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Cannabis Cures!!!!!!


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
thanks for the thread. i'm getting old enough to pay attention to information like this.

question: how efficacious is vaporizing the herb compared to injesting THC oil? is vaporized THC eventually going to get as deeply throughout the body as from the gastro tract? or is an overwhelming dose required that is only available via oil?

Thank you BT. To answer your question, vaporizing is more tended as an alternative to combustion of cannabis as administration. Cannabis as an inhalant does provide reliefs, in most people, but to obtain the needed levels of THC's and cannabinoids, so it is NOT the way to effectively battle cancer to cure. It is only obtainable through the ingestion of the oil straight, to obtain these parameters (especially if diag. terminal). The human body has what is called the endocannabinoid system (if your not familiar), everyone, every animal. Oil through the GI tract would be the most practical way to self administer as well (used as medicine) to reach aforementioned goals.

yes essentially you cannot inhale enough THC to induce the anti-mitogenic anti-angiogenic pro-apototic and homeostatic benefits...

in order to do so and attain the those health benefits it must be eaten... also decarboxylated (aged or heated) cannabinoids only bond the Cb1 and Cb2 receptor sites while raw non heated cannabinoids strictly bond to the GPR55 receptor, also you can eat an unlimited amounts of raw cannabinoids without getting any psychoactive effects making it possible to flood your body with cannabinoids while still being functional... as where heated cannabinoids and hash you can only consume so much before you become are wasted and non functional, though all of which are beneficial in large doses in treatment of cancer and many forms of auto immune diseases...

Please watch and spread these videos...

Doctors and politicians going into detail on the health benefits of cannabis and the social impacts, set aside a couple hours and put your nerd hat on...

Part one
you can skip the first nine minutes...

Part two

Happy 7


Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far

Thank you Happy 7 & Infinitesimal. Excellent info. Anyone else with first hand accounts, caregiver reports, or any questions, please feel free to post up. There is a lot of misconstrued information and depiction surrounding cannabis. Most people are not aware of the endocannabinoid system for example. This is information that has the weight, to bring a different light, to the REAL benefits and usefulness of this most shunned and misunderstood plant.



The endocannabinoid system refers to a group of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors that are involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory; it mediates the psychoactive effects of cannabis and, broadly speaking, includes:
The endogenous arachidonate-based lipids, anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamide, AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG); these are known as "endocannabinoids" and are physiological ligands for the cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoids are all eicosanoids.[1]
The enzymes that synthesize and degrade the endocannabinoids, such as fatty acid amide hydrolase or monoacylglycerol lipase.
The cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, two G protein-coupled receptors that are located in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
The endocannabinoid system has been studied using genetic and pharmacological methods. These studies have revealed that cannabinoids act as neuromodulators[2][3][4] for a variety of physiological processes, including motor learning,[5] synaptic plasticity,[6] appetite,[7] and pain sensation.[8]
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Why you CANNOT overdose from cannabis. Cannabis does not effect the medulla oblongata. Unlike just about every other substance, cannabis is MEANT to be utilized in humans internally, besides mentally. The nutrition benefits alone outweigh the slandered stereotypical, uneducated views bestowed upon it today.


i believe it.. kuz ive seen it with my own eyes.. a friends grandma..has been alive for the last 15 years.. but diagnosed 17 years ago.. with cancer.. they tried chemo. radiation.. and the chemo and radiation destroyed her body.. to the point were she has stomach problems.. eats and shits 10 mins later.. everything goes right threw her.. .. then after 2 years of hell .. and almost dieing. 5 times. shes been smoking weed.. drinking oils. and even has a topical cream for her athritis... this lady looks healthy and has seen no signs of cancer since the weed treatments.. the doctors are shocked.. and wanted to basicly put her in debt medically.. and then kill her off. its fuckd up system..
how did you make the 'straight oil' that cured the patients?

I've made a few versions. Iso, butane, and grain alcohol (freeze method). From my understandings Naptha is one of the best to use (haven't personally used though). But there are different kinds (need to check their MSDS'), as well as some states (med) do not allow it (Naptha) to be used in manufacturing oil. Go to Phoenixtears website and go to the "how to make oil" tab. They have a lot of good information on the subject.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Oh you just consume essential oil. Nice..

Actually, no.
Essential oil is not the same thing as extracted resin.

We are rinsing the resin glands from the flowers with a solvent.
We are not pressing an oil from the body of the plant.

Naphtha is a superior solvent but using it violates a federal patent.
(Think about that)


If you accept first person anecdotes.
I'm one.
So far. :)

I just recently went to full dosage 1.2g per day.
On half dosage my "doubling rate" slowed considerably.
I'll have another blood test in June.
That should show remission.
If so, you will all hear about it.
If not, you will hear that too.

What I would like is a follow-up on all the "cure" stories.
If any of you personally know of anyone who consumed 60g. of Simpson oil and subsequently succumbed to cancer, please post details.
Due to the nature of this illness declaring it cured proves little.
However, documented failure is definitive and can save a lot of grief.
IMO false-hope is not only cruel it's criminal.
It can kill people.

That's why I'm making no "cure" claims, yet.
Just documenting remission.
My friends glioblastoma is showing shrinkage of a nodule from 4mm. round, to 2 X 3mm.

" Previously noted 4-mm nodule of enhancement at the anterosuperior margin of the resection cavity s decreased in size, now measuring 2x3 mm. There is a new, interrupted and somewhat nodular enhancement a long the deep anterior margins of the resection cavity best seen on axial postcontrast images 19.20and 22 and coronal postcontrast image 26. A developmental venous anomaly is redemonstrated in the right frontal lobe.
Impression: New trace nodular enhancement at the deep anterior margins of the left parietal resection cavity and increased extent of t2 hyperintensity into the left frontal white matter, concerning for progression of disease"

Not great, not "cured", but much better than the conventional treatment results!

And, that was on half dosage!
(I was splitting my supply with him trying to stay under the legal growing limits.)
Now, thanks to the generosity of Graywolf and Skunkpharm, we are both able to go to full dosage.:thank you:

I'll post the next test results in June.

Mahalo nui loa for this thread T. of T.
Please be cautious though, this information will generate powerful waves.
Truth will always have opposition. :)

Oh you just consume essential oil. Nice..

@ pmoney: Weezard explained it to a tee.

@ Weezard: Thank you for your input, as well as your efforts to help document and publicize your personal findings on your unfortunate affliction. Perhaps my titling is quite open for skepticism, as well as to some out right unbelievable. The fact of the matter is: Cannabis oil causes Apoptosis ( to induce programmed cell death/ cancer cells), when enough levels of THC's and cannabinoids have flooded the target area. While without a doubt, there are cases where people have taken the oil to no avail. But we must remember it is not because cannabis doesn't work for everyone ( quite the contraire, as scientists have proven all human/animals have the endocannabinoid system that responds exclusively to cannabis). When people that have still taken the oil to no success, as well we must remember: Were they (patients) already subjected to "X" amount of duration and time to chemo/radiation treatments prior to cannabis oil treatment? ( Although a lot of cases the oil has prevailed through the prior poisonings) Were they given impure or inadequate medicine (oil)? Were they not taking faithfully taking the dosage required to combat cancer or whichever affliction had be bestowed upon them? Remember if cancer is the disease in question (or any acclerated stage of affliction) , it must be dealt within a timely matter. Montana Bio-tech and The SETH Group have documents, patient testimony, and the scientific data to back up their findings on cannabis' ability to "cure" cancer, through it's function of being apoptotic. I am a huge advocate of Rick Simpson, his work and dedication. But I have a wild theory. I am almost certain, if one would, at the minimum double or triple the 2 oz consumed recommendation, without a doubt, ANYTHING in the body of cancerous nature would be forced to assimilate to apoptosis at an accelerated rate if consumed within half the original recommended time frame. As well as perhaps most other imbalances or deficiencies would be auto corrected. As I said a wild theory, but I doubt I am to far off the truth. I hope the best for you on your journey. I look forward to hearing about your findings as well. Be well. Much love.
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Still Learning
I'm told that we all have the cancer 'cell' within us. in my parents families, the were a combined 25 kids. the majority of them died of some type of cancer. Is simpsons oil used preventitivly? Good thread, TOT, thanks.
I'm told that we all have the cancer 'cell' within us. in my parents families, the were a combined 25 kids. the majority of them died of some type of cancer. Is simpsons oil used preventitivly? Good thread, TOT, thanks.

Thank you Snook for stopping by and as well as your interest. As most American families, mine as well yours and everyone else's, we WILL without a doubt contract a cancerous related illness. I say contract, because cancer today is almost solely caused from the interactions of our environments, manipulations of our nutrition, and the consumption/use of inherently cancerous or cancer inducing materials. Disease is NOT hereditary. Some genes/dna in people can be more susceptible to affliction, but you are not born predetermined to develop a cancerous disease, or any other disease (although today's statistic's kind of argue that fact).
The age old adage: "You are what you eat". Is totally true. Or at the very least, "You are what you consume". If this were not true your diet wouldn't be so detrimental to having the proper homeostasis the human body requires in order to maintain a long and healthy life.
Snook watch this doc if you haven't already, watch it again even if you have :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4xejnsLwKE as well if you go to Phoenixtears website he explains the importance of the use of cannabis oil as well as Dr. Courtney (on juicing raw cannabis though), in the aid of preventive/proactive medicine. In my opinion 1-2 gr a day for preventive medicine (although this is what is recommended), and 4-6 gr a day if your trying to cure yourself of an affliction would be most optimum. (this dosage is of coarse a "worked up to" scheduling)
Hopefully the information that has been provided here, has been of use to some people. Hope all is well, with all. Much love.


New member
i can also add some small cents; we tried this phoenix tears solution too with my mother in law who had a very terrible bronchial carcinoma - she felt much better but then she received an "accidently" overdose of chemo (they assumed she could sustain more but they simple were wrong) from which she never recovered - passed away one month ago.

RIP mom

ps: we have seen into hell - ive seen the prices per chemo (more than 300k$/each) -
they just into moneymaking and dont want to help the people - even if thc/cbd cures - its not the holy grail which can prevent you from the serious damage of chemotherapy -
in the case of cancer we would rather try alternate ways than radiation/chemo which really really turned everything into the worst case scenario... (less than one year from diagnosis to funeral with 52 years and being healthy/sporty person....)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have had several people tell me they are alive because of giving them free sugar trim to make oils. It is the most rewarding thing I know how to do. Worth breaking federal law for sure. Fuck the feds. cure cancer.


New member
I have had several people tell me they are alive because of giving them free sugar trim to make oils. It is the most rewarding thing I know how to do. Worth breaking federal law for sure. Fuck the feds. cure cancer.

ive seen what chemos do to a body of a healthy and always sporty person who was a total case for 24/7 nursing care from one day to another - if the cancer wont kill you - the chemo will otherwise you're having a sort of cancer you can try to cure with oil anyway (my personal belief/new received way of life)

there are so many studies around confirming the results ;
even other stuff like reishi / shiitake mushrooms are used in asia for
cancer purposes - banned in modern european medicine...

cancer is nowadays most rewarding industry...

everbody should think for him self and not doing overhasty steps from which you will prolly never ever recover...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
One of the best if not the best complete list of Cannabis and it's cures is from "Granny Storm Crows" list in my signature. This is an amazing list of info on Cannabis and it's wonders.. Sorry to hear about your parents I can relate stay safe headband 707:)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
yes essentially you cannot inhale enough THC to induce the anti-mitogenic anti-angiogenic pro-apototic and homeostatic benefits...

in order to do so and attain the those health benefits it must be eaten... also decarboxylated (aged or heated) cannabinoids only bond the Cb1 and Cb2 receptor sites while raw non heated cannabinoids strictly bond to the GPR55 receptor, also you can eat an unlimited amounts of raw cannabinoids without getting any psychoactive effects making it possible to flood your body with cannabinoids while still being functional... as where heated cannabinoids and hash you can only consume so much before you become are wasted and non functional, though all of which are beneficial in large doses in treatment of cancer and many forms of auto immune diseases...

Please watch and spread these videos...

Doctors and politicians going into detail on the health benefits of cannabis and the social impacts, set aside a couple hours and put your nerd hat on...

Part one
you can skip the first nine minutes...

Part two

Okay well I'm going to have to strongly disagree with your statement here that you need to carbox the cannabis . I make cannabis in many forms some of these forms have no carbox and yes you get high . Perhaps a different type of high but what works on one person might not work on others. I have given my eatibles to many different ppl and always had different effects from each one. Although I do agree you might be able to go further by carbox there are still real benifits from raw cannabis. As far as cannabis for cancer I would have to say it depends on which cancer you have to be able to hon how to treat it with cannabis. Cannabis has already been proven to shrink tumor and even reduce them these are facts not some Gov bullshit that keeps being spread stay safe Headband 707:)


Grower for Life
i wonder how somebody can consume 4-6 grams of oil in a day, and not is walking around like a zombie.
i wonder how somebody can consume 4-6 grams of oil in a day, and not is walking around like a zombie.

As stated, that would be a "worked up to amount" within a wild theory. As well, you surly wouldn't down 4-6 gr at once. Through out the day (2-3 times) would be the scheduling. But as i said, a wild theory, but i doubt I'm to far from the truth. I've taken 3 gr in one sitting, and by no means was i zombie.