There be lotz of ways ta Blaze..
Some better than others. ..
Just somethin I found while surfing. .
He doesn't seem to have built it.
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so now its all pulled down, whats your take on putting a decent sized LED above the plants as well as 1 600 in between them?
im wondering if i wouldnt be better off with 1 less 600 and a pair of LEDS instead
especially since the PPKs produce such short stout wide plants.
Going to run the 600 and LED off the outside 20amp line using the exstention cord ran under the house through the closet floor...
You scare almost had an electric fire, and now you're relying on an extension cord run under the house?
If you can wire a circuit breaker and outlets, you can wire an entire circuit. What's that 20A line used for outside? Can you disconnect it and use it to power your grow? That's what I would do... That or add another circuit. Safety first. You can't keep growing if your house burns down. I bet if you feel that extension cord while running a 600 and a LED, it gets hot.
The color of the cord doesn't mean a thing... And 20 guage isn't possible... Lol... 16-14g is what most extension cords are. 12-10g are heavy duty. I didn't realize the extension cord was a temporary situation. All the same, getting the grow on its own circuit is so much easier than guessing if you're balancing the load with other appliances.