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Cannabis Tax in Cali is ruinous for growers

jump /injack

Remember this, the State of California and the legislators in Sacramento for the most part voted against and fought against the legalization of Cannibas for the Sick;they fought against it. Now they want to ruin the law that was passed by the People and tax the herb [Cali sales tax 10.25+15%] 25%, how long can the small farmer hold out when an ounce of cannabis will cost 3X's in the stores, what sick people has that type of money. Tax, Tax, Tax and Cannabis is ruined and Prop 215 is worthless.

Cal NORML News & Events
April 29, 2016

Upcoming Appropriations Committee Hearings on Marijuana Bills
AB 2516 (Wood - cottage licenses) and AB 2740 (Low - DUID) will be heard this week in the Assembly Appropriations committee:
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 4202
See updated flyer on 2740

If anyone in San Diego can reach out to committee chair Asm. Lorena Gonzalez, or in any other other appropriations committee members' districts, please do! One key point to raise is that we ought to wait for the results of a pending UCSD study into impairment testing before moving forward.

Send a letter on AB 2740

On 2516, I heard through Humboldt County Supervisor Mark Lovelace that committee staff has apparently expressed concern that incentivizing more, smaller farms could increase the State's regulatory workload and thus the cost for the State. The committee's analysis should be released any day now. Go to http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/ and search for the bill number to find its status, text, and analyses.

AB 2300 (Wood), clarifying that landlords can evict tenants who smoke marijuana, passed through committee on the strength of a preliminary study saying second-hand marijuana smoke may be harmful (at concentrations that have not been shown to be applicable). The bill will go straight to the Assembly Floor.
Find your Assemblyperson

SB 1462 (Huff - oral swab testing) is on the Senate Appropriations Agenda the following week:
Monday, May 9, 2016
10 a.m. - John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)
Senate Appropriations committee website

Awaiting a hearing in the Appropriations committees are taxation bills SB 987 and AB 2243, and others. Read more on taxation bills.
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ICMag Donor
Politicians are absolute fucking idiots!

Their blinded by money so much that they thing money will solve all their problems.


soil margin

Active member
Just took a few minutes to call up my CA Senator to bitch about Senate Bill 987 and my Assemblywoman to bitch about Bill 2243. Hope others will do the same. Don't worry about being polite, maybe enough loud and unhappy constituents making their phones ring will make them think twice before supporting bullshit like this.


Senior Member
Remember this, the State of California and the legislators in Sacramento for the most part voted against and fought against the legalization of Cannibas for the Sick;they fought against it. Now they want to ruin the law that was passed by the People and tax the herb [Cali sales tax 10.25+15%] 25%, how long can the small farmer hold out when an ounce of cannabis will cost 3X's in the stores, what sick people has that type of money. Tax, Tax, Tax and Cannabis is ruined and Prop 215 is worthless.

Cal NORML News & Events
April 29, 2016

Upcoming Appropriations Committee Hearings on Marijuana Bills
AB 2516 (Wood - cottage licenses) and AB 2740 (Low - DUID) will be heard this week in the Assembly Appropriations committee:
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 4202
See updated flyer on 2740

If anyone in San Diego can reach out to committee chair Asm. Lorena Gonzalez, or in any other other appropriations committee members' districts, please do! One key point to raise is that we ought to wait for the results of a pending UCSD study into impairment testing before moving forward.

Send a letter on AB 2740

On 2516, I heard through Humboldt County Supervisor Mark Lovelace that committee staff has apparently expressed concern that incentivizing more, smaller farms could increase the State's regulatory workload and thus the cost for the State. The committee's analysis should be released any day now. Go to http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/ and search for the bill number to find its status, text, and analyses.

AB 2300 (Wood), clarifying that landlords can evict tenants who smoke marijuana, passed through committee on the strength of a preliminary study saying second-hand marijuana smoke may be harmful (at concentrations that have not been shown to be applicable). The bill will go straight to the Assembly Floor.
Find your Assemblyperson

SB 1462 (Huff - oral swab testing) is on the Senate Appropriations Agenda the following week:
Monday, May 9, 2016
10 a.m. - John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)
Senate Appropriations committee website

Awaiting a hearing in the Appropriations committees are taxation bills SB 987 and AB 2243, and others. Read more on taxation bills.

You said "small farmer." That's pretty funny.

No "small farmers" in the legal regulated cannabis world.

Welcome to "legal" cannabis. It pretty much sucks. :)


if it smells like fish
ha ha they can suck it...I foresee black market prices rising again...back under we all go..yeehaw...just say no to being a new cash cow and overtaxed and regulated...


three FUK"N CHEERS for the black market, same storyline will happen in oz.lol KEEP YER LIGHTS.


if it smells like fish
damn errors...yeehaw..marijuana will end up worse than alcohol and tobacco as the money is needed more than ever...taxed to death,,and that tax money will then also fund code enforcement...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worse than ever...mark my freaking words


Active member
Politicians are absolute fucking idiots!

Their blinded by money so much that they thing money will solve all their problems.


and the black market still flourishes even in colorado and cali . fuck em . keep on keepin on.


if it smells like fish
there will be more money and INCENTIVE for code enforcement.........than ever previously.....yeehaw

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
sounds like our brothers and sisters in Cali need to organize a million grower marijuana march and start posting BOYCOTT signs all the phuck over the countryside.
Somebody , somewhere needs to get the media to open their eyes and see the huge story there is in showing the people how ridiculous all these plans are and exposing the very fact that governments and corporations are simply replacing the drug dealers and the police replacing the thugs and collectors.

it's time we in north America get a handle on this and push back with a media campaign. Make the story, the media will follow.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
<a href="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=56595&pictureid=1320753" target="_blank">View Image damn errors...yeehaw..marijuana will end up worse than alcohol and tobacco as the money is needed more than ever...taxed to death,,and that tax money will then also fund code enforcement...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worse than ever...mark my freaking words

agreed, metaphorically speaking marijuana is the new oil, it's the new aspirin, it's the new plastic, it's the new gasoline, it's the new electricity

and they won't let you have it for free......


View Image damn errors...yeehaw..marijuana will end up worse than alcohol and tobacco as the money is needed more than ever...taxed to death,,and that tax money will then also fund code enforcement...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worse than ever...mark my freaking words

Your words have been marked. The writing is on the wall.

They're going to be going after peeps on Bud Trader next.


if it smells like fish
your not only gonna be a criminal your making them loose tax money....its gonna get ugly...yeehaw..and with the income other states have reported their budget will be just about unlimited...you are now a marked man like never before...SO BE IT..


your not only gonna be a criminal your making them loose tax money....its gonna get ugly...yeehaw..and with the income other states have reported their budget will be just about unlimited...you are now a marked man like never before...SO BE IT..

marked man you say? I only got two words to say to that....BRING IT



I know how Trout feels....

I know how I feel....

I now know how MJ feels....

who else is with us?

defiance -
a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force.

open disregard; contempt (often followed by of): defiance of danger; His refusal amounted to defiance.

jump /injack

Too protect the People of California from their 'government' home owners banded together over 20 years ago and passed the "Jarvis/Gann's" tax bill which forbid state 'government' from continually raising property taxes, it passed just like Prop 215 passed, time for another Proposition on the ballot to stop usurious taxes and laws of stupidity on Cannabis. The Democrats in Sacramento only knows how to spend because the money is there, simple solution; make all cannabis tax money go into medical research of the wondrous herb, don't let Politicians, criminals and other thugs blow the money and shut down Cannabis, you won't have another chance. There is only medical Cannabis in Cali because the People told the Politicians to fuck off and leave it alone, isn't it time to do the same thing on all Cannabis before the Democrats ruin it forever?
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