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Cannabis Helps with Bowel Disorders


Active member
Dr. Karen Wright, from Lancaster University is publishing a report on how cannabinoids from marijuana can help in cases of Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Apparently marijuana's cannabinoids effectively help heal the gut lining.

Many Crohn's patients are already aware of marijuana's healing properties and are medical marijuana users. This study shows how it works.



Take A Deep Breath
As a UC sufferer, I can certainly vouch for cannabis's positive effects on my health in this regard.

Thanks for the link, Skip!




I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and marijuana is the fastest acting reliever of my symptoms related to IBS. It helps to relieve the cramping and to settle my stomach when it is acting up. So I think they should add IBS to the list. I would much rather smoke a bowl than drink a whole bottle of pepto, which is what ends up happening bc that stuff only works for about 15 min. The right strain can relieve my symptoms for hours, which is sometimes enough to get through a difficult spell altogether.


ICMag Donor
Awesome, skip! Interesting stuff, much to be discovered still I'm sure...

I absolutely cannot believe its taking this much time to get the world to accept the use of cannabis as a medicine... And once they finally get around to studying it, they're wanting to not allow the plant itself to be used, but for the companies to be able to synthesize compounds found in the plant, even though the plant has been shown to be not only safe but beneficial for thousands of years...
I have always noticed that good bud gives me a nice solid ghost turd that slides out right. Cannabis makes most body processes calm down, it can take awhile for the medicine to work. Most psychological medications take a week or two, I find two or three days to get back into the rhythm of things.


Active member
Here's a similar study from almost 5 years ago, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4728605.stm

We need this,

I've honestly never felt as good (as in normal not high) as when I got a bottle with few sprays left off a friend with MS. I'm thinking about asking my gastro for it but doubt I'd get a positive response


ICMag Donor
My aunt in law has Chrons disease and uses cannabis to alleviate her symptoms... Cannabis works!
Ganja is the best to get rid of my nasty IBS symptoms. In Michigan you can get a medical card just for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
i've been trying to tell my sister this. more often than not, when my UC/lactose intolerance start to act up, i take my stash and my piece with me. unfortunately, i live in a non medical state so i can't grow my own and still have to buy at ridiculous prices.


New member
I have used this medicine for years battling IBS and stomach cramps, then one day I got salmonella. It was one of the worst illnesses I have had to deal with. The stomach cramping was debilitating and I couldn't keep even small amounts of water down. Smoking was the only thing that settled it down enough so I could get some soup in me and pass out long enough to get some rest. I could actually feel the cramps letting up as I finished my bowl.


I also am a UC pt,and have diverticular disease. I had a total colectomy done last Feb.MJ was the only thing that helps with the nausea from the pain meds. They even gave me Marinol while I was in the hospital so I could eat. I have a website,www.IBDLiving.org for Crohns, Colitis and IBD sufferers. Lots of info on treatments,recipes,and a chance to talk to other pts. It's just a small site,but you guys are all welcome if you wish. MaryWanna


It does work for my gurgling stomach issues. It helps my appetite and tempers my daily stress. All related issues IMO.

Ever since I became legal lots of other stress issues went away. Is that because of the cannabis? Or because I'm no longer as paranoid? Or both?

Honestly I don't care, I'm just glad these issues are finally under control.

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