or purpling on the main stem or branch's is lack of phousphate...bone meal and or bone ash if its not to far along can remdy the P issue...seedlings going purple add 1 level tsp per gallon of pot size of bone ash or meal, or give em a feeding of bloom base...


Active member
In my experience, most purple stems come from an overabundance of Ca in your nutrient mix.

I am purple stem free at 125ppm Ca and 50ppm Mg under 1000w DE HPS on 0ppm RO on 1.5ec in pure bricked coco. I could never say that when I ran huge Ca numbers "because coco". I even went as high as 2.5 ec and still had purple stems on my old grow style of calmag+base so it definitely is not a lack of mg or p, it's an incorrect balance of Ca to the entire mix IME. Looking at a mulders wheel, Ca is the largest offender by far, it hates everyone and we always overlook it.

edit: I also do not use that mulders wheel that's in this thread as it is much difference than any other murders chart online. To me it looks more like someones incorrectly labeled homework assignment.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I've switched from years of HID to all LEDs the last couple years now. With HIDs I was constantly fighting temps to stay below 70F. With LEDs I find it significantly easier, of course, and transpiration stays high with mid 20's to low 30's RH.

Great info here, coco or not. Ty so much. :)


New member
In my experience, most purple stems come from an overabundance of Ca in your nutrient mix.

In relation to Boron specifically. Why are people even still discussing this? Oh yeah... Forum sponsorships got pot growers so fucking confused, even the few sane members start to doubt reality after hearing the same backwards shit for years on end.

There's a myth that nitrogen toxicity is common and boron deficiency is rare in Cannabis. Total bullshit! Nooone has ever seen nitrogen toxicity in Cannabis. Calcium single handedly causes every problem in Cannabis, from genetic drift to mold. Easy to fix. Add boron. Check PK. Stop letting people tell you it's a mutation or you need new lights or ph meters or to dim your lights. Don't end up another loser being laughed at, thinking youre hot shit posting boron deficient photos all over the global web like a bafoon. Just add fucking boron. It's not cool to be a poser anymore. Fix your shit.


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