thanks for the thread. i'm getting old enough to pay attention to information like this.
question: how efficacious is vaporizing the herb compared to injesting THC oil? is vaporized THC eventually going to get as deeply throughout the body as from the gastro tract? or is an overwhelming dose required that is only available via oil?
Thank you BT. To answer your question, vaporizing is more tended as an alternative to combustion of cannabis as administration. Cannabis as an inhalant does provide reliefs, in most people, but to obtain the needed levels of THC's and cannabinoids, so it is NOT the way to effectively battle cancer to cure. It is only obtainable through the ingestion of the oil straight, to obtain these parameters (especially if diag. terminal). The human body has what is called the endocannabinoid system (if your not familiar), everyone, every animal. Oil through the GI tract would be the most practical way to self administer as well (used as medicine) to reach aforementioned goals.
yes essentially you cannot inhale enough THC to induce the anti-mitogenic anti-angiogenic pro-apototic and homeostatic benefits...
in order to do so and attain the those health benefits it must be eaten... also decarboxylated (aged or heated) cannabinoids only bond the Cb1 and Cb2 receptor sites while raw non heated cannabinoids strictly bond to the GPR55 receptor, also you can eat an unlimited amounts of raw cannabinoids without getting any psychoactive effects making it possible to flood your body with cannabinoids while still being functional... as where heated cannabinoids and hash you can only consume so much before you become are wasted and non functional, though all of which are beneficial in large doses in treatment of cancer and many forms of auto immune diseases...
Please watch and spread these videos...
Doctors and politicians going into detail on the health benefits of cannabis and the social impacts, set aside a couple hours and put your nerd hat on...
Part one
you can skip the first nine minutes...
Part two