Roots! bloody roots!
Roots! bloody roots!
I think it's important that if you water, you need ta water deep. In a lot of cases if ya jus let them go, the roots will reach for water. But if yer watering fast and often they don't need ta reach for anything, it's there. Having very well amended soil that's had a chance to sit and the ph balance itself will also make for nice healthy deep roots. Plus having soil with alot of compost and soil microbes in it will actully retain and pull moister from surrounding soil, allowing you ta water less, making the roots grow deeper.... There's no doubt the strain is a factor here also. Like someone already said, find strains that work fer you and stick with em for a better chance of success. Imo I think the sativa's grow deeper roots because most are accliamated fer outdoors anyway, where as the indicas are targeted fer indoor. Prolly didn't say a thing you fellers didn't already know, but I thought I'd throw it out there for those that don't. Btw SAGE is a killer strain, indoors or out! Take care... BC
Roots! bloody roots!
I think it's important that if you water, you need ta water deep. In a lot of cases if ya jus let them go, the roots will reach for water. But if yer watering fast and often they don't need ta reach for anything, it's there. Having very well amended soil that's had a chance to sit and the ph balance itself will also make for nice healthy deep roots. Plus having soil with alot of compost and soil microbes in it will actully retain and pull moister from surrounding soil, allowing you ta water less, making the roots grow deeper.... There's no doubt the strain is a factor here also. Like someone already said, find strains that work fer you and stick with em for a better chance of success. Imo I think the sativa's grow deeper roots because most are accliamated fer outdoors anyway, where as the indicas are targeted fer indoor. Prolly didn't say a thing you fellers didn't already know, but I thought I'd throw it out there for those that don't. Btw SAGE is a killer strain, indoors or out! Take care... BC